
Showing 55-56 of 56 results
EngineeringIcon ChevronMobile

Control Your Laptop with an Android Phone using Python, Twisted, and Django

By Martin Chikilian

It’s always fun to put your programming skills on display. A while back, I figured it’d be cool to try and control my laptop via my Android mobile device. Think about it: being able to play and pause music, start and stop programming jobs or downloads, etc., all by sending messages from your phone. Neat, huh?

6 minute readContinue Reading
EngineeringIcon ChevronFreelancing

How to Work Remotely and Still Be the Best

By Ryan Wilcox

Starting a new remote gig, be it a contract project or a full-time job, can be a little intimidating if you're used to going into an office day after day. But this style of employment is growing in popularity, with some very notable companies lending it their endorsements. I've worked remotely for years now on projects of various scales and durations. With this post, I hope to enumerate some of the best practices that I've picked up for working in a variety of situations. The advice here ranges from specific recommendations for software and hardware to tips for hitting your team's deadlines.

13 minute readContinue Reading

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