Big Data

Showing 10-16 of 16 results
EngineeringIcon ChevronData Science and Databases

Business Intelligence Platform: Tutorial Using MongoDB Aggregation Pipeline

By Avinash Kaza

In today’s data-driven world, researchers are busy answering interesting questions by churning through huge volumes of data. Some obvious challenges they face are due to the sheer size of the dataset they have to deal with. In this article, we take a peek at a simple business intelligence platform implemented on top of the MongoDB Aggregation Pipeline.

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EngineeringIcon ChevronBack-end

Full Text Search of Dialogues with Apache Lucene: A Tutorial

By Doug Sparling

Apache Lucene is a powerful Java library used for implementing full-text search on a corpus of text. With its wide array of configuration options and customizability, it is possible to tune Apache Lucene specifically to the corpus at hand - improving both search quality and query capability. This article gives us a glimpse of the simplicity and ease of customization of the Apache Lucene analysis pipeline.

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EngineeringIcon ChevronData Science and Databases

Introduction to Apache Spark With Examples and Use Cases

By Radek Ostrowski

In this post, Toptal engineer Radek Ostrowski introduces Apache Spark—fast, easy-to-use, and flexible big data processing. Billed as offering "lightning fast cluster computing", the Spark technology stack incorporates a comprehensive set of capabilities, including SparkSQL, Spark Streaming, MLlib (for machine learning), and GraphX. Spark may very well be the "child prodigy of big data," rapidly gaining a dominant position in the complex world of big data processing.

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EngineeringIcon ChevronBack-end

Logstash Tutorial: Using Logstash to Streamline Email Notifications

By Jurgens du Toit

Toptal engineer Jurgens du Toit looks at the possibility of using Logstash to regain control of your inbox and make your error emails manageable again, all without changing a single thing in your app. Logstash can effectively leverage the power of Elasticsearch and Amazon SNS to streamline email notifications and save time.

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EngineeringIcon ChevronBack-end

Building Business Rules Engines with Drools - Power to the SMEople

By Jeff Marin

A business rules engine is a tool for executing business rules. Business rules are composed of facts and conditional statements. Any “if-then” statement that appears in traditional business logic qualifies as a business rule.

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EngineeringIcon ChevronData Science and Databases

Blockchain Technology Explained: Powering Bitcoin

By Nermin Hajdarbegovic

Bitcoin blockchain is the backbone of the network and provides a tamper-proof data structure, providing a shared public ledger open to all. This article provides insight in blockchain technology, current status and its potential.

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EngineeringIcon ChevronData Science and Databases

A Machine Learning Tutorial With Examples: An Introduction to ML Theory and Its Applications

By Nick McCrea

This Machine Learning tutorial introduces the basics of ML theory, laying down the common themes and concepts, making it easy to follow the logic and get comfortable with the topic.

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