
Showing 10-18 of 23 results
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Working with ESP32 Audio Sampling

By Ivan Voras, PhD

The successor of the revolutionary ESP8266, the ESP32 is a next-generation microcontroller. Find out how to sample its analog-to-digital converter (ADC) from a timer interrupt using the Arduino IDE.

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Object Detection Using OpenCV and Swift

By Josip Bernat

Swift is great, but what if your application relies on a library that’s written using C++? Luckily Objective-C++ is here to save the day. In this article, Toptal Freelance Swift Developer Josip Bernat integrates C++ code with Swift by using wrapper classes as a bridge and then creates an app that recognizes the Toptal logo using OpenCV.

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The Missing Article About Qt Multithreading in C++

By Andrei Smirnov

C++ developers strive to build robust multithreaded applications, but multithreading was never an easy thing to do. In this article, Toptal Freelance Qt Developer Andrei Smirnov talks about several scenarios exploring concurrent programming with the Qt framework.

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Haxe: Cross-platform Development’s Best-kept Secret

By Kevin Bloch

The modern, cross-platform programming language Haxe is well-known in some circles, yet many developers have never heard of it. Since it first appeared in 2005, it's been battle-tested by its loyal—if rather quiet—following. In this article, Toptal Freelance Software Engineer Kevin Bloch explores the Haxe ecosystem and how to transpile some sample code.

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A Vital Guide to Qmake

By Andrei Smirnov

Qmake is a build system tool shipped with Qt library that simplifies the build process across different platforms. In this guide, Freelance Qt Developer Andrei Smirnov describes the most useful qmake features and provides real-world examples for each of them.

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How C++ Works: Understanding Compilation

By Daniel Munoz

Compilation and linking are two fundamental processes during C++ development. But how exactly do they work? Discover how C++ compilers operate, including basic language constructs and common mistakes to avoid.

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The Best Way to Learn C++ and C Programming

By The Toptal Research Team

C is often called a middle-level computer language since it combines the elements of high-level languages with the functionalism of assembly language. C++ is an enhanced version of the C language, which adds support for object-oriented programming.

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How to Get Rounded Corner Shapes in C++ Using Bezier Curves and QPainter: A Step-by-Step Guide

By Bojan Kverh

The current trend in graphic design is to use a lot of rounded corners in all sorts of shapes. We can observe this on many web pages, mobile devices, and desktop applications, as rounded corners make the user interface feel smoother and nicer. However, what if we have to generate rounded corners on the fly, and we cannot preload it from an image? In this article, Toptal Freelance Software Engineer Bojan Kverh guides us in a step-by-step tutorial on how to develop a simple class in C++ that can turn a complex polygon into a shape with rounded corners using Bezier curves and QPainter.

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Eliminating the Garbage Collector: The RAII Way

By Peter Goodspeed-Niklaus

Manual memory management is a nightmare that programmers have been inventing ways to avoid since the invention of the compiler. Programming languages with garbage collectors make life easier, but at the cost of performance. In this article, Toptal engineer Peter Goodspeed-Niklaus gives us a peek into the history of garbage collectors and explains how notions of ownership and borrowing can help eliminate garbage collectors without compromising their safety guarantees.

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