Showing 28-36 of 38 results
EngineeringIcon ChevronTechnology

Electron: Cross-platform Desktop Apps Made Easy

By Stéphane P. Péricat

Building cross-platform desktop applications has been something of a nightmare for a very long time, as extreme differences between popular desktop operating systems makes it a challenging feat. However, in light of newer tools and frameworks like Electron, building a cross-platform desktop application has never been easier. In this article, Toptal engineer Stéphane P. Péricat walks us through a step-by-step tutorial to building a cross-platform password key-ring desktop application using technologies that most of us are already familiar with.

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EngineeringIcon ChevronWeb Front-end

What Is Bootstrap? Effortless Responsive Sites With Bootstrap Web Development

By Tomislav Bacinger

You've heard of Bootstrap, but what is Bootstrap, exactly? A powerful collection of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript tools, it makes responsive web development easy. Get started with the basics of Bootstrap.

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EngineeringIcon ChevronWeb Front-end

Speeding up Application Development With Bootstrap

By Lijana Saniukaite

Bootstrap, one of the most used HTML/CSS/JavaScript front-end frameworks, offers a little more than just fancy customizable user interface elements. It provides a great starting point for many types of projects, a plethora of components, and many nifty styles predefined for responsive layout and utility classes to help keep your HTML and CSS code clean. In this article, Toptal designer Lijana Saniukaite walks us through some practical Bootstrap tips and best practices to speed up your application development.

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EngineeringIcon ChevronWeb Front-end

Sass Style Guide: A Sass Tutorial on How to Write Better CSS Code

By Matias Hernandez

When working on big web applications as a team with other developers, code needs to be scalable and readable. This can be a challenging process when it comes to CSS, although preprocessors like Sass are available. But only using preprocessors will only get you so far. In this article, Toptal engineer Matias Hernandez presents a style guide with advice on how to improve the way you write your code.

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EngineeringIcon ChevronTechnology

Embracing Sass: Why You Should Stop Using Vanilla CSS

By Marcelo Mazza

CSS preprocessors have been around for quite a while now. These tools, among many things, promise convenience in writing style sheets for the web. However, not everyone is taking advantage of these utilities, and is still resorting to writing vanilla CSS. In this article, Toptal engineer Marcelo Mazza discusses some of the reasons why he thinks Sass is the way to go and why you should be using it in your projects.

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EngineeringIcon ChevronWeb Front-end

Responsive Design Is Not Enough, We Need Responsive Performance

By Vedran Aberle Tokić

Between square inch smart wristwatches and mammoth smart TVs, a responsive website capable of adapting to a wide array of screen sizes and device capabilities is something no one complains about. However, many websites are still plagued by desktop-first design paradigms, or mobile-first paradigms with absolutely no focus on performance. These traditional approaches to responsive web design have various shortcomings. Fortunately, some simple ideas can help solve these problems.

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EngineeringIcon ChevronWeb Front-end

CSS Layout Tutorial: From Classic Approaches to the Latest Techniques

By Laureano Martin Arcanio

Mastering CSS is an absolute necessity for any solid web designer or developer. This tutorial walks you through the fundamentals of CSS layout principles, from classic CSS2 techniques to the latest approaches in CSS3. Learn more about how to leverage all that CSS has to offer in order to optimize both the user’s experience and the quality of your code.

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EngineeringIcon ChevronWeb Front-end

Getting Started with Modules and Modular Front-End Development

By Bojan Janjanin

For some people, front-end design and development can sometimes start to seem like a chore, and can be monotonous and time consuming. Through a modular design approach, it is possible to both save time and streamline the design and development process.

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EngineeringIcon ChevronWeb Front-end

The 10 Most Common Bootstrap Mistakes That Developers Make

By Tomislav Bacinger

Bootstrap is a powerful toolkit. It comes bundled with basic HTML and CSS design templates that include many common UI components. Most of the important pitfalls are mentioned in the Bootstrap documentation, but still some mistakes are pretty subtle, or have ambiguous causes. This article outlines some of the most common mistakes, problems, and misconceptions when using Bootstrap.

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