How often do you use your desktop computer and enjoy a well-structured web design, swiftness of page download, a convenience of site functionality? There is no doubt, you know what it feels like. However, do you still relish while visiting the same website on your mobile phone or tablet? How irritating it can be when the web page slicing is creepy, the text turns out to be unreadable and to make it even worse, some features give up to function at all.
Thus, you understand that these inconveniences drive web visitors back and they are more likely to choose the competitors who have bothered themselves about mobile usability. Here, the importance of mobile friendly web design goes beyond all doubt.
Taking into account that 80% of the world’s population has a mobile phone it’s unjustifiable to ignore this tool.
To adjust a mobile friendly web design and handle its traffic one has 4 approaches:
1. Responsive web design – responds to the size of a browser by adjusting the content of the website to smoothly fit in the space available (for ex.:;
2. Adaptive web design – adjust the website content on the basis of the previously screen-size set. An adaptive website is usually designed for 6 common screen resolutions (widths): 320, 480, 760, 960, 1200, 1600. (for ex.: our website;
3. Separate mobile site – usually hosted on a subdomain (for ex.: or subfolder (for ex.:, but still can use the same URL as the desktop site;
4. App – separately designed for a company app in accordance with iPhone, iPad, Android, or Windows mobile version (for ex.: FB).
The choice of any approach can be determined by a property of various resources like time, money, staff proficiency and others. Thus, it is very important to consider the mobile usability testing and track the mobile marketing strategy you’re implementing.
If you still need a stop to consider the necessity of a mobile friendly web design, remember a Google algorithm update of April 21, 2015 – Mobilegeddon. This upgrade decreases the search engine results page (on mobile devices) of the websites assessed not mobile-friendly. It means that searchers are more likely to find high-quality, readable and high-functional sites instead of the pages with shifted content, long-time download, and poorly-designed tap targets.
As it’s already mentioned earlier, flexible sites can suffer a lot when it comes to site speed. If the web page is poorly performed, then searchers could run out of patience waiting for the information and abandon the page if it takes more than 5 sec to download. To check if your website speed is mobile friendly you can using a free tool: Website Speed Do testing or consulting in order to implement some PageSpeed tools to increase your mobile usability and functional attractiveness.
Mobile friendly web design does not only make your website more pleasant to the eye but makes it flexible for any equipment, i.e. not only mobile or tablet, but also for a game console, run track of other progressive devices. It means that your company and your business are available anytime and anywhere that undoubtedly increases your market presence.
Besides, the common mobile and desktop URL makes it much easier to analyze the site usability and promote its search results.
In the end, it is important to stay abreast with the progress. Your clients, partners and customers are not too picky when it comes to the device they use to get information. And quite frequently, in order to be in touch with the fast and convenient flow of info they pick pockets and bags in search of their mobile phones. Hence, today it is more a must than a necessity to deliver your website across all devices, considering special attention to portable devices nowadays. Take it not as a lecture but as a friendly advice from one professional to another. Be mobile friendly!