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Software Trends of 2016 Set to Influence Product Development

19.09.2016 Vasiliy Solovey
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Software Trends of 2016 Set to Influence Product Development

It is rather obvious that we are moving towards a digital economy by leaps and bounds. Digital constituted 22% of the world’s economy in 2015, and it is set to rise to 25% by 2020. For the people of business this means there is a huge segment of economy to be supplied with quality products.

In a digital economy, we rely on what is trending in software development to learn what the demands of the market are and will be. So, what are the most up-to-date tendencies in 2016? What should we be expecting, and how should we adjust our product development to learn what the demands of the market are and will be. So, what are the most up-to-date tendencies in 2016? What should we beto expecting, and how are should we supposed to adjust our product development to lead the van? Let’s have a look.

5 Most Important Software Development Trends of 2016

It is clear today that some of the trends of the previous years have determined where we are now as product developers. For example, we work a lot with the cloud, use mobile data widely, and have become accustomed to outsourcing teams of specialists as required.

Globalization, innovation and the growing complexity of literally all systems are influencing how the software business is developing and what determines its priorities. Software development responds to new challenges by getting more complex, more life-critical, and more connected. There are 5 major software trends that every software product developer and product owner has to know about. Keeping them in mind is a way to decide how to work to make sure your products are the best.

1. Data-driven development

Since nowadays data collection is omnipresent, it is important to learn how to work with data properly. This means, instead of asking yourself “do we have to be measuring here?” you rather have to ask: “what data is of the highest importance for us?” Data is very actionable: it helps us to make decisions and improve our services and products by offering insights on product development. Well-analyzed data is there to help us stay focused on what is really important and what best suits our aims.

2. Customer-centric development

Unfortunately, data on its own is not a magic elixir for business. One of the most important trends in product development today is making a human-being, in other words – a customer, the center of the whole new product development process. While data allows you to quantify anything, in order to humanize something you will need to communicate with your actual customers, not with numbers. Although following data seems easier than asking real humans about their experiences with your product, it is worth going the extra mile. Research shows that customer-centric businesses are more than 50% more profitable than their non-customer-centric competitors. Listening to actual people means thinking about what a customer will try to accomplish with our product, why it will be used, and what problems our product is All this information can already be gathered during the early stages of the software development life cycle, which also makes your product more open to change.

3. Growing popularity of Agile

The Agile methodology as a whole and methods related to it, in particular, are not exactly new, but anno 2016 they are becoming more and more popular. If a couple of years ago Agile was more of a methodology for engineering teams, today we are experiencing the rise of agile product development. Big companies are implementing Agile techniques for both small and large projects, and the reasons for this are simple. Agile is productive, flexible, it helps to measure successes quickly, and it is enjoyable to work with.

4. More demand for transparency

The idea of sharing information about what your company is currently working on is gathering more and more steam. Keeping product plans a secret is no longer a mainstream for several reasons. First of all, revealing some of your ideas motivates customers to share their ideas with you, and software developers can surely use some feedback on the early stages of designing a product. Secondly, customers are more likely to purchase an early version of a product, because this way they are not only buying features, but also the promise of something better that is still to come. Finally, thanks to more feedback, transparency helps you to fix problems that occur right down the line. Here is certainly no need to get fanatic about transparency either: it is enough to reveal a little something that will help create credibility and demand for the new project.

5. Working with dedicated teams

There’s no doubt about it, we live in the era of outsourcing. At the same time, companies are looking for more sustainable partnerships in this area. The thing is, while outsourcing helps in cutting the costs of software development, it is also important for businesses to work with someone who offers dedicated development services so that projects get the opportunity to develop further and grow better. Another interesting fact is that Eastern Europe is trending in providing markets with dedicated teams of software developers. For example, Georgian, or Polish IT outsourcing markets have constantly been growing over the past few years as they offer highly educated specialists with reasonable prices and tax privileges for companies located in the EU and the USA.


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