
Showing 10-16 of 16 results
DesignIcon ChevronUI Design

Following Trends: Homage vs. Design Plagiarism

By Cameron Chapman

When looking for inspiration, designers should consider what they can add to the work of others. Where can they make it better? More useful? More elegant? More efficient?

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DesignIcon ChevronMobile Design

How to Use Powerful Gestalt Principles in Design (with Infographic)

By Miklos Philips

Gestalt’s guiding principle, that our minds tend to perceive objects as part of a greater whole, is a very useful and powerful design technique [includes infographic].

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DesignIcon ChevronUI Design

Data Visualization: Best Practices and Foundations

By Mayra Magalhaes Gomes

Data visualization is a coherent way to visually communicate quantitative content. Depending on its attributes, data may be represented in different ways, such as line graphs and scatter plots.

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DesignIcon ChevronUI Design

Typeface Styles for Web and Print Design

By Cameron Chapman

No matter what design discipline you are working in—whether it’s visual design, UX, or traditional print—typefaces are essential elements of virtually every bit of design produced.

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DesignIcon ChevronUI Design

UI Design Best Practices and Common Mistakes

By Micah Bowers

The most progressive and interesting designers steer clear of visually stale design solutions and ditch restrictive rules by learning UI design best practices and avoiding common design mistakes. 🔊

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DesignIcon ChevronTools and Tutorials

Master Hot Design Trends with These Photoshop Tutorials

By Miklos Philips

Visual design experiments often become popular design trends and suddenly they are seen everywhere. Here are a number of hot graphic design trends and some of the top tutorials on how to create them.

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DesignIcon ChevronTools and Tutorials

The Ultimate List of 50 of the Best Sketch Plugins

By Wojciech Dobry

Designers love Sketch for its simplicity. They love it thanks to its plugins, which add numerous features. Here are 50 of the very best plugins for Sketch.

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