
Showing 10-18 of 20 results
DesignIcon ChevronUI Design

Adobe XD vs. Sketch – Which UX Tool Is Right for You?

By Sérgio Estrella

After years without a dedicated UX tool and the space owned by Sketch, InVision, and Figma, Adobe started developing XD. Let's look at XD and how it compares with Sketch, the market’s dominant choice.

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DesignIcon ChevronUI Design

Designing for Interactive Environments and Smart Spaces

By Jamie Teresuk

Designing past mobile or desktop interaction boundaries and into the physical world opens up possibilities to create immersive environmental experiences.

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DesignIcon ChevronUX Design

Boost Your UX With These Successful Interaction Design Principles

By Miklos Philips

Interaction design principles form the bedrock of awesome UX. Truly great interaction design relies on a set of conventions, standards, best practices and rules-of-thumb.

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DesignIcon ChevronUX Design

Why Startups Need a Styleguide

By Benoît Chabert

The top five reasons why creating a styleguide early is especially important for startups in spite of the inherent challenges.

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DesignIcon ChevronUX Design

The End of Web Forms

By Miklos Philips

Reflections on the disappearance of web forms. How mobile biometrics could unlock a personal data vault that provides what’s necessary, killing forms entirely.

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DesignIcon ChevronUX Design

Persuasive Design: Using Advanced Psychology Effectively

By Bronwen Rees

Persuasive design isn’t evil. It’s a tool, and like any tool, it can be misused. However, with the right research and thoughtful application, it can be a valuable addition to any designer’s toolkit.

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DesignIcon ChevronUX Design

A Rant Against Pretty App Designs

By Miklos Philips

Some designers make the mistake of designing products for their own vanity, focusing on the veneer instead of designing great UX. But designing for usability and delight brings greater benefits.

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DesignIcon ChevronTools and Tutorials

How to Create Custom Loading Animations to Decrease Bounce Rates

By Tidjane Tall

Nobody likes staring at an empty screen while content loads. A well-crafted animation helps people stay engaged while they wait. This tutorial will show how loading animations can be done with ease.

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DesignIcon ChevronTools and Tutorials

10 Videos All Designers Should Watch

By Bree Chapin

From the great industrial designer Dieter Rams explaining his principle of design to Adam Grant discussing the habits of original thinkers, we’ve curated a list of our favorite design videos.

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