
Showing 73-81 of 100 results
DesignIcon ChevronUX Design

Exploring the Gestalt Principles of Design

By Cameron Chapman

Gestalt principles are an important set of ideas for any designer to learn and their implementation can greatly improve the aesthetics of a design as well as its functionality and user-friendliness. 🔊

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DesignIcon ChevronUX Design

Design Psychology and the Neuroscience of Awesome UX

By Miklos Philips

Human cognition is complex, and many factors play into instant impressions. Design psychology is coming to the forefront as more and more companies are using neuroscience to design better user experiences. 🔊

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DesignIcon ChevronUX Design

The Comprehensive Guide to Information Architecture

By James Pikover

As a standard part of the UX process, designers create information architecture when building products. Learn about information architecture—how designers and product managers build an IA using design principles, as well as IA tools and best practices.

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DesignIcon ChevronDesign Process

Creativity Exercises to Boost Your Designs

By Bree Chapin

Here are a few exercises that can help get your creative juices flowing, whether you’re trying to get started on a new project or find yourself stuck in a creative rut.

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DesignIcon ChevronUX Design

The Ultimate UX Hook : Anticipatory, Persuasive, and Emotional Design in UX

By Miklos Philips

Some products prove irresistible because they combine psychological design techniques that create an ultimate UX hook: anticipatory, persuasive, and emotional design.

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DesignIcon ChevronBrand Design

E-commerce UX: Essential Design Strategies and Principles

By Stan Prysiazhniuk

E-commerce sales are expected to more than double by 2021. E-commerce retailers and designers who pay close attention to user experience and follow e-commerce UX design principles can capitalize on this growth.

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DesignIcon ChevronDesign Process

Collaborative Design: A Guide to Successful Enterprise Product Design

By Andi Omtvedt

For designers, working in enterprise is a challenge because of all the different stakeholders and moving parts. This guide reviews the collaborative design process for working better in that environment.

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DesignIcon ChevronUX Design

The Value of Design Thinking in Business

By James Pikover

Product innovation happens at the intersection of desirability, business viability, and technological feasibility. Design thinking—with a proven ROI—integrates all three and delivers business value.

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DesignIcon ChevronUX Design

Mastering Fintech UX: A Design Case Study

By Tejas Bhatt

New fintech apps are changing how we see our investment goals and interact with financial institutions. This article reviews best practices for building trust without sacrificing fun or usability.

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