Showing 37-45 of 184 results
DesignIcon ChevronUX Design

Design Constraints Are Not Restraints, They Stoke Creativity

By Micah Bowers

Design constraints are clues. They help designers triangulate between the problems, resources, and criteria inherent in every project and prevent precious time wasted on extraneous design ideas.

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DesignIcon ChevronUX Design

How to Prevent Feature Creep with User Story Best Practices

By Florence Dairo

Designers should not rely on user stories alone to prevent feature creep. However, working with them provides the critical measurements designers need to deliver products with great user experiences.

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DesignIcon ChevronUX Design

Safe and Sound: How to Approach Password UX

By Mayank Sharma

For too long, the user experience of password management has been ignored, leading to serious losses for businesses and users alike. It’s time for designers to rethink every aspect of password UX.

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DesignIcon ChevronTools and Tutorials

Stay Sharp: How to Boost Creativity When Work Subsides

By Danny Rubyono

Freelance design contracts aren’t guaranteed. We confront this reality head-on by showing freelancers how to boost creativity and maintain positivity, even when paying jobs dry up.

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DesignIcon ChevronUX Design

Living His Best Life: David Nuff’s Inspiring Freelance Success Story

By Miklos Philips

If we could design our best life, what would it entail? What would our freelance success story look like? Hear firsthand and get advice from someone who has designed their career and thrived.

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DesignIcon ChevronUX Design

Give Them Incentive: How to Leverage a Loyalty Program Design Framework

By Astha Agarwal

In 2019, India’s largest airline went bankrupt, and its frequent flyers switched to a new platform. We examine the loyalty program design for InterMiles, a rewards platform focused on lifestyles.

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DesignIcon ChevronUI Design

Lines of Communication: A Typeface History (With Infographic)

By Cameron Chapman

Typeface evolution has been slower than other areas of design but looking back over the past 500+ years shows staggering advancements, from the invention of the printing press to variable web fonts.

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DesignIcon ChevronUX Design

The Past Is Still Present: An Overview of Timeless Design

By Damir Kotorić

Will there ever be a digital equivalent to the ageless wonders of industrial design? We share examples of timeless design and detail how designers can ensure digital relevancy for decades to come.

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DesignIcon ChevronUX Design

Accessible Design vs. Inclusive Design (With Infographic)

By Cameron Chapman

Stepping away from preconceived notions about “typical” users through an inclusive design process allows designers to create digital products that are user-friendly to the widest range of people.

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