Showing 10-18 of 260 results
DesignIcon ChevronDesigner Life

AI in Design: Experts Discuss Practical Applications, Ethics, and What’s Coming Next

By Darrell Estabrook

In this wide-ranging Q&A, two Toptal designers delve into the influence of generative AI on design and its implications for creative thinking, user research, and entry-level designers.

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DesignIcon ChevronUX Design

Swipe Right: 3 Ways to Boost Safety in Dating App Design

By Kate Margolis

Designers can create safer dating app UX through robust ID verification methods, reporting tools, and design features that clarify consent.

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DesignIcon ChevronUI Design

Designing for Tomorrow: Addressing UI Challenges in Emerging Interfaces (With Infographic)

By Christopher Holloway

Seasoned design experts offer insights into the latest UI trends—and provide tips for overcoming design challenges for emerging interfaces like augmented and virtual reality, voice and gesture control, and haptic feedback.

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DesignIcon ChevronUX Design

The Ultimate UX Guide for Designers and Organizations

By Stewart Pressney

This comprehensive UX guide provides helpful tips, insights, and resources for aspiring creatives, seasoned designers, and business leaders who want to understand how user experience design can strengthen their organization.

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DesignIcon ChevronUX Design

Advance Your Organization’s UX Maturity With User Personas

By Florence Dairo

User personas help companies increase UX maturity and establish more effective design practices—improvements that may grow revenue and create positive ripple effects across organizations.

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DesignIcon ChevronDesign Process

5 Signs Your Product Strategy Is Broken—and How Designers Can Help Fix It

By Christian Adolphus

A good product strategy aligns team efforts, cuts costs, and encourages long-lasting conflict resolution. Three Toptal product design experts discuss how product strategies get derailed and what designers can do to help get things back on track.

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DesignIcon ChevronUX Design

Shopping for Apparel in an Online World: UI/UX Design for Virtual Clothing Try-on

By Laurence Brothers

How is technology changing the way people shop for clothes? Designers explain how to use AR and VR to drive conversions and minimize returns.

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DesignIcon ChevronUX Design

Play Is the Point: How UX Designers Can Break Into the Gaming Industry

By Pam Nicholls

There are many ways for game UX designers to break into this multibillion-dollar industry. Using her 14 years of video game UX expertise, designer Pam Nicholls shares how.

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DesignIcon ChevronUX Design

Can Designers Make the Metaverse Less Awkward?

By Pam Nicholls

UX designer Pam Nicholls has created video games and augmented reality experiences for companies like Electronic Arts, Ubisoft, and DreamWorks Animation. Here she explores designing for the metaverse and reveals innovative ways to make the user experience more intuitive and accessible.

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