Showing 55-63 of 260 results
DesignIcon ChevronUX Design

Innovate with Purpose: An Overview of the Jobs to Be Done Framework

By Zbignev Gecis

Companies succeed because they offer products that people find irresistible, but what compels customers to buy? The Jobs to Be Done framework identifies the unmet desires that motivate all purchases.

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DesignIcon ChevronUX Design

Numbers Shouldn't Lie: An Overview of Common Data Visualization Mistakes

By Micah Bowers

When designers prioritize compelling imagery over accuracy, data visualizations deceive. To communicate data with integrity, designers must avoid common data visualization mistakes.

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DesignIcon ChevronUX Design

Information Architecture Principles for Mobile (With Infographic)

By Micah Bowers

By applying information architecture principles to mobile sites and apps, designers infuse content with much-needed structure and help users accomplish their goals with ease.

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DesignIcon ChevronUX Design

Compelling and Moving: A Guide to Motion Design Principles

By Micah Bowers

If interface elements fail to exhibit motion design principles, the results are jarring. In UX design, motion is more than a garnish. It is a force that extends the reach of visual communication.

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DesignIcon ChevronUX Design

Evolving UX: Experimental Product Design with a CXO

By Miklos Philips

Chris Gibbins, chief experience officer (CXO) at Creative CX, explains how design experimentation can help businesses deliver better products, boost conversion, and increase revenue.

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DesignIcon ChevronUX Design

What Not to Do: The Beauty of Bad Product Design (with Infographic)

By Micah Bowers

Jacques Carelman’s bad product design was wonderfully absurd, but he wasn’t interested in humor for humor’s sake. We’re showcasing an infographic of his wildest inventions.

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DesignIcon ChevronUX Design

Design Constraints Are Not Restraints, They Stoke Creativity

By Micah Bowers

Design constraints are clues. They help designers triangulate between the problems, resources, and criteria inherent in every project and prevent precious time wasted on extraneous design ideas.

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DesignIcon ChevronUX Design

How to Prevent Feature Creep with User Story Best Practices

By Florence Dairo

Designers should not rely on user stories alone to prevent feature creep. However, working with them provides the critical measurements designers need to deliver products with great user experiences.

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Safe and Sound: How to Approach Password UX

By Mayank Sharma

For too long, the user experience of password management has been ignored, leading to serious losses for businesses and users alike. It’s time for designers to rethink every aspect of password UX.

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