
Showing 10-18 of 30 results
DesignIcon ChevronUX Design

Give Them Incentive: How to Leverage a Loyalty Program Design Framework

By Astha Agarwal

In 2019, India’s largest airline went bankrupt, and its frequent flyers switched to a new platform. We examine the loyalty program design for InterMiles, a rewards platform focused on lifestyles.

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DesignIcon ChevronUX Design

Solutions, Not Art – The True Business Value of Design

By Andres Esquivel

Designers who focus on the business value of design will make themselves more indispensable to companies because businesses aren’t buying design; they are buying outcomes.

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DesignIcon ChevronUI Design

Prominent Design Conferences 2020

By Miklos Philips

Even the sharpest designers need to explore new ideas, learn about new techniques, and draw inspiration from other creatives to stay on top. We present a list of the most prominent design conferences to consider attending in 2020.

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DesignIcon ChevronUX Design

How to Design Landing Pages That Convert

By Bree Chapin

There are millions of sites out there vying for attention and engagement. High-converting landing pages convert visitors into leads and help businesses reach their marketing and growth objectives.

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DesignIcon ChevronUX Design

Web Animation in the Post-Flash Era

By Ana Gregurec

Modern web animation technology has matured significantly. However, designers should tread carefully and only add animation to a website if it meaningfully enhances the user experience.

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Looking at Ro-Lu: A Usability Case Study

By Darko Stanimirović

How do designers balance a website’s originality with its user-friendliness? Do they retreat to the safety of what is acceptable and risk the design falling flat, or implement a risky but unique design?

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DesignIcon ChevronUX Design

Design’s Driving Forces: A Website Redesign Case Study

By Goran Ramljak

When is the most appropriate time to do a website redesign? This case study walks us through a website redesign for a high-end auto company and outlines key issues along the way.

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DesignIcon ChevronDesign Process

New Web Order: An Overview of Content-first Design

By Robert Suckley

Designers do not simply decorate, they create an experience of moving through content. There are various strategies available that align the client and team in creating content that will result in better designs.

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DesignIcon ChevronUI Design

UI Design Best Practices for Better Scannability

By Nemanja Banjanin

Scannability is often an overlooked usability factor, but it is one of the most impactful. These UI design tips make it easy for designers to convert a brief visitor to a long-lasting user.

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