
Showing 1-9 of 13 results


Kotlin vs. Java: All-purpose Uses and Android Apps

Kotlin and Java are two powerful general-purpose languages popular for Android and beyond. We’ll discuss their top features and differences, then focus on how to smoothly transition between the two.

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Gabe Giro

Gabe Giro

Cabin Fever Coding: A Node.js Back-end Tutorial

Missing the luxury of a good, old-fashioned remote control when the laptop is beyond easy reach? Transform your old smartphone into a remote and learn some basic Node.js/Express/Pug along the way.

16 minute readContinue Reading
Kevin Bloch

Kevin Bloch

Make Your App Profitable, Part 2 – Harnessing the Mobile Funnel

Subscription-based apps need a special approach when it comes to analytics. Learn how a variation on the traditional sales funnel helps you work with LTV, subscriber retention, and churn rates to make your app better—and more profitable.

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Matthew Knippen

Matthew Knippen

Make Your App Profitable: Leverage Mobile Analytics

Building a mobile app isn’t cheap—and the harsh reality is that most apps fail. Find out how to leverage fundamental analytics metrics to make sure your app actually turns a profit.

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Matthew Knippen

Matthew Knippen

Cordova Frameworks: Ionic vs. Framework7

Hybrid mobile apps may have their limitations, but often it’s well worth the boost in cross-platform consistency and development speed. Apps made with Apache Cordova in particular can further leverage existing web developer skills through the use of Cordova frameworks. This tutorial compares Ionic with Framework7.

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Alexander Zinchuk

Alexander Zinchuk

Exploring the Business Benefits of SharePoint

Many businesses use SharePoint but use it poorly. Restructuring and re-education are the keys to getting the most out of SharePoint. In this article, Toptal Freelance SharePoint Developer Anthony Lucidi explores how features like metadata tags, SharePoint workflows, and PowerApps can make a world of difference.

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Anthony Lucidi

Anthony Lucidi

Apache Cordova Tutorial: Developing Mobile Applications with Cordova

Mobile applications are creeping in. Developing for each mobile platform can be an exhaustive task, especially if resources are limited. This is where Apache Cordova comes in handy by providing a way to develop mobile applications using standard web technologies - HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. This article explores how one can get started with Apache Cordova and build mobile applications targeted at a wide range of mobile devices.

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Filip Petkovski

Filip Petkovski

Xamarin Forms, MVVMCross, and SkiaSharp: The Holy Trinity of Cross-Platform App Development

Developing a mobile app for multiple platforms can be quite costly. Implementing the same functionalities in multiple programming languages and dealing with a plethora of unique libraries for each platform requires a massive amount of time and knowledge.

In this article, Toptal Freelance Software Engineer Sylvain Gravel talks about Xamarin and its companion technologies that let you build mobile applications for multiple platforms without compromising familiarity, performance, and uniqueness.

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Sylvain Gravel

Sylvain Gravel

The Duel: React Native vs. Cordova

As a result of smartphones and mobile applications becoming so popular, web developers have been looking for ways to create mobile applications using JavaScript. This increased demand has led to the development of many JavaScript frameworks capable of running native-like applications on mobile devices.

In this article, Toptal Freelance Software Engineer Johannes Stein compares the current two most popular choices for mobile-oriented JavaScript frameworks, Cordova and React Native. Examining their advantages and pitfalls, he dives into details of each and compares them across different disciplines.

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Johannes Stein

Johannes Stein

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