
Showing 19-22 of 22 results
EngineeringIcon ChevronFreelancing

Software Development Anywhere: My Distributed Remote Workplace

By Ivan Voras, PhD

Working as a remote software development freelancer has many benefits, but setting up an effective distributed working environment can be a real challenge. In this article, Toptal Engineer Ivan Voras describes how he leverages SSH and a number of related technologies, along with the Raspberry Pi and ownCloud, to be able to work effectively from anywhere.

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EngineeringIcon ChevronBack-end

Getting Started With Docker: Simplifying DevOps

By Radek Ostrowski

Docker, an open source tool, has changed the way we think about deploying applications to servers. By leveraging some amazing resource isolation features of the Linux kernel, Docker makes it possible to easily isolate server applications into containers, control resource allocation, and design simpler deployment pipelines. Moreover, Docker enables all of this without the additional overhead of full-fledged virtual machines.

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EngineeringIcon ChevronWeb Front-end

Deploy Web Applications Automatically Using GitHub Webhooks

By Mahmud Ridwan

Deploying instances of a web application to one or more servers manually can often be a monotonous process, and take up a significant amount of your time. With little effort, it is possible to automate the process of deploying your web application with almost zero human intervention. This article outlines a simple approach to automating web application deployments using GitHub webhooks, buildpacks, and Procfiles.

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EngineeringIcon ChevronWeb Front-end

Getting the Most Out of Your PHP Log Files: A Practical Guide

By Ilya Sanosian

Log files may very well be one of the most underestimated and underutilized tools at a developer's disposal. Beyond their value for debugging, with a bit of creativity and forethought, logs files can be leveraged to serve as a valuable source of usage information and analytics. In this article, In this article, Toptal engineer Ilya Sanosyan provides a practical guide to maximizing the value we get from our logs.

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