Django’s built-in security checker identifies vulnerabilities with ease. Here’s how you can enforce HTTPS redirects to tighten security on your web applications.
Heroku makes deployment—and redeployment—incredibly simple. Explore Heroku’s Django hosting in this tutorial, and see for yourself.
Learn how to develop a Django application coupled with pydantic where the development environment matches production.
Python and pydantic make a powerful runtime combination when validating data and settings, resulting in reduced debugging and a simplified code base.
Flask is a great way to get up and running quickly with a Python applications, but what if you wanted to make something a bit more robust? In this article, Toptal Freelance Python Developer Ivan PoleschyuI shares some tips and useful recipes for building a complete production-ready Flask application.
Uploading a video to YouTube seems like a simple enough task, but non-existent documentation and unmaintained libraries can make even the simplest of tasks seem daunting. In this post, Toptal Freelance Django Developer Ivan Carmo da Rocha Neto guides you through how to post YouTube videos from your Django app.
Donald Knuth said that “premature optimization is the root of all evil.” But there comes a time, usually in mature projects with high loads, when the need to optimize presents itself. In this article, Toptal Freelance Software Engineer Iulian Gulea talks about five common methods to optimize a web project’s code using principles that can be used in Django, as well as in other frameworks and languages. Using these principles, he demonstrates how to reduce the response time of a query from 77 to 3.7 seconds.
In this article, I will try to give you a good understanding of which scenarios could be covered by Celery. Not only will you see interesting examples, but will also learn how to apply Celery with real world tasks such as background mailing, report generation, logging and error reporting. I will share my own way of testing tasks beyond emulation and explain a few tricks that go beyond the official documentation and took me hours of research to discover myself.
In this tutorial, we will look at some common mistakes that are often made by Django developers and ways to avoid them. This tutorial is useful even if you’re a skilled Django developer because these mistakes aren’t just limited to new developers taking their first stab at Django.
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