
Showing 10-18 of 28 results


Looks That Thrill: Inside the Booming Beauty Industry

How has the beauty industry become extremely innovative? How did Glossier and The Ordinary approach (and crack) the problem of enticing consumers, building brand loyalty and creating unique experiences? The lessons are relevant for all DTC companies.

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Natasha Ketabchi

Natasha Ketabchi

Perfecting Private Accommodations: Airbnb vs. Expedia

As Airbnb may soon IPO, how does it compare against more traditional businesses in the travel space? We compare it to another top company in the travel sector, Expedia, and analyze how their originally divergent strategies are slowly converging.

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Tyler Cain

Tyler Cain

Libation Frontiers: A Deep Dive into the World Wine Industry

The global wine industry generates $29 billion in annual revenue and is at an inflection point. Societal and taste changes are poised to bring new frontiers and opportunities to the industry.

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Zachary Elfman

Zachary Elfman

Evaluating the Nature of Business Ethics in Practice

Using the 2016 Wells Fargo Banking Scandal as an example, this article dissects the situation according to the principles of the three classic ethical theorists: Plato, Kant, and Mill. It then offers some suggestions on how to improve ethics in business.

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Martin Kemeny

Martin Kemeny

The Rules of Motivation: A Story About Correcting Failed Sales Incentive Schemes

Rewards programs and sales incentive schemes are necessary for any business that operates outbound customer acquisition channels. They encourage certain behavior and that, if poorly constructed, can lead to perverse results and conflicting interests. Creating a holistic plan that stimulates positive company-wide behavior is an art that has huge benefits.

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Kresimir Profaca

Kresimir Profaca

Online Dating Industry: The Business of Love

Though matchmaking is one of the oldest industries in existence, online matchmaking is now having a moment of its own. This article explores the business of dating: the market size of dating apps in the U.S., the industry’s biggest players, and how these products actually make money (if they even do).

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Melissa Lin

Melissa Lin

Do Economic Moats Still Matter?

Companies, like castles, need a line of defense to repel the invaders’ advances. Economic moats, taking a cue from their watery namesakes, are long-term and sustainable competitive advantages that protect others from seizing market share. But on the flipside, are they actually just lazy, passive strategies that shun innovation?

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Toptal emblem

Toptal Talent Network Experts

Don’t Scale an Unprofitable Business: Why Unit Economics (Still) Matter

With venture funding having grown more than 120% in the US in the last five years, startup founders and investors alike have grown increasingly comfortable with low margin business models. But the successes of the Amazons and Facebooks of this world often mask failure in a slew of other sectors, where the “build it and they will come” model doesn’t always work.

In this article, Toptal Finance Expert Toby Clarence-Smith brings attention back to the importance of studying a business’ long-term sustainability prospects, with a particular focus on unit economics, one of the building blocks of profitability and breakeven analysis for startups.

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Toby Clarence-Smith

Toby Clarence-Smith

Applications of Statistics for Measuring Company Growth

Eyeballing the top-line figures of company growth is unlikely to uncover anything particular radical. To understand the trends that lead to user growth, retention, and/or engagement, statistical tools should be employed to test the underlying drivers behind performance.

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Erik Stettler

Erik Stettler

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