Showing 1-9 of 16 results
FinanceIcon ChevronFinance Processes

C Corp, S Corp, LLC? Finding the Best Fit for Your New Business

By Scott Hoover

Figuring out what type of business entity matches your new company’s needs is challenging. Choose wrong, and you could find yourself unable to grow your company the way you want to. Toptal finance expert Scott Hoover, a seasoned CPA and interim CFO, shows how to make the right decision.

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FinanceIcon ChevronRevenue and Growth

Strategic Financial Leadership: 6 Skills CFOs Need Now

By Puneet Sapra

Succeeding as a modern CFO is more demanding than ever before. Here are the skills you need to become a strategic partner who leverages technology and insights to drive growth and plan for the future.

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FinanceIcon ChevronRevenue and Growth

Doing Business in the European Union

By Paul Ainsworth

The EU economy is worth $15.5 trillion, 24 million companies operate within it, and there are 300 million online shoppers. Is this a market you should be in? If so, how do you serve the EU market while balancing customer service, cost, and complexity?

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FinanceIcon ChevronProfitability and Efficiency

Forecast for Success: A Guide to Cash Management

By Paul Ainsworth

Running out of cash is one of the main reasons why startups fail. More established companies can also be affected. We outline the importance of managing cash, key metrics, and actions to improve performance.

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FinanceIcon ChevronFinance Processes

Accounting Best Practices Ignored: 10 Ways Entrepreneurs Waste Money on Accounting and Stifle Growth

By Scott Hoover

In this article, Toptal Finance Expert Scott Hoover runs through a useful list of the top ten most common mistakes he encounters with respect to the accounting practice in small businesses. By avoiding these mistakes, entrepreneurs can ensure they stop wasting money and stifling the growth prospects of their company.

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FinanceIcon ChevronFinance Processes

A Guide to Managing Foreign Exchange Risk

By Paul Ainsworth

This useful guide by Toptal Finance Expert Paul Ainsworth draws on 30+ years of experience as a CFO of large multinational companies to lay out the menu of options companies face in order to deal with foreign exchange exposure and manage risk effectively.

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FinanceIcon ChevronFinance Processes

The Role and Responsibilities of the Modern CFO: A Function in Transition

By Paul Ainsworth

Over the last few decades, the role of the CFO has undergone a profound shift. The historical tasks of the finance function such as books and records, financial reporting, and statutory compliance continue to be important but are now taken for granted by CEOs. The CFO of today and tomorrow must be able to take financial data and use it to influence operational decision making and strategy. But how?

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FinanceIcon ChevronFinance Processes

Goodbye, Overdue Receivables

By Scott Hoover

Overdue receivables are one of the most common and serious frustrations entrepreneurs face. The hidden costs can be staggering, from lost time dealing with the problem to the cost of hiring dedicated experts, to the serious and long term damage to a business’ reputation with its clients. In this guide, we provide six steps all businesses should take to avoid the headache of overdue receivables.

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FinanceIcon ChevronFinance Processes

The Street Guide on How to Hire a Part-time CFO

By Scott Hoover

When does it make sense for a business to consider hiring a part-time CFO? Are there situations in which it doesn't make sense at all? What attributes and criteria should businesses use to filter and select candidates? This article by Toptal Finance Expert Scott Hoover looks at answers to all three questions, and is intended to be a practical guide based on nearly a decade of experience as a freelance CFO for privately held companies.

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