Showing 10-16 of 16 results
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Adapting for Success – A Guide to Change Management

By Edwin Petersen

With today’s rapid pace of technological progress, organizational change is perhaps more necessary than it ever has been. But change is hard. Countless studies show that more often than not, corporations fail to implement change successfully, losing money, time, and employee morale in the process. Based on his 20+ years of international finance experience across a range of industries, and over a decade of experience as a CFO, Toptal Finance Expert Edwin Petersen outlines his thoughts on why change management often fails and how to get it right.

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Financial Clarity at Last: How to Reboot Your Chart of Accounts Structure in 7 Steps

By Scott Hoover

It is quite common for financial reports to fall short of executives' expectations. Accounting teams tend to focus on doing things the "right way" rather than asking readers of the financial statements what they want to see. In this article, Toptal Finance Expert Scott Hoover demonstrates how to set up a chart of accounts and raise your organization's financial reporting to the next level.

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The Rules of Motivation: A Story About Correcting Failed Sales Incentive Schemes

By Kresimir Profaca

Rewards programs and sales incentive schemes are necessary for any business that operates outbound customer acquisition channels. They encourage certain behavior and that, if poorly constructed, can lead to perverse results and conflicting interests. Creating a holistic plan that stimulates positive company-wide behavior is an art that has huge benefits.

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FinanceIcon ChevronFinance Processes

Working Capital Optimization: Practical Tips From a Pro

By Emilio Labrador

A decidedly less sexy, albeit critical, part of a CFO’s job description is working capital management and optimization. There are countless examples of companies that are forced to incur unnecessary debt and other financial obligations to meet their short-term financing needs, when in fact ample cash is sitting idly stuck in working capital. But working capital optimization is hard to get right and often requires significant cross-functional efforts to execute effectively. In this article, Toptal Finance Expert Emilio Labrador draws on 25 years of professional experience across multiple industries to outline some of his main suggestions and approaches on how to tackle working capital management projects.

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Don’t Scale an Unprofitable Business: Why Unit Economics (Still) Matter

By Toby Clarence-Smith

With venture funding having grown more than 120% in the US in the last five years, startup founders and investors alike have grown increasingly comfortable with low margin business models. But the successes of the Amazons and Facebooks of this world often mask failure in a slew of other sectors, where the "build it and they will come" model doesn't always work. In this article, Toptal Finance Expert Toby Clarence-Smith brings attention back to the importance of studying a business’ long-term sustainability prospects, with a particular focus on unit economics, one of the building blocks of profitability and breakeven analysis for startups.

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FinanceIcon ChevronFinance Processes

Selling a Business for Maximum Value in a Challenging M&A Market

By William B. Doyle, Jr.

With $936 billion of uninvested private equity capital inching down market, why do 46% to 80% of lower middle market sell-side transactions fail to close? The usual answer is that companies are not ready for buyers’ examination and owners can be overly optimistic or even greedy. Business owners can do much more to put themselves in the driver’s seat. Success boils down to the following: (1) take the time and do the work to prepare for an exit transaction and (2) apply “intelligent greed” to close your best deal.

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Hiring a Startup CFO: When to Hire a CFO and Why You Need One

By Scott Brown

For young companies, the value of a full-time CFO is hotly contested. At the debate’s core, is the trade-off between the sheer expense of an experienced CFO at such an early stage (not cheap), and the value said individual posits to confer where growth, strategy, fundraising, and operations are concerned. Borrowing elements from Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and adapting them for this purpose, Toptal Finance Expert Scott Brown introduces a unique framework for how startups might go about thinking through and making this decision.

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