Management Consulting

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FinanceIcon ChevronRevenue and Growth

Bootstrapping Your New Venture: The Case for Going Back to Basics

By Shane Stafford

Launching a new venture? Quickly and inexpensively validate your idea and focus on product-market fit before investing precious capital into your business.

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FinanceIcon ChevronRevenue and Growth

What Designing Formula 1 Cars Can Teach You About Corporate Strategy

By Isaac Prada y Nogueira

Whether you need to fix a roadblock or test a new idea, these insights from a former Formula 1 engineer can help speed your success.

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FinanceIcon ChevronProfitability and Efficiency

Going Global: A Financial Guide for International Expansion

By Ekaterine (Kate) Papiashvili, ACCA, FMVA

Offshoring can help a company reduce overhead and minimize fixed costs. Whether you’re looking to open an overseas branch or outsource to cross-border contractors, here’s what you need to consider.

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FinanceIcon ChevronProfitability and Efficiency

Digital Ledgers vs. Databases: Can Blockchain Optimize Your Supply Chain?

By Neil Mann

Blockchain isn’t just for cryptocurrency. The technology can also be used to make supply chain management more efficient, transparent, and secure. Here’s how.

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FinanceIcon ChevronProfitability and Efficiency

What Happened to BlackBerry: Zombie Stock or Comeback King?

By Natasha Ketabchi

What happened to Blackberry? The company, once the most valuable in Canada, has effectively been a zombie stock for a while. Is the picture painted by the stock a fair one, particularly for a company whose revenues are up 20% YoY?

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