
Showing 55-63 of 96 results
EngineeringIcon ChevronTechnology

Introduction to BEM Methodology

By Tomislav Matijević

When building smaller websites, the way developers structure their CSS code is usually not a big issue. However, when it comes to larger, more complex projects, code organization becomes crucial. In this article, Toptal Freelance Software Engineer Tomislav Matijević introduces us to BEM methodology and explains how this CSS practice can massively improve code maintainability, speed up the development process, and streamline the teamwork of developers by arranging CSS classes into independent modules.

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EngineeringIcon ChevronMobile

The 9 Most Common Mistakes That Ionic Developers Make

By Julien Renaux

Ionic is extremely popular at the moment, and it has revolutionized the hybrid application industry in a way that nobody could have imagined. However, over time, the best practices and tooling for Ionic have not progressed in the same way. As a result, the number of pitfalls that developers need to look out for when working with Ionic is still high. In this article, Toptal Freelance Software Engineer Julien Renaux outlines the most common mistakes that Ionic developers should know.

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EngineeringIcon ChevronWeb Front-end

Top 10 Front-end Design Principles for Developers

By Bryan Grezeszak

Truly understanding design is easier said than done. Coding and aesthetic design require very different skill sets, which is why some front-end developers aren’t as proficient in design as they could be, and the quality of their work suffers for it. In this post, Toptal Freelance Software Engineer Bryan Grezeszak explains why good front-end developers have to follow essential design principles down to the pixel, and should regularly seek out advice and feedback from their designers.

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EngineeringIcon ChevronBack-end

Writing Testable Code in JavaScript: A Brief Overview

By Joshua Mock

Writing code that is easily testable takes some effort and planning. However, some patterns exist that can be used to write simple and functional code, making it easier to test them when the time comes. In this article, Toptal engineer Joshua Mock shares some useful tips and patterns for writing testable code in JavaScript that are both simple to understand and simple to implement.

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EngineeringIcon ChevronTechnology

React, Redux, and Immutable.js: Ingredients for Efficient Web Applications

By Ivan Rogic

Unlike most front-end web frameworks, React's aim is to solve the various challenges of building user interfaces that rely on changing data. Although React is a simple JavaScript library and is easy to get started with, it is still possible to misuse it in ways that deny the web app from reaping the benefits that React has to offer. In this article, Toptal engineer Ivan Rogic demonstrates the synergy of React, Redux and Immutable.js, and shows how these libraries together can solve many performance issues that are often encountered in large web applications.

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EngineeringIcon ChevronWeb Front-end

What Is Bootstrap? Effortless Responsive Sites With Bootstrap Web Development

By Tomislav Bacinger

You've heard of Bootstrap, but what is Bootstrap, exactly? A powerful collection of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript tools, it makes responsive web development easy. Get started with the basics of Bootstrap.

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EngineeringIcon ChevronWeb Front-end

Speeding up Application Development With Bootstrap

By Lijana Saniukaite

Bootstrap, one of the most used HTML/CSS/JavaScript front-end frameworks, offers a little more than just fancy customizable user interface elements. It provides a great starting point for many types of projects, a plethora of components, and many nifty styles predefined for responsive layout and utility classes to help keep your HTML and CSS code clean. In this article, Toptal designer Lijana Saniukaite walks us through some practical Bootstrap tips and best practices to speed up your application development.

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EngineeringIcon ChevronWeb Front-end

The GWT Toolkit: Build Powerful JavaScript Front Ends Using Java

By Alberto Mancini

The GWT Web Toolkit, formerly known as Google Web Toolkit, is a set of development tools for building and optimizing complex browser-based applications using the Java programming language. What makes GWT not "yet another Java tool to write web apps," is the fact that the heart of the toolkit is a compiler that converts Java into JavaScript, enabling developers to write front-end web applications while leveraging all of Java's strengths.

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EngineeringIcon ChevronBack-end

Towards Updatable D3.js Charts

By Rob Moore

When Mike Bostock created D3.js, he introduced a tried and true reusable charts pattern for implementing the same chart in any number of selections. However, the limitations of this pattern are realized once the chart is initialized. In this article, Toptal engineer Rob Moore presents a revised reusable charts pattern that leverages the full power of D3.js.

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