Google Maps

Showing 1-4 of 4 results
EngineeringIcon ChevronData Science and Databases

Serve Map Clusters 50x Faster Using Smarter Caching

By Florian Pfisterer

Serving map clusters to a mobile app can cause a significant performance bottleneck. Fortunately, it's a problem that can be solved with this caching strategy.

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EngineeringIcon ChevronBack-end

Magento 2: Revision or Revolution?

By Vivek Khatri

Magento 2 was initially greeted with skepticism, but the maturity of the next generation of Magento development has brought on an explosion of new users. In this article, Toptal Freelance Magento Developer Vivek Khatri explains why it's the top choice for eCommerce sites, new and old.

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EngineeringIcon ChevronTechnology

Survey of the Best Online Mapping Tools for Web Developers: The Roadmap to Roadmaps

By Tomislav Bacinger

Making your own maps is not a big undertaking anymore, but for developers not familiar with web mapping, the agony of choice might be intimidating. You want to make maps, but don't know where to start nor which tools to use. I am here to help. Here, I'll discuss several of the best available tools, providing a brief overview of each, along with code examples, and weighing the pros and cons.

15 minute readContinue Reading
EngineeringIcon ChevronTechnology

A Map to Perfection: Using D3.js to Make Beautiful Web Maps

By Tomislav Bacinger

Data Driven Documents, or D3.js, is an awesome data visualization library. In this article, I'll discuss one particularly compelling application of D3.js: map making. We'll go through the common challenges of building a useful and informative web map, and show how in each case, D3.js gives you everything you need to make your map look and feel beautiful.

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