
Showing 37-45 of 70 results
EngineeringIcon ChevronBack-end

Introduction to Concurrent Programming: A Beginner’s Guide

By Marko Dvečko

Concurrency allows programs to deal with a lot of tasks at once. But writing concurrent programs isn't a particularly easy feat. Dealing with constructs such as threads and locks and avoiding issues like race conditions and deadlocks can be quite cumbersome, making concurrent programs difficult to write. In this article, Toptal Freelance Software Engineer Marko Dvečko gives us an overview of some concurrent programming models. He explains how each of these models gives structure to the programs we write and shows how to avoid certain concurrency issues that can come with these models.

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EngineeringIcon ChevronMobile

Android Developer’s Guide to Fragment Navigation Pattern

By Becze Szabolcs

Navigation in mobile applications, when done right, can have tremendous positive impact on overall user experience. Android offers application developers multiple ways of implementing navigation in their application. However, not all navigation patterns are created equal. In this article, Toptal engineer Becze Szabolcs shows us how to implement fragment-based navigation and how it stacks up against Android's traditional navigation philosophy.

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EngineeringIcon ChevronBack-end

Caching in Spring with EhCache Annotations

By Cong Liu

EhCache is a widely used, pure Java cache that can be easily integrated with most popular Java frameworks, such as Spring and Hibernate. It is often considered to be the most convenient choice for Java applications since it can be integrated into projects easily. EhCache Spring Annotations allows seamless integration into any Spring application by simply adding annotations to cacheable methods without modifying the method implementations. This article focuses on boosting your Spring applications with EhCache Spring Annotations.

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EngineeringIcon ChevronBack-end

Creating Usable JVM Languages: An Overview

By Federico Tomassetti

Java Virtual Machine (JVM), the powerful virtual machine behind programming languages like Java and Scala, provides a platform-independent environment for executing compiled bytecode. Programming languages built for the JVM can be used to write programs that can run on a wide range of platforms without modification and can even leverage all the libraries and frameworks that exist for the JVM. In this article, Toptal engineer Federico Tomassetti presents an overview of the strategy and various tools involved in creating our very own programming language for the JVM.

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EngineeringIcon ChevronBack-end

REST Security With JWT Using Java and Spring Security

By Dejan Milosevic

Although the old, standardized security approaches work with REST services, they all have problems that could be avoided by using a better standard. For this, JWT arrives just in time to save the day. In this article, Toptal engineer Dejan Milosevic guides us on how to implement a JWT token-based REST API using Java and Spring Security.

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EngineeringIcon ChevronTechnology

Ultimate Guide to the Processing Language Part II: Building a Simple Game

By Oguz Gelal

Processing makes prototyping visual apps a breeze. With its easy to use programming constructs and some mathematics, building a simple game is a lot easier than one may think. In this article, Toptal engineer Oguz Gelal provides a step-by-step tutorial to building a game using Processing and porting it to the web.

19 minute readContinue Reading
EngineeringIcon ChevronBack-end

Ultimate Guide to the Processing Language Part I: The Fundamentals

By Oguz Gelal

Rapid prototyping and the ability to produce quick visual results are features of many programming languages and frameworks. However, some take it even further by making these their primary goals. Processing, a programming language based on Java, allows its users to code within the context of visual arts and has been designed from the ground up to provide instant visual feedback. In this article, Toptal engineer Oguz Gelal provides a gentle introduction to Processing and some insights into its inner mechanics.

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EngineeringIcon ChevronTechnology

Learn to Code: Wisdom and Tools for the Journey

By Nick McCrea

It's no surprise that more and more people, from all kinds of backgrounds, are deciding to learn to code. But, each person who tackles the task is soon faced with an unpleasant reality: Learning to program is hard. Contrary to expectations, the feeling of "I don't get it," may persist unabated long into the journey, making once bright-eyed beginners feel hopeless, lost, and ready to give up. The moral of the story is this: Be prepared. The path to programmer paradise is a long one, and without the right mindset at the beginning, it can quickly lose its appeal. In this article, I'll attempt to give you some guidance on what to expect on your journey, how best to go about it, and what tools and resources you may find helpful along the way.

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EngineeringIcon ChevronWeb Front-end

The GWT Toolkit: Build Powerful JavaScript Front Ends Using Java

By Alberto Mancini

The GWT Web Toolkit, formerly known as Google Web Toolkit, is a set of development tools for building and optimizing complex browser-based applications using the Java programming language. What makes GWT not "yet another Java tool to write web apps," is the fact that the heart of the toolkit is a compiler that converts Java into JavaScript, enabling developers to write front-end web applications while leveraging all of Java's strengths.

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