
Showing 100-108 of 152 results
EngineeringIcon ChevronTechnology

Ultimate Guide to the Processing Language Part II: Building a Simple Game

By Oguz Gelal

Processing makes prototyping visual apps a breeze. With its easy to use programming constructs and some mathematics, building a simple game is a lot easier than one may think. In this article, Toptal engineer Oguz Gelal provides a step-by-step tutorial to building a game using Processing and porting it to the web.

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EngineeringIcon ChevronTechnology

Electron: Cross-platform Desktop Apps Made Easy

By Stéphane P. Péricat

Building cross-platform desktop applications has been something of a nightmare for a very long time, as extreme differences between popular desktop operating systems makes it a challenging feat. However, in light of newer tools and frameworks like Electron, building a cross-platform desktop application has never been easier. In this article, Toptal engineer Stéphane P. Péricat walks us through a step-by-step tutorial to building a cross-platform password key-ring desktop application using technologies that most of us are already familiar with.

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EngineeringIcon ChevronWeb Front-end

What Is Bootstrap? Effortless Responsive Sites With Bootstrap Web Development

By Tomislav Bacinger

You've heard of Bootstrap, but what is Bootstrap, exactly? A powerful collection of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript tools, it makes responsive web development easy. Get started with the basics of Bootstrap.

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EngineeringIcon ChevronTechnology

Learn to Code: Wisdom and Tools for the Journey

By Nick McCrea

It's no surprise that more and more people, from all kinds of backgrounds, are deciding to learn to code. But, each person who tackles the task is soon faced with an unpleasant reality: Learning to program is hard. Contrary to expectations, the feeling of "I don't get it," may persist unabated long into the journey, making once bright-eyed beginners feel hopeless, lost, and ready to give up. The moral of the story is this: Be prepared. The path to programmer paradise is a long one, and without the right mindset at the beginning, it can quickly lose its appeal. In this article, I'll attempt to give you some guidance on what to expect on your journey, how best to go about it, and what tools and resources you may find helpful along the way.

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EngineeringIcon ChevronBack-end

Debugging Memory Leaks in Node.js Applications

By Vlad Miller

Memory leaks in long running Node.js applications are like ticking time bombs that, if left unchecked in production environments, can result in devastating outcomes. These bugs are often considered to be hard to find. However, with the right tools and a strategic approach, memory leaks can not only be solved but also avoided in the future. In this article, Toptal engineer Vladyslav Millier gives us insight into what memory leaks are, how some sophisticated debugging tools can be used to find memory leaks, and how to plug them once and for all.

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EngineeringIcon ChevronWeb Front-end

The GWT Toolkit: Build Powerful JavaScript Front Ends Using Java

By Alberto Mancini

The GWT Web Toolkit, formerly known as Google Web Toolkit, is a set of development tools for building and optimizing complex browser-based applications using the Java programming language. What makes GWT not "yet another Java tool to write web apps," is the fact that the heart of the toolkit is a compiler that converts Java into JavaScript, enabling developers to write front-end web applications while leveraging all of Java's strengths.

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EngineeringIcon ChevronBack-end

Towards Updatable D3.js Charts

By Rob Moore

When Mike Bostock created D3.js, he introduced a tried and true reusable charts pattern for implementing the same chart in any number of selections. However, the limitations of this pattern are realized once the chart is initialized. In this article, Toptal engineer Rob Moore presents a revised reusable charts pattern that leverages the full power of D3.js.

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EngineeringIcon ChevronBack-end

Software Reengineering: From Spaghetti to Clean Design

By Juan Pablo Scida

Inheriting someone else’s code can be a nightmare, especially when the code is poorly designed and lacks documentation. In this post, Toptal Engineer Juan Pablo Scida provides a case study of how he reengineered a chat server written in Node.js, transforming its original spaghetti code into a cleanly architected and designed piece of software.

10 minute readContinue Reading
EngineeringIcon ChevronWeb Front-end

Taming WebRTC with PeerJS: Making a Simple P2P Web Game

By Mahmud Ridwan

WebRTC has opened doors to all kinds of new peer-to-peer web applications and games that can run in the browser without the need of additional plugins. However, being a relatively new technology, it still poses some unique challenges to developers. PeerJS aims to tackle some of those challenges by providing an elegant API and insulating developers from WebRTC’s implementation differences. In this article, Toptal engineer Mahmud Ridwan provides an introductory tutorial to building a simple, peer-to-peer web game using PeerJS.

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