
Showing 28-36 of 152 results
EngineeringIcon ChevronBack-end

Introduction to Functional Programming: JavaScript Paradigms

By Avi Aryan

Functional Programming is a paradigm of building computer programs using expressions and functions without mutating state and data. In this article, we will talk about doing functional programming using JavaScript. We will also explore various JavaScript methods and features that make it possible. In the end, we will explore different concepts associated with functional programming and see why they are so powerful.

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EngineeringIcon ChevronBack-end

The Dart Language: When Java and C# Aren't Sharp Enough

By Star Ford

Five years after Dart 1.0, Google's rewritten open-source language is attracting increasing numbers of developers. What do C# and Java developers need to know to get started with it?

13 minute readContinue Reading
EngineeringIcon ChevronTechnology

Will JS Frameworks Spark a Front-end Revolution?

By Kevin Bloch

Are Vue.js, React, and Angular actually delivering a good developer and user experience, or are they used simply because they're the current de facto standard? Discover some exciting approaches to web development.

< 5 minute readContinue Reading
EngineeringIcon ChevronBack-end

How to Approach Modern WordPress Development (Part 1)

By Andrey Shalashov

It's no secret that the WordPress codebase is a mess. Many developers use its legacy code as an excuse for writing sloppy code themselves, even if its newer additions follow best practices. If this is you, it's time to level up your skills!

10 minute readContinue Reading
EngineeringIcon ChevronBack-end

A Look at JavaScript’s Future

By Alejandro Hernandez

In the past few years, we've seen the introduction of a lot of new technologies in JavaScript, but we needed time to see how the market was going to adopt them. In this article, Toptal Freelance JavaScript Developer Alejandro Hernandez takes a look at how popular JavaScript is becoming and the factors that may have affected this popularity, and he tries to predict what the future of JavaScript will look like.

9 minute readContinue Reading
EngineeringIcon ChevronWeb Front-end

Build a Custom Full Page Slider with CSS and JavaScript

By Stefan Vitasovic

There are a number of ways of implementing animated full-screen layouts with a large degree of human interaction, and many developers would resort to a JavaScript plugin to save time. In this article, Toptal JavaScript Developer Stefan Vitasovic demonstrates how you can do it using nothing but CSS and JavaScript, without including a bloated library or plugin in your project.

14 minute readContinue Reading
EngineeringIcon ChevronBack-end

Working With TypeScript, Dependency Injection, and Discord Bots

By Michał Krakiewicz

Types and testable code are two of the most effective ways of avoiding bugs. In this tutorial, discover TypeScript best practices while you create a Discord bot from scratch.

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EngineeringIcon ChevronBack-end

The Back End: Using Gatsby.js and Node.js for Static Site Updates

By Furkan Yavuz

Static websites are simple and fast, but it's also possible to automate updates to them to keep them fresh and relevant. Find out how to generate daily-updated HTML pages that track the latest releases of popular GitHub repositories.

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EngineeringIcon ChevronBack-end

Benchmarking A Node.js Promise

By Omar Waleed

You can just write sequentially executed code in JavaScript, but should you? In this article, Toptal Freelance JavaScript Developer Omar Waleed tests the widespread Node.js belief that synchronous code degrades performance and is, in a sense, just plain evil. Is this really true?

7 minute readContinue Reading

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