Product Management

Showing 1-9 of 21 results
ProductIcon ChevronProcess and Tools

The No-code Future: Innovating With Drag-and-Drop Application Development

By Alex Hudym

A suite of tools can empower nontechnical users to create mobile applications without writing a line of code. Discover whether these no-code options are right for your next product.

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How to Bring Your Startup to Life With a No-code MVP

By Alex Hudym

For startups, no-code development tools mean faster and more flexible hypothesis testing at a reduced cost. Create your first product with this guide to the no-code approach.

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ProductIcon ChevronProduct People and Teams

Whose Job Is It Anyway? A Real-world Guide to Agile Roles and Responsibilities

By Richard Abi Chahla

When organizations scale or hybridize Agile, job roles and responsibilities often stray from textbook definitions. Address role overlap and achieve alignment on your product teams with this guide.

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3 Product-led Growth Frameworks to Build Your Business

By Arkapravo Chakraborty

Adoption of product-led growth strategies is soaring, particularly among SaaS companies. This overview of three key frameworks can help you decide which one is right for your company.

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ProductIcon ChevronProduct People and Teams

Struggling With Stakeholder Management? Hire a Product Manager

By Scott Lee

Product managers can be invaluable partners for CEOs and other executive leaders during times of organizational change. By negotiating with stakeholders at all levels, the product manager can achieve alignment for vital products and initiatives, and remove operational roadblocks.

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Mitigate Risk With This Simple Product Innovation Strategy

By Raj Manghani

Risk is inherent in innovation, but you can take steps to keep it in check. This framework helps ensure that new products are aligned with business goals, customer needs, and available resources.

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ProductIcon ChevronProduct People and Teams

Product Manager vs. Product Owner: Who’s Who?

By Douglas L. Ringer

Product management has evolved to encompass numerous roles, each with its own skill set and knowledge. So which one does your business need?

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The PRD Isn’t Dead: New Best Practices for Digital Product Development

By Milos Belcevic

For many years, there has been debate around the value of a PRD in digital product development. The issue is not whether one should be used, says product expert Milos Belcevic, but how.

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ProductIcon ChevronProcess and Tools

Two Roadmaps Diverged: Strategic and Tactical Routes to Product Development

By Jerry Gutierrez

Product professionals are often called upon to act as both product owner and product manager. The key to doing that well? Maintaining separate strategic and tactical roadmaps. Here’s how.

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