Domagoj Tokić, Developer in Zagreb, Croatia
Domagoj is available for hire
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Domagoj Tokić

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Zagreb, Croatia
Toptal Member Since
February 24, 2020

Domagoj is a software engineer who knows the ins and outs of Java and Spring framework and is an advocate of clean code, KISS, and DRY principles. Recently, he has been creating RESTful web services with large companies such as Končar and Strabag. Domagoj is an advocate of Scrum and believes that code quality, honest feedback, and transparent deadlines are the keys to success.


Vue, AngularJS, SQL, Liquibase, Hibernate, Spring Boot, Java
JasperReports, OSGi, Vaadin, Java




Preferred Environment

Microsoft Teams, Slack, MacOS, Windows, Postman, IntelliJ IDEA

The most amazing...

...thing I've worked on required me to learn new front-end technology and successfully take over the project the following week.

Work Experience

Full-stack Software Developer

2018 - 2020
  • Worked in one of the fastest-growing digital agencies in Southeastern Europe.
  • Mentored new-coming employees and provided code reviews.
  • Received a personal recommendation from the Končar team leader for my responsiveness and quality of work.
  • Acted as the scrum master and was responsible for scheduling daily meetings and sprint reviews.
  • Worked with two major front-end frameworks Angular and Vue.js.
  • Kept clients up-to-date on project progress via daily meetings and notified them about every significant event, feature completed, delays, or implementation blocks.
  • Tracked tasks, active bugs, and sprint progress using Jira.
  • Used Confluence for writing and updating documentation.
  • Created three high-performance web services for parsing and storing documents.
Technologies: Vue, AngularJS, SQL, Liquibase, Hibernate, Spring Boot, Java

Java Developer

2017 - 2018
  • Developed extendable Vaadin UI components for a traffic monitoring system.
  • Creating traffic report templates using JasperReports.
  • Tracked and reported tasks and bugs using Jira.
Technologies: JasperReports, OSGi, Vaadin, Java

Java Developer

2017 - 2017
Asseco SEE
  • Represented Asseco SEE at a hackathon in Ljubljana (Slovenia) on the topic of IT apps in the financial sector.
  • Received a written personal recommendation from the lead developer.
  • Fixed the UI bugs in a mobile banking application.
Technologies: Java

Junior Developer

2015 - 2016
  • Created a tool for compressing geographical coordinate systems describing large areas with a dynamic setup which reduced storage requirements for given data by 80%.
  • Maintained the company's collection of deployment Bash scripts.
  • Designed the mobile version of an existing front-end application for alerting the authorities in cases of extreme weather emergencies.
Technologies: jQuery, JavaScript, Bash, Spring Boot, Java

Electricity Auction Platform

This project involved a multinational Java and Ext JS-based platform that hosted auction processes primarily used by power plants. My primary role was to write supporting web services for logging system events and storing documents in a database. My secondary role was to optimize a core component and to create Ext JS elements for displaying old document information.

Simulation of a Smart Home
This project involved a Java and JavaFX-based desktop application for creating simulations of a smart home using rule engine EasyRules. The simulation consists of a set of appliances, sensors, set of rules and outer conditions (e.g., outer temperature, humidity, or the chances of a person entering a room). The rules dictate under which sensor states do appliances turn on or off and describe the setup of appliances. The appliances, in turn, affect the state of the virtual room (read by sensors) and create a loop. This project offers interfaces to be implemented for real appliance or sensors to be used in the future.

Project References

This project—built with Java and Spring Boot with Angular front-end —involved filtering large amounts of finished projects, creating project "baskets," and generating a portfolio of references (PDF or Word file) to apply to next similar project. JasperReports was used for generating documents. This web application also has the ability to edit project information and control concurrent editing by switching to a read mode if another user was already editing.


Java, SQL, Bash, JavaScript, C, Spring Expression Language (SPEL), Python


Spring Boot, Hibernate, JUnit, React Native, AngularJS, Vaadin, OSGi


REST APIs, jQuery, Liquibase, Vue, JasperReports


Git, IntelliJ IDEA, Postman, Slack, Microsoft Teams, Eclipse IDE


Spring Data, Databases, Redis, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, Microsoft SQL Server


Spring Web Services


Scrum, Design Patterns


Windows, MacOS

2015 - 2017

Master's Degree in Software Engineering and Information Systems

University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing - Zagreb, Croatia

2011 - 2015

Bachelor's Degree in Telecommunication and Informatics

University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing - Zagreb, Croatia


Oracle Certified Associate, Java SE 8 Programmer



Redis Labs RU101 Certificate | Redis University

Redis Labs

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