Kevin Bloch
Verified Expert in Engineering
JavaScript Developer
Bergerac, France
Toptal member since January 31, 2017
Kevin specializes in PostgreSQL, JavaScript/TypeScript, Node.js, Perl, and Haxe, among many other programming technologies he's explored and used professionally since grade school. Primarily a lead desktop and full-stack developer, he enjoys project management, back-end technologies, and game development. With more than 20 years of remote work experience, Kevin excels both independently and as part of a team. Notably, he is a Pluralsight author and ranks in the top 2% on Stack Overflow.
- JavaScript - 20 years
- Proofreading - 20 years
- Perl - 15 years
- SQL - 13 years
- PostgreSQL - 11 years
- Regex - 9 years
- Git - 7 years
- HaXe - 1 year
Preferred Environment
Git, Linux, Visual Studio Code (VS Code)
The most amazing...
...web stack I've written generated a foreign-key-aware UI for any table on the fly from a PostgreSQL DB schema. The back end audited each table automatically.
Work Experience
Contractor (Expert/Author)
- Wrote and proofread tutorial text for hands-on labs for learning basic and intermediate JavaScript skills.
- Created a supporting JavaScript module to make one lab's tasks more interactive and the final solution versions of each task's user code.
- Developed robust tests (both for the user and for my official task solutions) using Mithril's Ospec testing library, approaching them with a combination of hand-written spies and regular expressions.
- Wrote bash scripts to streamline my local testing, build, and text aggregation processes and supported JavaScript code for automatically generating regular expressions and test setup functions based on finalized solution code.
- Crafted questions and answers at various skill levels for a skill assessment package.
- Wrote, reviewed, edited, and SEOed technical articles and hiring resources. Wrote and provided technical input on other content.
- Maintained technical dialogue on Jira about platform improvements affecting publishing goals.
- Oversaw and maintained team process automation in Asana and Zapier.
Managing Editor
- Oversaw editorial process, providing content review along editorial, technical, and stylistic lines.
- Reported, tracked, and advocated for issues affecting team processes using Jira.
- Managed publishing process, responding to changes in requirements and improving efficiency while maintaining world-class quality standards.
Lead Editor, Engineering Blog (Publications Team)
- Reviewed, wrote, formatted, edited, and published technical articles and other site content.
- Created and reviewed strategic directions and helped with the editor hiring process.
- Trained non-technical editors and devised new processes to outsource technical reviews to facilitate their contributions.
- Applied SEO research to blog articles and overall team direction.
- Created and maintained team procedure and process documentation.
Senior Editor
- Wrote, formatted, edited, and published blog articles, anonymous guides, and other site content according to SEO and team strategies.
- Created, proofread, and sent newsletters. Debugged newsletter templates and processes.
- Brainstormed and coordinated with the design team for illustrations.
- Reviewed, debugged, and otherwise improved example code used in articles.
- Maintained user script code to facilitate daily editorial tasks.
- Created a prototype pipeline management system to streamline common publishing operations and reduce inconsistencies in the publications team output.
- Reviewed, wrote, formatted, edited, and published technical articles and other site content.
- Created, proofread, and sent newsletters. Debugged newsletter templates and processes.
- Brainstormed and coordinated with the design team for illustrations.
- Reviewed, debugged, and otherwise improved example code used in articles.
- Maintained user script code to facilitate daily editorial tasks.
Senior Back-end Developer (Node.js)
- Maintained, extended, and scaled the back end and database.
- Managed DevOps processes, including being co-responsible and later solely responsible for versioning and deployment.
- Conducted code reviews of front- and back-end code as well as PostgreSQL stored procedures and views.
- Coordinated with front-end developers on back-end API changes.
- Implemented the back-end test suite to avoid regressions.
Technical Editor
- Wrote, formatted, edited, and published blog articles, anonymous guides, and other site content.
- Created, proofread, and sent newsletters. Debugged newsletter templates and processes.
- Recruited and coordinated with authors to produce hiring resources.
- Brainstormed and coordinated with the design team for illustrations.
- Applied SEO research to blog articles and hiring resource content.
- Helped execute social media outreach plans on LinkedIn and Twitter.
- Streamlined procedures and checklists regarding editing and publishing.
- Added integration automation to the publishing pipeline.
Indie Developer
In the Beginning was the Word Game
- Created two very basic Android apps to learn the Google Play Store publishing process.
- Built two games for Ludum Dare game jams (i.e., very rapid development).
- Designed, developed, blogged, and tweeted about, directed, tested, published, and promoted a commercial video game while contributing bug and feature patches back to the open source technologies being used.
- Open-sourced my own library, FlxScrollableArea, to give back to the Haxe game creation community.
Linux Server Administrator and Automation Developer
Stepping Stone GmbH
- Provisioned KVM server (Linux and Windows) for various client projects, each involving setting up servers from cloned VMs, updating the internal wiki, configuring Zabbix host monitoring, and customizing Iptables-based firewall scripts.
- Set up database and application back-end for some projects, which involved creating simplified/prettified documentation for clients and maintaining VM templates.
- Provisioned web hosting, mail accounts, backup accounts, and ownCloud servers—set up and administered when requested by various clients.
- Helped install new RAID drives in rack servers and remove old ones.
- Automated DNS settings and firewall change for 200+ servers by writing bash scripts to extract server data from MediaWiki pages and execute DNS and firewall update scripts on every running Linux-based physical server, vServer, and KVM server.
- Optimized maintenance window notifiers and developed features—optimized and extended a Perl script using data from LDAP for exporting and for sending scheduled reminder emails.
- Helped prepare for colocation migration by taking physical inventory of rack servers and switches, updating firmware on newly purchased switches, and provisioning a web server from ancient hardware to display a message during migration.
- Helped with physical colocation migration by uninstalling rack hardware, moving it, organizing it for most efficient reinstall, reinstalling it, and reconnecting cables.
Project Manager and Full-stack Software Engineer
Brant Aero
- Added a number of features, including a drag-n-drop image uploader, a "pending" feature for group request submissions, a history search feature with full text indexing and fuzzy text search for stock items, Facebook-style homepage notifications, and more, to a purchase request system.
- Created a government extranet for inspectors to approve policy manual revisions.
- Enabled cache support for hangar floor parts, requiring fewer trips to the stockroom while maintaining government traceability requirements and supply-level monitoring.
- Fixed, cleaned up, and provided data recovery and performance tuning for ad-hoc databases. Generated a network attack tracker graph that automatically imports data from the router.
- Implemented several features, including a document hierarchy editor with drag-n-drop added to the CMS, a third-party issue tracker solution hosted with Docker, and cronjobs to help catch vendor errors and notify the relevant manager using an integrated permissions hierarchy.
- Made the core functionality of an intranet app robust against outages of the main third-party system.
- Ported PartTake from VB to mod_perl, including barcode and address printing (with provisions for just-in-time auto-switching printers on Windows via URL scheme and rundll32 workaround).
- Staged a build system with unit testing, minification, performance testing, and integration testing with integrated QA.
- Upgraded a backup system to cross-platform multi-server usage.
- Added a website section powered by third-party bulletin board software and created an automatic image renaming and uploading tool for personal project management.
- Built a power outage tracker graph that automatically imports data from UPS. Added authenticated inspection tracking to the alternative UI for shop order updates.
- Created a couple of backup systems, including a solution for HyperV environment and a backup, verification, and restore solution to replace the old tapes-based system.
- Designed, wrote, and maintained the PartTake software system to streamline stockroom processes while meeting strict government traceability requirements and working with the exisitng inventory system and its timeclock, tool tracking, and purchase ordering integrations. Shipped with barcode and address label printers drawing relevant data from the existing system and configured the GUI tool.
- Enabled vendor purchase email templating for the purchase request system.
- Implemented honors-system workstation sharing, allowing different logins on separate tabs without confusing credentials (see https://stackoverflow.com/a/1133999/16777 – sometimes the rather unique business environment involved required unorthodox solutions).
- Oversaw and helped with the data migration of an accounting, inventory, and shop order system from DOS to SQL/Windows.
- Prototyped a new intranet menu system called DialAKneeThing (DaKT), an open-source single-page application in minimal JavaScript/CSS for presenting basic menu hierarchies on low-end hardware.
- Redesigned a number of websites, including a website and corresponding script to automatically update local pilot weather information, and vectorized its company logo; a website and wrote/edited material for the Save the Airport local political campaign; a website to be fast-loading and able to fit on a floppy disk; a website to feature a new aircraft sales section; a website with dynamic content and search functionality; and a website with featured past projects and auto-updated weather map overlayed onto the company's precise location.
- Wrote and implemented IT policy and analyzed and made improvements to the year-end processes as well as researched, revised, and helped implement, organize, and conduct the company process audit.
- Built an NS- and IE-compatible website and corresponding Windows GUI page-text updater utility.
- Created marketing materials to sell PartTake to other users of our third-party niche industry integrated accounting system.
- Developed a custom CMS—from scratch—automatically following government regulation updates, notifying only the relevant internal parties of the relevant internal documents (and their internal dependencies) that would need review. All regulatory links were kept in consistent auto-updated format, and review and audit policies were enforced by database triggers.
- Evaluated Andromeda as a potential platform to base the rest of the intranet app on.
- Implemented the UI for a SQL backup manager. Rewrote an intranet app with commonly used SQL reports from scratch to speed it up and cover functionality gaps.
- Migrated a domain from Windows 2003 AD to Samba 4.
- Oversaw the migration of a server and workstation system from Novell Netware to Windows 2000 AD.
- Refactored shop order workflow to streamline usage, testing, and maintenance; integrated a fast menu UI library (both keyboard and touchscreen friendly).
- Built database development tools: a PostgreSQL function body searcher for global renames, a GraphViz-based foreign key map generator, and more.
- Created server health metrics via statistical process control graphs and output comparison, with email notification.
- Developed a smart-sorting table view UI so that part numbers end up being sorted as they traditionally were physically, even in more complicated number-letter-number-etc. scenarios.
- Expanded the shop order UI to cover more features than offered by the third-party system, and added project wrap-up verification tools to avoid peak activity errors.
- Integrated government-supplied aircraft registration databases for easy client info updates.
- Migrated a purchase request system from paper to email, and then later from email to database, integrated with the existing intranet app. Wrote a VB5 utility to speed up the process of scanning old documents into the new paperless system.
- Built the Dogfooded task/project management feature integrated with an intranet app.
- Created Widgetissimo, an initially jQuery-based plugin side project for UX improvement with form autosave and keyboardability focus.
- Developed an alternative UI for shop order updates for user convenience/workflow speed, including time tracker UI replacement, with RTF to HTML (and back) conversion, and HTML editor UI (cross-database).
- Integrated a timed training bulletin system with a CMS to force a re-read of updated sections at a manager-specified interval.
- Migrated a major accounting system version, including all required changes, to homegrown add-ons.
- Developed disaster recovery for SQL and filesystem data from a HyperV environment.
- Integrated a website with Blogger.com to allow a stockroom manager to update the special offers page herself.
- Researched, built, set up, and administered a new Linux server and dial-up connection sharing. Migrated the intranet app and scheduled scripts from Windows to Linux.
- Developed draggable sort-preserved multiselect for quick composition of complex selections for a purchasing request system (close emulation of Windows Explorer's behavior for easiest user learning curve).
- Integrated an avionics storage bin tracking and replacing paper system with the project management UI and vendor database.
- Mitigated potential disaster using commit hooks integrated with paper procedures to keep a plan for dealing effectively with IT service outages up to date. Wrote an intro paper telling how to access multiple automatic backups of electronic documentation.
- Researched, designed, and implemented autogenerated database views from a smart normalized database design with integrated benchmarking. The database features manager, employee, and personalized database views (where applicable) with auto-generated UI and tables that automatically link to the editing page for each row and the editing page for any referenced foreign key in the row. The editing pages saves partially filled-out forms to pre-emptively protect against data loss in the case of client, server, or connection problems.
- Developed full text search indexing for a third-party app via smart synchronization for vast speed improvements on zero budget.
- Integrated company role hierarchy with the CMS for training so that document updates trigger a notification to exactly the right employee to read changes; an automatic org chart generator is based on this data to fulfill a requirement for maintaining the policy manual.
- Integrated Selenium IDE into the QA process for most common tasks to prevent regressions.
National Operations and Accounts Administrator
Global Youth Volunteer Network
- Migrated a website to a new provider and content to WordPress.
- Maintained and extended a web-based accounting system—home-grown and undocumented (PHP, MySQL).
- Migrated Core Data to CiviCRM.
- Rebuilt Windows workstations, wrote technical documentation and procedures, organized documents and spare hardware, troubleshot Windows desktop and server issues, and managed desktop virus scanner updates.
- Reorganized 200 network cables' worth of spaghetti after hours to avoid service disruption.
- Wrote a simple info service generator in PHP on my last day.
Pluralsight Expert/Author
https://app.pluralsight.com/profile/author/kevin-blochI also passed the video course audition with a sample of PostgreSQL content, but I have not yet authored any video courses.
Willy and Mathilda's Houseboat Adventure: The Game
https://ibwwg.itch.io/mathildagamePartTake (Streamlined Stockroom Process)
http://codingthat.com/cv/portfolio/parttake/Wrote in 2004 (in VB5) and maintained it until 2014, when I ported it to be part of Brant Aero's main intranet app in Perl/HTML/JS/CSS.
https://github.com/IBwWG/cheatermind(MasterMind is an old board game where you are trying to guess a code sequence. Each guess is met with partial feedback, helping the player deduce the code.)
Codility Silver Award for the Vanadium 2016 Challenge
https://codility.com/cert/view/cert3NYNCC-5QSWERY5K8AQU7QW/Very Responsive Single-page Application Prototype
https://github.com/KevinField/DaKTInitial code and idea author. JavaScript/CSS.
JavaScript L-system Interpreter
http://codingthat.com/cv/portfolio/pmath370/Sole author. Unmaintained since its inception around 2006, but still works as of 2024 — a rare surprise in the ever-changing world of front-end web technologies.
Video Game Modding Framework (word_realms_mods)
I also hacked some ActionScript3 bytecode to customize some game behavior.
TDD Practice Projects
https://github.com/KevinField/node-js-getting-startedForked basic Node.js server, then developed several mini-projects using TDD.
Scrollbar Library for HaxeFlixel
https://github.com/IBwWG/FlxScrollableAreaI'm the sole author at this point.
52-Card Pickup 2000 (Win/Mac/Linux, 3D, Open Source)
https://github.com/IBwWG/52cp2kNeed Inspiration — Basic Android App
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.blogspot.gimmickyapps.needinspirationI'm the sole author.
Video Game Translation Framework
Wrote it and maintained it so far. Used it to create mods for word-realms-mods so that interested users have prepackaged translations and don't actually need to use this tool.
Anticolonias (HTML5, Flash)
https://bit.ly/3nmWDDoProgramming Mentor (with HackHands)
https://hackhands.com/kev/Programming Mentor An Online Freelance Agency
App Launcher for Alternative OS
https://github.com/KevinField/BeFullThe design was inspired by Fitz's Law, maximizing the clickability (and readability) of each app's launch button. I also implemented caching, so it launched instantly.
Old-fashioned Remote: A Node.js Multimedia Control Server
https://github.com/codingthat/old-fashioned-remoteBeeb (Palindrome Assistant)
https://archive.org/details/beeb_20230822Easy Home Budget Forecaster
https://gist.github.com/codingthat/7b1e29ddfb878696468eca177dff01b4Put in your monthly income and expenses in "normal_month" and any upcoming one-time transactions in "incidentals." Whenever you check your bank balance, put that in "actual_balances."
Look at the summary view to see your monthly forecast up to 30 months after your earliest balance.
Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics
University of Waterloo - Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Progress towards a Bachelor of Arts Degree (Hons) in Global Studies and Mathematics (Minor subjects: Computer Science, Philosophy, Religion and Culture)
Wilfrid Laurier University - Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Machine Learning A-Z: AI, Python & R
Basic Principles of Quality Assurance
The DTI Training Consortium Inc.
Basic Auditing Principles
The DTI Training Consortium Inc.
HTML5 APIs, REST APIs, Node.js, Mod_perl, Instagram API, jQuery, ReactiveX, Pure CSS, ImageMagick, React, Chai, Apiary API, MathJax, Backbone.js, OpenFL, XGBoost, Scikit-learn, NumPy
Mercurial, Apache HTTP Server, Inkscape, GitHub, Audacity, Bitbucket, pgAdmin, Cygwin, Hyper-V, Google Sheets, LibreOffice, Vagrant, Git, KVM/Qemu, Postman, PhpMyAdmin, Apache, Subversion (SVN), Rsnapshot, Alfresco, SugarCRM, Spiceworks, Terminal, Iptables, FlashDevelop, Mocha, Flyway, Google Docs, Trello, Slack, Salesforce Einstein, Flash, Asana, LaTeX, Blender, MediaWiki, Confluence, Jira, Zapier, RabbitMQ, Zabbix
TypeScript, JavaScript, Perl, HaXe, SQL, HTML5, PL/pgSQL, Markdown, HTML, REBOL, CSS3, T-SQL (Transact-SQL), Bash Script, Visual Basic, Regex, CSS, Bash, VBScript, XSLT, DocBook, Python, Google Apps Script, C, Objective-C, CoffeeScript, C++, Sass, PHP, Ruby, XML/XSLT, Flash ActionScript, Java, ActionScript 3, Pug, ECMAScript (ES6), ES5, ES7, ES8, JavaScript 5, JavaScript 6, R, Python 3
pgTAP, Mithril.js, FeathersJS, Selenium, Svelte, Android SDK, Express.js, Windows PowerShell, Ember.js, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Bootstrap, AngularJS, Django, Vanilla JS, Angular, Swagger
Test-driven Development (TDD), Cross-platform, Samba, Behavior-driven Development (BDD), Testing, Agile Software Development, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), DevOps, Unit Testing, Automation
Linux, Windows, HaxeFlixel, Linux Mint, CentOS, Docker, BeOS, LAMP, Godot, OpenShift, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), MacOS, WordPress, KVM, Quick EMUlator (QEMU), Ubuntu, Windows Server, OS X, Amazon EC2, HubSpot, Android, CiviCRM, iOS, Jupyter Notebook, RStudio, Amazon Web Services (AWS)
SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), Microsoft SQL Server, JSON, PostgreSQL, Database Architecture, Databases, Data Pipelines, MySQL, PostGIS, GlusterFS, OwnCloud, MongoDB
Industry Expertise
Project Management
Full-stack, RSync, AS3 Bytecode, Selenium IDE, Front-end, Back-end, Data Extraction, Proofreading, Documentation, Writing & Editing, Technical Writing, Quality Assurance (QA), Technical Documentation, Software, Dashboards, User Experience (UX), Web Development, APIs, Front-end Development, Back-end Development, QA Automation, User Interface (UI), Full-stack Development, Apps, Objects, Statistical Quality Control (SQC), Microsoft 365, LDAP, HTTPS, SEO Tools, Architecture, Game Development, Web Hosting, Airtable, Low Code, API Testing, User Experience Design, Large Language Models (LLMs), SSH, Gentoo, NFS, DNS, Vi, Remote Desktop, Templates, Shotcut, kramdown, Games, Modding, Ospec, Regular Expressions, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, Google Colaboratory (Colab), Linear Regression, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Dimensionality Reduction, Data Science, Data Preprocessing, Polynomial Regression, Support Vector Regression, Decision Tree Regression, Random Forest Regression, Logistic Regression, K-nearest Neighbors (KNN), Support Vector Machines (SVM), Naive Bayes, Decision Tree Classification, K-means Clustering, Hierarchical Clustering, Association Rule Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Deep Learning, Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), Cross-validation, Auditing, Content Writing, Data Scientist
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