Martins Eglitis, Developer in Riga, Latvia
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Martins Eglitis

Verified Expert  in Engineering

DevOps Engineer and Full-stack Developer

Riga, Latvia
Toptal Member Since
January 17, 2022

With over a decade of industry expertise, Martins is a DevOps engineer who specializes in optimizing and automating workflows for top-tier corporations, unicorn startups, and innovative projects. He's been a driving force behind the success of renowned companies like Accenture, Aptiv, and Printful while also lending his talents to multiple smaller ventures. Martins is currently specializing in Kubernetes, Terraform, Linux, AWS/GCP, Docker, Grafana, Prometheus, GitLab/GitHub, Argo CD, and Go.


Freelance Clients
Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Amazon Web Services (AWS), Kubernetes, Amazon EKS...
Woven Planet Holdings
Kubernetes, DevOps, Amazon Web Services (AWS)...
Kubernetes, Terraform, Argo CD, Git, Prometheus, Grafana, GitOps, Docker...




Preferred Environment

Kubernetes, Linux, Containers, Prometheus, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Go, Git, GitLab CI/CD, Terraform, Argo CD

The most amazing...

...project I've worked on was building an automated and production-ready Kubernetes platform, assisting teams in migrating application workloads effortlessly.

Work Experience

Senior DevOps Engineer

2021 - PRESENT
Freelance Clients
  • Led the design and implementation of a highly secure and scalable infrastructure. Utilized a combination of AWS, Kubernetes, Terraform, and containers to ensure seamless deployment and management of microservices.
  • Leveraged GitLab/GitHub and custom scripts to automate the compilation, testing, and deployment of crypto-related applications, reducing manual errors and ensuring faster release cycles.
  • Applied authentication and authorization best security practices and tools such as IAM roles and policies, IAM roles for service accounts (IRSA) and Workload Identity, OAuth and Traefik middleware, Authelia SSO, and Pinniped Kubernetes cluster login.
  • Utilized Trivy for image scanning and integrated Kubescape into CI/CD pipelines to validate Kubernetes manifests before deployment. Implemented Kyverno to enforce a wide range of cluster policies, which helped my client pass security audits.
Technologies: Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Amazon Web Services (AWS), Kubernetes, Amazon EKS, Docker, Terraform, Shell Scripting, Go, REST, Argo CD, GitOps, GitLab CI/CD, Helm, System Administration, Prometheus, Grafana, NGINX, Git, Logging, APIs, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), REST APIs, Jenkins

Kubernetes Platform Engineer

2022 - 2022
Woven Planet Holdings
  • Enhanced the Terraform configuration with additional functionality, including new modules for GitLab runners and AWS IAM roles for IRSA.
  • Introduced innovative features in GitLab CI/CD pipelines, such as KubePug for checking deprecated Kubernetes objects and Trivy for container vulnerability scans.
  • Integrated a cost-allocation monitoring tool into the internal Kubernetes dashboard, empowering teams to track their monthly expenses. Developed using Go and Backstage.
Technologies: Kubernetes, DevOps, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Site Reliability Engineering (SRE), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Docker, Containerization, Amazon EKS, Amazon DynamoDB, AWS Cloud Architecture, System Administration, Architecture, Amazon EC2, GitLab CI/CD, Containers, Git, Cloud, Infrastructure as Code (IaC), Helm, Shell Scripting, APIs, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), REST APIs

DevOps Engineer

2021 - 2022
  • Successfully migrated multiple applications to Kubernetes, creating Dockerfiles, GitLab CI/CD pipelines, ArgoCD applications, and customized Helm charts.
  • Devised a Go-based cost calculation tool to generate Kubernetes usage costs accurately.
  • Strategically planned and executed production Kubernetes cluster and component upgrades (CNI, KEDA, etc.) with zero downtime.
Technologies: Kubernetes, Terraform, Argo CD, Git, Prometheus, Grafana, GitOps, Docker, GitLab CI/CD, Go, Containers, Linux, Loki, GitLab, Infrastructure as Code (IaC), Cloud, DevOps, Amazon Web Services (AWS), MySQL/MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Ansible, Jenkins, Containerization, Amazon EKS, AWS Cloud Architecture, System Administration, Architecture, Amazon EC2, Amazon RDS, Helm, Site Reliability Engineering (SRE), Shell Scripting, APIs, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), REST APIs

DevOps Engineer

2020 - 2021
  • Designed and deployed on-demand staging environments on Kubernetes, providing teams with sandboxed, scalable, and self-healing workspaces.
  • Developed a versatile Go tool utilizing Viper and Cobra libraries for interactive and automated production server deployments.
  • Conducted research and implemented an optimal GitFlow workflow strategy for streamlined continuous software development.
Technologies: Terraform, GitLab, Linux, Docker, Prometheus, Go, Git, GitLab CI/CD, Containers, Kubernetes, Loki, GitOps, Argo CD, Infrastructure as Code (IaC), Cloud, Grafana, DevOps, Amazon Web Services (AWS), MySQL/MariaDB, Containerization, Amazon EKS, Amazon DynamoDB, AWS Cloud Architecture, System Administration, Architecture, Amazon EC2, Amazon RDS, Site Reliability Engineering (SRE), Shell Scripting, Ansible, APIs, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), REST APIs, AWS Lambda

Back-end Engineer

2016 - 2018
Terra Virtuala
  • Transformed an obsolete .NET app to PHP with Bootstrap, alongside creating a Node.js app to retrieve data from iRobot robots through the REST API.
  • Achieved database optimization by normalizing MySQL data, enhancing indexing, and refining query execution times. Implemented master-slave replication on air-gapped servers.
  • Streamlined on-prem server installation with shell scripts and efficiently managed users, permissions, backups, etc., using Ansible automation.
Technologies: Linux, MySQL, PHP, Laravel, NGINX, Git, JavaScript, SCSS, Bootstrap, GitLab CI/CD, Symfony, Gulp, GitLab, Cloud, MySQL/MariaDB, System Administration, Shell Scripting, SQL, APIs, REST APIs

Lead Back-end Developer

2014 - 2016
  • Completed and launched two web projects, and, contributing to enhanced user experiences and increased online visibility for respective clients.
  • Led and empowered a team of two skilled PHP developers, implementing Agile practices like daily standups, retrospectives, sprint plannings, and monthly knowledge-sharing sessions to enhance productivity and collaboration.
  • Managed workstations and cloud services efficiently for a diverse team of 20+ members, ensuring seamless operations and optimizing workflow.
Technologies: Linux, MySQL, PHP, Laravel, Symfony, Gulp, JavaScript, SCSS, Bootstrap, Git, NGINX, Cloud, MySQL/MariaDB, System Administration, Shell Scripting, SQL, APIs, REST APIs

Full-stack Developer

2013 - 2014
  • Enhanced and optimized the existing hybrid PHP framework based on CodeIgniter and Kohana, improving performance and scalability.
  • Delivered secure and reliable APIs to facilitate seamless integration with banking systems and various webshops.
  • Expanded the core functionality of the in-house CMS, enabling more efficient content management and user interaction.
Technologies: PHP, Apache, CodeIgniter, MySQL, Linux, Git, JavaScript, NGINX, MySQL/MariaDB, System Administration, Shell Scripting, SQL, APIs, REST APIs

Automated Kubernetes Platform
I built a Kubernetes platform that was automated, scalable, replicable, safe, and convenient for developers in the company. The requirements for the development, testing, and production environments were similar, but they had some differences in configuration, such as cluster policies, domains, and security credentials. Building these environments from scratch every time was a tedious and error-prone activity.

The platform was developed with the best practices in mind, incorporating automation using GitLab CI/CD, GitOps using ArgoCD, IaC using Terraform, secrets management using SOPS and Sealed Secrets, user and access management using AWS IRSA, Authelia SSO, and Pinniped login, cluster policies using Kyverno, and monitoring using Grafana, Prometheus, and Loki.

This approach ensured reproducibility, safety, and convenience, streamlining the process of setting up environments and eliminating the need to start from scratch with each deployment. The developers could use the platform to quickly and reliably create the required environments for their application workloads, enhancing the overall efficiency and security of the development workflow.

Kubernetes Clusters from Scratch

This sandbox project was of great importance to me as it allowed me to explore and experiment with building Kubernetes clusters on bare virtual machines, optimizing costs, and finding the most suitable cloud provider.

Through thorough research, I identified Hetzner as the optimal choice, prioritizing cost-effectiveness and availability over certain AWS features and scale. Crafting the clusters using kubeadm, Cilium as CNI, and Hetzner's container storage interface was a rewarding challenge that deepened my technical expertise.

In this project, I embraced Terraform to configure the infrastructure, using modules, custom scripts, and automation for better management. Running Terraform from a GitLab CI/CD pipeline further streamlined the deployment process, ensuring a smooth and efficient workflow.

Delivery Tool in Go

The company's deployment process faced significant challenges due to a sprawling 1,000+ line bash script that had become unwieldy and unreliable, leading to frequent failures during code deployment to production servers.

To address this issue, I took the initiative to rewrite the entire delivery tool in Go. Embracing Cobra and Viper frameworks, I ensured seamless support for noninteractive pipelines and interactive use cases alongside conditional flags and arguments. Moreover, I enhanced the tool by implementing an AWS DynamoDB-based locking mechanism, preventing parallel deliveries and promoting stability.

Additionally, I laid the foundation for SlackOps integration, enabling the delivery tool to be effortlessly triggered directly from Slack, streamlining the collaboration and communication aspects of the deployment process. This transformation significantly improved the reliability and maintainability of the delivery process, fostering a more robust and efficient code deployment workflow.

Sudoku Solver
As part of an educational project, I developed a brute-force recursive Sudoku solver for 9x9 puzzles. The project comprises three distinct sub-projects.

The core of the solver is a Go-based library, meticulously tested using conventional and fuzzy test cases to ensure accuracy and reliability. To enhance user experience, I built a user-friendly website enabling effortless grid input, solving, result downloads, and API access. The website, written in Go, includes a Dockerfile for easy image building and deployment.

In the realm of operations, the third sub-project encompasses GitLab CI/CD pipelines, Terraform configurations for AWS, and Kubernetes configurations. These components harmoniously orchestrate the deployment and management of the Sudoku solver on cloud infrastructure.




Terraform, GitLab CI/CD, Git, GitLab, Amazon EKS, Helm, Grafana, NGINX, Jenkins, Gulp, Apache, Ansible, Logging


DevOps, Testing, REST, DevSecOps


Kubernetes, Linux, Docker, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amazon EC2, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), AWS Lambda, AWS Cloud Computing Services


Containers, Prometheus, Cloud, Infrastructure as Code (IaC), Argo CD, GitOps, CI/CD Pipelines, Site Reliability Engineering (SRE), Containerization, AWS Cloud Architecture, System Administration, APIs, Architecture, Loki, Amazon RDS, Shell Scripting, Cloudflare, Pulumi, Kyverno, Authelia, Web Security, Pipelines, Networking, Orchestration, Scheduling, SecOps, Open Source, Container Orchestration


Go, PHP, SQL, JavaScript, SCSS, Bash, Python


Amazon DynamoDB, MySQL/MariaDB, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), MySQL, PostgreSQL, Ingres


Laravel, Symfony, Bootstrap, CodeIgniter

2020 - 2021

Master's Degree in Computer Science

EPFL - Lausanne, Switzerland

2019 - 2020

Master's Degree in Computer Science

Chalmers University of Technology - Gothenburg, Sweden

2008 - 2012

Bachelor's Degree in Informatics and Applied Mathematics

University of Latvia - Riga, Latvia


Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist

The Linux Foundation


Certified Kubernetes Administrator

The Linux Foundation


Certified Kubernetes Application Developer

The Linux Foundation

JUNE 2021 - JUNE 2024

Certified Terraform Associate


APRIL 2021 - APRIL 2024

AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner

Amazon Web Services

Collaboration That Works

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