Szabolcs Dombi, Developer in Cluj-Napoca, Cluj County, Romania
Szabolcs is available for hire
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Szabolcs Dombi

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Cluj-Napoca, Cluj County, Romania
Toptal Member Since
July 1, 2019

Szabolcs is an experienced Python, C, and C++ developer, who uses the Python C API to build Python extensions, and to embed Python into other applications. His spare time project is a high-performance rendering library built for Python. Szabolcs has won several competitions with his elegant and successful coding skills, and finds simplicity, maintainability, and performance important when making design decisions.


Python, Pyodide, WebGL, TensorFlow, SciPy, NumPy, TypeScript, React, WebSockets...
React, Material UI, Formik, Django, Celery, Kubernetes, Docker, Dialogflow...
Crypto, SQLAlchemy, Flask, Python




Preferred Environment

SSH, Git, Docker, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Linux, Windows

The most amazing...

...product I've built is a high-performance rendering Python library called ModernGL.

Work Experience

Senior Software Engineer

2022 - 2023
  • Developed a local development environment for research and development that can also deploy to the web, including real-time simulation and a Python-based agent.
  • Implemented networking for multi-user scenarios and various robot controllers.
  • Fine-tuned the simulation to match the 3D-printed humanoid robot.
Technologies: Python, Pyodide, WebGL, TensorFlow, SciPy, NumPy, TypeScript, React, WebSockets, WebRTC, Bullet, Software Architecture

Senior Django Developer

2019 - 2022
  • Implemented the NLP integration using Dialogflow and for a legacy application using Django.
  • Implemented a project management system from scratch using the Devias Kit as a reference.
  • Coordinated and trained junior developers to use the Django ORM and React Hooks.
  • Organized tasks using Jira and reviewed pull requests on a daily basis.
  • Reimplemented most of the back-end queries to use GraphQL.
Technologies: React, Material UI, Formik, Django, Celery, Kubernetes, Docker, Dialogflow,, TypeScript, Webpack, Software Architecture, APIs, GraphQL


2019 - 2019
  • Implemented a REST API in Python using a re-encryption protocol to empower privacy in decentralized systems.
  • Worked with public-key cryptography and elliptic curves.
  • Deployed a multi-database system with Docker containers.
  • Implemented automated database backups to an S3 bucket.
Technologies: Crypto, SQLAlchemy, Flask, Python

Senior Software Engineer

2017 - 2019
  • Implemented a custom Python module interfacing the Bullet Physics SDK, a custom Python module for asynchronous audio playback, and a custom Python Window library using the WinAPI.
  • Implemented tools and renderers for visualization.
  • Implemented, compared, and analyzed various machine learning techniques.
  • Optimized slow components by reimplementing them in C++ and added unit tests to ensure their correctness.
Technologies: Machine Learning, WinAPI, OpenGL, OpenAL, Physics, Bullet, C++, Python, Software Architecture

External Consultant

2018 - 2018
  • Worked with real-time systems, and implemented microservices for industrial automation.
  • Implemented a transport layer on top of Bluetooth LE GATT characteristics to support firmware upgrades.
  • Developed the persistent layer to store data and logs on a flash drive in FlatBuffers.
Technologies: Microservices Architecture, Bluetooth LE, Embedded C++, FreeRTOS, Embedded C, Embedded Systems, AWS IoT


2016 - 2017
  • Maintained a Flask application written in Python 2.
  • Implemented Google, Yahoo, Hotmail, and IMAP login functionality.
  • Added new functionality through a separate application written in Python 3.
  • Added Slack integration for critical error reporting.
Technologies: IMAP, Gevent, SQLAlchemy, Alembic, Flask, Python


2015 - 2015
NGI Systems
  • Developed an Android application that required a custom-built Android image.
  • Customized the Android image and disabled built-in features to restrict the user from accessing shutdown, airplane mode, or exiting from the app.
  • Worked with Jira and Bamboo and improved the CI to build faster.
Technologies: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Java, Android, C++, Python


2014 - 2015
  • Replaced a 10-year-old broken system with a C# application managing a Microsoft SQL Server database.
  • Automated the importing of new orders and products.
  • Handled the automation of order splitting and invoice generation.
Technologies: Python, C#, Microsoft SQL Server

ModernGL is a Python library that offers high-performance rendering using OpenGL. It features an easy-to-use, 100% Pythonic API. ModernGL integrates seamlessly with most windowing libraries and also supports windowless rendering.

Python Model Rigging
This is a demo project implementing a Python extension for model rigging using OpenGL Mathematics (GLM). This project was designed to be simple and fast compared to its Python equivalent implementation.

Pocket Cube Experiment
According to Wikipedia, there are 3,674,160 different pocket cube states. This project demonstrates how to generate all the possible states of the pocket cube using pure Python. It only takes seven seconds.

Otto Simulator
Otto Simulator is a demo project that demonstrates a real-time physics simulation based on Python, running directly in the browser. The website is constructed using React and TypeScript. The simulation itself is implemented in C++ and compiled to WebAssembly, providing efficient performance in the browser. A Python program controls the robot through the use of Pyodide.

4.8M WebSocket Keys Per Second in Python
This is a demo project showcasing my abilities to optimize Python code by implementing a standard Python extension in C/C++. Significant optimization is possible even when the method to be optimized seems to be the fastest possible already.

ZenGL is a rendering library providing self-contained OpenGL rendering pipelines for Python. ZenGL addresses the inherent issues associated with having a global state in OpenGL and minimizes the likelihood of errors during the development of a graphical application. It also runs in the browsers.


Python, C++, TypeScript, C, Embedded C++, Embedded C, GraphQL, C#, Java


Flask, Material UI, Bullet, Django, Alembic


CPython, React, OpenGL, WinAPI, NumPy, FlatBuffers, SQLAlchemy, WebRTC, Gevent, OpenAL, Formik,, WebGL, TensorFlow, SciPy


Git, GitHub, Bitbucket, Webpack, Celery, Dialogflow


Linux, Docker, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Bluetooth LE, Windows, Android, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Kubernetes, AWS IoT


PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, SQLite


Game Physics, Programming, WebSockets, Simulations, SSH, Machine Learning, Embedded Software, Algorithms, Mathematics, Pyodide, IMAP, Physics, Crypto, Data Visualization, Software Architecture, FreeRTOS, Embedded Systems, APIs


Microservices Architecture, Agile Software Development, Functional Programming

2013 - 2016

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science

Babes-Bolyai University - Cluj-Napoca, Romania


Amazon TechO(n) Challenge - Second Prize



Catalysts Coding Contest - Second Prize



Catalysts Coding Contest - First Prize



National Olympiad in Informatics (ONI) - Silver Medal

Ministry of National Education

Collaboration That Works

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