Veselin Dimitrov, Developer in Sofia, Bulgaria
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Veselin Dimitrov

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Sofia, Bulgaria
Toptal Member Since
December 3, 2018

Veselin is a top-notch software engineer with the passion and experience to help businesses solve complex problems. Specializing in full-stack, highly scalable, real-time, cross-platform JavaScript and Node.js applications, he delivers world-class quality in terms of architecture, maintainability, and performance. He has worked in corporate as well as startup environments, and transparent communication is always prevalent in his work ethic.


Amazon Web Services (AWS), Terraform, Bash Script, Styled-components, Go...
CSS, MongoDB, TypeScript, Styled-components, React, Node.js
Socket.IO, Docker, Styled-components, SQL, Flexbox, CSS, HTML5, React Native...




Preferred Environment

Slack, Git, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), OS X, Docker

The most amazing...

...product I've worked on is an AI-powered, knowledge management system that structures a company's knowledge and makes it accessible on multiple platforms.

Work Experience

Senior Software Engineer

2019 - 2020
  • Worked on a platform that enables data scientists and ML engineers to build, train and deploy ML models at scale.
  • Migrated a code executor written in and able to parse Python 2 code to work with Python 3.
  • Contributed to an extremely sophisticated and highly scalable cloud-agnostic infrastructure.
  • Worked on a fully-tested React app with 1000+ components.
  • Contributed to a highly-scalable and very well tested GraphQL API.
Technologies: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Terraform, Bash Script, Styled-components, Go, Python, Docker, Kubernetes, TypeScript, GraphQL, MongoDB, React, Node.js

Senior Software Engineer

2018 - 2019
  • Worked on an automated chatbot platform that delivers newsletter experience in an innovative way.
  • Created a lot of stunning CSS animations to maximize the chatbot experience.
  • Maintained and improved a state-of-art TypeScript codebase.
  • Worked on a super solid and very well tested real-time Node.js API.
Technologies: CSS, MongoDB, TypeScript, Styled-components, React, Node.js

Senior Software Engineer

2018 - 2018
  • Architected and developed the MVP for an AI-based knowledge management system (Panto.AI) that structures a company's knowledge and makes it accessible on multiple platforms.
  • Built the back-end with Node.js, Koa, PostgreSQL, and TypeScript.
  • Developed the front-end with React and Redux.
  • Used Socket.IO to make the updates in the system real-time.
  • Implemented Dialogflow as an NLP service to understand the utterances from the user and return the proper results.
  • Helped in developing custom machine learning (ML) models for best answer recommendations.
Technologies: Socket.IO, Docker, Styled-components, SQL, Flexbox, CSS, HTML5, React Native, JavaScript, Jest, Webpack, ECMAScript (ES6), Redux, React, PostgreSQL, TypeScript, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Koa, Node.js

Lead Software Engineer

2017 - 2018
  • Pivoted a product and focused only on building a mobile app for creating businesses online presence (website, Facebook page, Google My Business) through a mobile application.
  • Built the main mobile application with React Native, allowing users to use to use it both on iOS and Android.
  • Created the user's online presence which resulted in a highly performant, optimized for emerging countries, offline-compatible progressive React-based web app (PWA).
  • Built the REST API with Node.js, PostgreSQL, and CouchDB.
  • Developed a subscription-based payment system with Braintree.
  • Built a cross-platform SDK for a shared common functionality and components between React and React Native.
  • Led a team of five people, helping them find the best solutions, achieve their best potential, and kept them motivated.
Technologies: Styled-components, SQL, Flexbox, CSS, HTML5, Ionic, MongoDB, JavaScript, Jest, Webpack, ES7, ECMAScript (ES6), Redux, React Native, React, TypeScript, CouchDB, PostgreSQL, Koa, Node.js

Lead Software Engineer

2015 - 2017
Snapp Builder
  • Built a hybrid mobile application which enables the users to add content and build their own mobile application without any technical knowledge required.
  • Developed the front-end with Ionic and Angular.
  • Built the back-end with Node.js, Koa, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB.
  • Helped in developing an automated queue for building native mobile applications with Ionic CLI, Redis, Google PubSub, and a bunch of Shell scripts.
  • Used a lot of different technologies like Google Maps, Facebook SDK and Twitter SDK to connect all of the user data with as many third-party providers as possible.
  • Created a custom subscription-based payment system with Braintree.
  • Managed all the product releases.
  • Led a team of five, helping them achieve their best while remaining motivated and confident.
Technologies: SQL, Flexbox, Redux, CSS, HTML5, React, JavaScript, Shell, Make, Angular, Ionic, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Koa, Node.js

Full-stack JavaScript Developer

2014 - 2015
  • Developed a product for helping companies in the shipping industry sign their contracts with ease and in real time.
  • Built the front-end in Ext JS with a focus on component reusability.
  • Constructed the back-end with Node.js and MongoDB.
  • Integrated and customized a TinyMCE WSIWYG editor.
  • Implemented Socket.IO to make the contract editor available in real time from both parties.
Technologies: SQL, Flexbox, CSS, HTML5, Socket.IO, TinyMCE, Ext JS, JavaScript, MongoDB, Express.js, Node.js

Privacy-first Contact-tracing Platform
Due to COVID-19, there is a huge demand for contact tracing solutions that will help governments and local communities to track and stop the spread of the virus. That's why I decided to volunteer through the TopVolunteer program.

The solution I worked on is a privacy-first contact tracing platform that does the magic only through scanning QR codes. It's a super simple, yet extremely powerful solution that already works on the ground and hopefully saves lives.

Personal Chatbot
I architected and developed an offline compatible progressive web app with a personalized and customized chatbot.

Subscription-based Payment Infrastructure

I built a sophisticated, extremely stable, and battle-tested subscription-based payments infrastructure that supported pay-as-you-go subscriptions and a marketplace functionality on top of the Braintree SDK.

AI-powered Q&A Engine

For this project, I developed an AI-powered Q&A engine that learns from answered questions and automatically responds to new questions if the confidence score is above a specific threshold. This project was built on top of Dialogflow, Node.js, and PostgreSQL.


JavaScript, TypeScript, ECMAScript (ES6), HTML5, CSS, GraphQL, ES7, SQL, Sass, Python, Go, Bash Script, C#, XML, Bash


Koa, Redux, Express.js, React Native, Ionic, Jest, AngularJS, Angular, ASP.NET MVC, Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), Ext JS, Bootstrap


Node.js, React, Flexbox, HTML5 APIs, Chai, Sinon.JS, Passport.js, Moment.js, Socket.IO, React Router, Lodash, Facebook SDK, Google Maps SDK, Puppeteer, Fabric


Redux Thunk, Webpack, Git, Braintree SDK, Dialogflow, Mocha, Jira, Babel, Gulp, Grunt, JSX, Trello, NPM, Slack, Terraform, Mongoose, Vagrant, Google Analytics, NGINX, VirtualBox, Make, Shell


Single-page Applications (SPA), ParcelJS, Progressive Web Applications (PWA), Styled-components, Cordova, CSS-in-JS, Google Cloud Functions, Google Pub/Sub, TinyMCE


Agile, Functional Programming, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Scrum, Kanban, REST, Asynchronous Programming, Model View Controller (MVC), Unit Testing, Behavior-driven Development (BDD), Test-driven Development (TDD), Real-time Systems


Linux, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Visual Studio Code (VS Code), OS X, Kubernetes, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Android, Firebase, Docker, Raspberry Pi


PostgreSQL, CouchDB, MongoDB, NoSQL, PouchDB, Elasticsearch, JSON, Redis, MySQL

2013 - 2014

Technical Degree in Software Engineering

Telerik Academy - Sofia, Bulgaria


C# Developer Certificate

Telerik Academy


JavaScript Developer Certificate

Telerik Academy


Web Developer Certificate

Telerik Academy

Collaboration That Works

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