Zlatko Duric, Developer in Munich, Bavaria, Germany
Zlatko is available for hire
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Zlatko Duric

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Munich, Bavaria, Germany

Toptal member since June 12, 2013


Zlatko is an experienced JavaScript developer, working with Angular, React, Node.js, and other technologies. Backed by experience in the field of web applications, Zlatko is focused on the quick delivery of quality web projects. With a long track of working and leading successful web projects as well as coaching and training, Zlatko tries to remain on top of the technology, keeping in mind best practices for performance and maintainability.


MSG Systems AG
Microservices, JavaScript, Angular, React, Front-end, Amazon Web Services (AWS)...
Msg Systems Ag.
Gulp, Apache Maven, TypeScript, JavaScript, Angular, Architecture, CSS, Next.js...
Duric Consulting
Amazon Web Services (AWS), Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Redis, MongoDB...


  • Linux - 20 years
  • JavaScript - 13 years
  • REST - 8 years
  • Node.js - 8 years
  • Express.js - 6 years
  • AngularJS - 6 years
  • MongoDB - 5 years
  • Angular Material - 2 years



Preferred Environment

CentOS, Ubuntu, Linux, Git

The most amazing...

...thing I've done was connect cars to the internet via an OBD2 dongle.

Work Experience

Principal IT Consultant

2018 - PRESENT
MSG Systems AG
  • Coached and trained Angular and front-end developers in multiple projects for automotive industry clients.
  • Designed the application architecture for an internal Angular, NgRx, and AG Grid-based HR solution.
  • Ran weekly ask-the-expert discussions on front-end-related questions.
  • Conducted workshops on fundamentals of Angular concepts and Angular architecture.
  • Created proof-of-concept D3.js-based widgets with Angular.
  • Troubleshot performance issues with virtual tables in Angular.
  • Bootstrapped a React app and trained a team of juniors in developing a front-end application for a cloud-based offering.
  • Developed, configured, tested, and deployed React applications and microfrontends, including integrating with 3rd-party payment solutions.
  • Designed, configured, and deployed production, test, and development environments for various applications based on Dockerized microservices-based software.
Technologies: Microservices, JavaScript, Angular, React, Front-end, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Cloud, Azure, Java, Docker, Kubernetes, Drone CI, GitLab CI/CD, Bitbucket, Redux, Architecture, CQRS, Full-stack, Automated Testing, Design Systems, Swagger, Storybook, CSS, React Native, Mapbox, Python, Tailwind CSS, jQuery, Amazon API, Leadership, CI/CD Pipelines, Software Architecture, Database Design, Progressive Web Applications (PWAs), Back-end, DevOps, Firebase, Databases, Mobile, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Annotations, Image Annotation, Virtual DOM, REST APIs, Jest, Slack, GitHub

Angular and JavaScript Coach and Architect

2017 - 2018
Msg Systems Ag.
  • Migrated AngularJS projects to an Angular 5 codebase.
  • Trained colleagues in software development with Angular.
  • Architected and implemented an intracompany seed project based on Angular and Bootstrap.
  • Integrated ng-CLI and Node.js scripts with Maven projects.
  • Architected the front end on the project architecture board.
Technologies: Gulp, Apache Maven, TypeScript, JavaScript, Angular, Architecture, CSS, Next.js, jQuery, WebRTC

Consultant, Coach, and Instructor for React, Node.js, Angular, and JavaScript

2016 - 2018
Duric Consulting
  • Trained developers in Angular, JavaScript, and front-end work.
  • Architected multiple projects using Angular as a framework.
  • Developed scalable Node.js back ends with Redis and MongoDB for persistence.
  • Optimized data structures for MongoDB storage by creating and optimizing queries and indexing strategies and aggregations using MapReduce and similar technologies.
  • Created Angular websites, web apps, and dashboards for power-user and administrative functionality.
  • Ran Google Cloud Platform, AWS, and Azure projects directly via the service offering—compute engines, storage engines, or managed databases and services—or by Dockerizing the software and building and deploying Docker images.
  • Administrated Linux servers with DigitalOcean and Scaleway, automated software setup, installation, basic security hardening, and the usual server automation.
  • Developed and deployed front ends based on React and Angular frameworks and integrated with 3rd-party libraries and services.
Technologies: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Redis, MongoDB, Angular, Node.js, JavaScript, React, SQLite, PostgreSQL, Agile, Kubernetes, WebSockets, Full-stack, Automated Testing, Swagger, CSS, Mapbox, Leadership, CI/CD Pipelines, Software Architecture, Database Design, Progressive Web Applications (PWAs), Back-end, DevOps, Databases, Browser Plugins, Chrome API, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Annotations, Image Annotation, Image Recognition, Virtual DOM, Slack API, Slackbot, REST APIs, Jest, Slack, GitHub

Lead Developer

2014 - 2017
Snakt, Inc.
  • Built a REST API for the mobile video app, scalable, stateless, built mostly with JavaScript and Node.js on AWS stack.
  • Designed and implemented DevOps procedures for AWS infrastructure (EB, Lambda, S3, CF, SQS etc),.
  • Integrated project infrastructure with third-party services: email (mailgun), Slack (messaging/alerts), Zendesk (support), Twilio (SMS/auth), Facebook (auth), and more.
  • Built a responsive Angular-based media-heavy website.
  • Built back-office, power-user, and admin dashboards.
Technologies: Amazon Web Services (AWS), AngularJS, Angular, NGINX, MongoDB, Node.js, CQRS, Full-stack, CI/CD Pipelines, Software Architecture, Back-end, DevOps, Databases, Video Processing, Image Recognition, Video Streaming, REST APIs, GitHub

Back-end Developer (Node.js)

2014 - 2016
ThinxNet GmbH
  • Led all back-end development in a connected car startup.
  • Created aggregation and mapReduce reports on MongoDB collections.
  • Designed and implemented message queues on RabbitMQ as well as asynchronous job handling.
  • Created and extended a REST API for mobile and web apps.
  • Created and extended the back-office REST API for the in-house and public-facing front ends.
  • Designed a data model based on MongoDB, including ACL+RBAC.
Technologies: Sails.js, RabbitMQ, MongoDB, Node.js, Architecture, CI/CD Pipelines, Software Architecture, Database Design, Back-end, DevOps, Databases, REST APIs, GitHub

Founder, Manager, Developer

2011 - 2016
Ars Tempo d.o.o.
  • Developed a Node.js-based in-house invoicing application.
  • Integrated PDFKit into the invoicing app.
  • Deployed four WordPress sites.
  • Deployed three static company sites.
Technologies: Linux, JavaScript, PHP, HTML, Node.js, CSS, Software Architecture, Back-end, Databases, Image Recognition, REST APIs, GitHub

API Dev/Consultant

2014 - 2014
POSTIFY (via Toptal)
  • Implemented a RESTful Node.js back end for postcard creation.
  • Implemented Passport.js BearerStrategy request authentication.
  • Created a multi-company back end for different apps and users.
  • Deployed the app to Heroku and integrated Amazon S3 storage.
  • Added ImageMagick as the app's image processing engine.
Technologies: Restify, MongoDB, Node.js, Software Architecture, Back-end, Databases, Image Recognition, REST APIs, GitHub

Full-stack Developer

2013 - 2014
  • Developed a custom, Instagram-like CMS system. Integrated Facebook, Twitter, and local authentication with Passport.js.
  • Implemented Mongo and MongoLab as a back end with Mongoose.
  • Developed an Express RESTful back end and an Angular front end for the app.
  • Integrated Filepicker.io for file uploading and JCropper for image cropping.
Technologies: Node.js, Angular, Express.js, MongoDB, Software Architecture, Back-end, REST APIs

Lead Developer

2013 - 2014
  • Created a Mongoose schema for a MongoDB-backed CMS.
  • Implemented a RESTful back end for a custom fashion-industry service.
  • Created a Pinterest-like image/article posting service.
  • Integrated Filepicker.io as the image hosting service.
  • Developed various AngularJS directives, filters, and services.
  • Turned sliced HTML into Jade templates and partials for supporting the AngularJS application.
  • Implemented Socket.IO as a simple messaging service.
Technologies: AngularJS, Node.js

Lead Developer

2013 - 2014
  • Deployed Alfresco Community from SVN HEAD as a base for a custom service.
  • Built custom Spring Surf based pages as a dashboard for the new service.
  • Developed custom Alfresco data model and RESTful web scripts for this model.
  • Developed custom Alfresco Share components for managing content.
Technologies: RESTful Web Services, FreeMarker, YUI, JavaScript, Alfresco, Back-end

Node.js/MongoDB Developer

2013 - 2013
  • Created a back end for an iPhone fashion app with MongoDB.
  • Integrated a third-party REST API (image recognition) as a back-end search engine.
  • Created an administrative web front end for managing the application.
  • Integrated full-text search using a MongoDB 2.6 experimental feature.
  • Created an on-the-fly configuration change setup with app config saved in MongoDB.
Technologies: MongoDB, Node.js, CSS, Back-end, REST APIs

JavaScript Developer

2013 - 2013
  • Implemented the Stripe.js payment API into a web app.
  • Implemented Facebook authentication as well as created and rendered Dust.js template engine.
  • Implemented local storage for storing browsing sessions and preferences.
  • Stored user and other item information into a MongoDB back end.
Technologies: JavaScript, Back-end


2013 - 2013
  • Developed a survey application, a single-page app based on AngularJS and Node.js.
  • Created Mongoose schema for survey questions and sets of answers.
  • Developed a single-page front end with Angular (incl. routing, $resources, etc).
  • Developed an authenticated back end for reporting services.
Technologies: Mongoose, AngularJS, Node.js, JavaScript

Alfresco Developer

2012 - 2013
  • Deployed and integrated an Alfresco-based education platform (public and private membership-based lecture schedules and documentation).
  • Integrated self-registration modules for three different roles.
  • Extended Alfresco Sites to represent lectures together with schedules and media uploads.
  • Integrated SOAP service call to Monster.com API in this solution.
Technologies: YUI, Spring, FreeMarker, Alfresco, Databases, Back-end, Image Recognition

Head of IT Department

2012 - 2013
Schenker d.o.o.
  • Handled the high-level design of an in-house ERP for a logistics/transportation company.
  • Installed and implemented Request Tracker and IT-support related processes.
  • Wrote automation tasks and scripts on Windows and Linux servers.
  • Wrote a MongoDB/Node.js web scraper (to get information from a Railroad public site about shipment positions).
  • Managed backups (Simpana CommVault).
Technologies: Bash, Hyper-V, Commvault, MongoDB, Node.js, Databases, Back-end

IT Development Manager

2009 - 2012
PBK Partneri d.o.o.
  • Developed, deployed, and supported a document management platform in an accounting company.
  • Integrated accounting processes and workflows with document classification, approval, booking, payment, archiving, etc.
  • Integrated a banking interface (support for Croatian banks' "FINA" format) for paying invoices.
  • Integrated a multi-client/multi-provider environment for accounting processes.
  • Integrated a partial OCR solution for scanned documents (ID barcode and tax code recognition and matching of invoices to Vendors).
Technologies: YUI, FreeMarker, Java, JavaScript, Alfresco, Back-end, Image Recognition

IT Education and Business Process Development Expert

2008 - 2009
  • Worked on travel-industry related problems: accommodation, dates, reservations, and offline booking.
  • Prepared functional specifications for software development.
  • Led the migration/integration project for a new operations platform.
  • Implemented business processes in acquired companies.
  • Provided education and support for in-house applications.
Technologies: Software

Linux Administrator

2008 - 2008
CERP (for HostForWeb.com)
  • Supported shared, virtual, and dedicated Linux hosting servers.
  • Monitored the network and mitigated the typical attacks on web hosting servers and services.
  • Installed and maintained web hosting and related services: Apache/Lighttpd, MySQL, Custom PHP builds, Exim, etc.
  • Maintained OpenVZ-based virtual servers, backups, and services.
  • Provided support for services and cPanel.
Technologies: Iptables, OpenVZ, cPanel, Exim, MySQL, PHP, Apache, Bash, Linux



I implemented a fashion industry portal from scratch, which included the following:
• Created data schemas with Mongoose and set up MongoDB for persistence.
• Implemented controllers and routing with Express.js and as (pre-delivered) templates in Jade.
• Developed the Angular front-end app, directives, and controllers.
• Implemented a full Instagram-like client in Angular, a custom self-adjustable grid, and real-time notifications with Socket.IO.
• Developed session storage in Redis.
• Deployed the entire portal to a Heroku, MongoLab, and RedisToGo stack.

Twitter Scraper: A Simple Tweet Tracker

An app for tracking a Twitter timeline for wanted terms with a blocked list. The app monitors the Twitter stream for the given tracking words. If the tweet contains blocked words, it's discarded; otherwise, it's shown to the user on the timeline. The timeline has a link to the author, the tweet, the Email this! button to email the tweet to yourself via direct link, and the Pause and Unpause button for faster streams. It is a straightforward app scraped together in two afternoons as a part of a learning experience.

JavaScript Ad Widget

A JavaScript snippet I built for loading and displaying ads for a European-based marketing agency. The project included building the snippet to be embedded in third-party sites and working with back-end engineers on a solution for tracking the impressions and clickthroughs for the displayed ads.

MyOffice Accounting Platform

Developed a full-blown document management solution for accountants on top of Alfresco DMS. The solution was primarily a marketplace where accountants could automate their workflows and offer services to clients. It later extended to include other services, like Legal and HR. As a project lead,
I worked on the front end and back end and interfacing solutions.

The solution included:
• Workflows for auto-importing documents, from scanning incoming invoices or picking them from email.
• An OCR solution to extract relevant information from it.
• Specialized accounting applications, like Microsoft Dynamics Nav for displaying reports on-demand.
• Payment files for automating payments with banking systems.
• JBoss BPM-based workflows for managing documentation in a typical accountant's office.

Connected Cars

Developed RESTful APIs for connected-car systems while working with ThinxNet. The product was an OBD2 dongle with custom, in-house firmware that included a GSM card, GPS, and other sensors. It was connected to a car's CAN bus that sent telemetry and other information via a secured link to the in-house systems. The information was processed and offered for back-office solutions and to web and mobile clients.

As a lead back-end engineer, I built and managed the development of RESTful services and APIs that served different purposes, including standard APIs for customers, back-office web and mobile apps, and reporting and processing signals. We worked primarily with Node.js and the MongoDB stack, native Android and iOS clients, and web apps built with Polymer.

Streams - Talk in the WebCamp Zagreb 2014 Conference

Gave a talk on the upcoming Streams API in browsers, based on my experiences with Node.js streams. Aside from that talk, I was also a regular speaker at JavaScript Zagreb meet-ups on Node.js and JavaScript topics.


2006 - 2008

University Specialist in Economics Degree in Organization and management postgraduate studies

Economic Faculty in Osijek - Osijek, Croatia



React, Node.js, NgRx, RxJS, Backbone.js, YUI, jQuery, Restify, Stripe, REST APIs, WebRTC, Amazon API, Chrome API, Slack API


NPM, FreeMarker, Mongoose, WebStorm, Vim Text Editor, Sublime Text, RabbitMQ, NGINX, Alfresco, Bitbucket, Jenkins, Apache, Iptables, Hyper-V, Git, Gulp, IntelliJ IDEA, Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS), Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), lighttpd, Eclipse IDE, Apache Maven, GitLab CI/CD, Slack, GitHub


HTML, TypeScript, ES7, ECMAScript (ES6), JavaScript, Go, HTML5, Bash, JADE, CSS3, CSS, SQL, Java, PHP, Python


Jest, Angular, AngularJS, Angular Material, Express.js, Redux, Bootstrap 3+, Spring, Sails.js, Electron, Swagger, React Native, Next.js, Tailwind CSS


Web Architecture, API Architecture, Test-driven Development (TDD), REST, DevOps, Agile, CQRS, Automated Testing, Database Design, Microservices, Functional Programming, MEAN Stack


Linux, Android, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amazon EC2, LAMP, Mapbox, Firebase, cPanel, Ubuntu, CentOS, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Azure, Docker, Kubernetes, Drone CI, Mobile, X (formerly Twitter)


MongoDB, JSON, Databases, MySQL, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Google Cloud, Redis, PostgreSQL, SQLite


Code Architecture, Ajax, Airbnb, APIs, Architecture, Full-stack, Leadership, Software Architecture, Progressive Web Applications (PWAs), Back-end, Virtual DOM, DNS, WebSockets, CI/CD Pipelines, Exim, OpenVZ, Software, Commvault, PDF, RESTful Web Services, TCP/IP, Front-end, Cloud, Design Systems, Storybook, Web Scraping, Document Management Systems (DMS), Video Processing, Browser Plugins, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Annotations, Image Annotation, Image Recognition, Video Streaming, Slackbot

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