Software Engineering

Showing 1-3 of 3 results
EngineeringIcon ChevronEngineering Management

Software Engineer Performance Reviews Explained

By Nermin Hajdarbegović

Software development is a complex process, and evaluating the performance of software engineers can be too. Finding the right balance between complexity and practicality in software engineer performance reviews is vital. In this article, Toptal Engineering Blog Editor Nermin Hajdarbegovic outlines the difference between commonly used performance review models and discusses how they should be employed.

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EngineeringIcon ChevronBack-end

Well-structured Logic: A Golang OOP Tutorial

By Leonhard Holz

Can Golang be object-oriented? Go is post-OOP but can still leverage concepts like binding functions to types (aka classes), constructors, subtyping, polymorphism, dependency injection, and testing with mocks.

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EngineeringIcon ChevronEngineering Management

Tips to Attract, Manage, and Retain Software Developers

By Fernando Martinez

What makes software developers tick? With this theme in mind, we will present some ways to retain employees that we have identified in successful software development teams.

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