Brandon Kim, Developer in Seoul, South Korea
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Brandon Kim

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Back-end Developer

Seoul, South Korea
Toptal Member Since
October 28, 2021

Brandon is a results-driven and highly motivated software developer with operations, full-stack development, and project management expertise. He has a proven track record of driving successful initiatives, emphasizing high-quality process improvements and end user experience.


The Villa LIfe
React, Node.js, TypeScript, NestJS, Prisma, PostgreSQL, Stripe, HubSpot...
Node.js, PostgreSQL, Redis, WebSockets, Plugins, Webhooks, Swagger, Express.js...




Preferred Environment

Node.js, TypeScript, PostgreSQL, Redis, NestJS, Back-end, React, Redux, SQL, Next.js, HTML

The most amazing...

...project I recently oversaw was an initial MVP used to raise over $1 million in investment funding.

Work Experience

Full-stack Developer

2021 - 2023
The Villa LIfe
  • Oversaw an international team of developers across three countries to develop the initial MVP to raise over $1 million in investment funding while ensuring 100% of team KPIs were met.
  • Implemented NestJS and TypeScript as replacements for Node.js and Express to improve code efficiency by 30%, reduce the error rate by 30%, and implement a new architecture that improved efficiency and maintenance.
  • Created an affiliation program allowing strategic partnerships with travel agents and influencers, contracting with approximately 30 external stakeholders to enable access to the platform, increasing revenue by 20%.
  • Developed database resource optimizations by implementing Redis cache for frequently accessed databases and implementing a new pricing structure, reducing database resource usage by 80%.
  • Led projects improving efficiencies, including implementing Slack and to improve communication and task management and developing our calendar management system saving $6,000 annually in service fees.
  • Managed a move from Sequelize ORM to Prisma ORM to utilize the latter's improved TypeScript support; this project improved coding efficiency by 20% and was completed on time and under budget.
  • Acted as a consultant with the CTO to implement a new pricing structure using the same database structure to support the old and new structures, saving 240 hours to be dedicated to other projects.
  • Built ICS syncing functionality to allow hosts to integrate their calendars into the system. This decreased denied bookings by 40%, improving client and stakeholder satisfaction with the platform.
Technologies: React, Node.js, TypeScript, NestJS, Prisma, PostgreSQL, Stripe, HubSpot, Mailchimp, Postmark, Express.js, Docker, Material UI, HTML

Software Developer

2019 - 2021
  • Led the development of a trading algorithm to provide liquidity to the exchange, increasing customer volume by more than double, increasing transaction fee revenue by 100%, and reducing liquidity maintenance hours by 90%.
  • Created the architecture for open-source plugin development, increasing developer engagement on Discord and GitHub by 60%. The new architecture allowed the development of three plugins within the first two months.
  • Automated systems, including withdrawal/deposits and user tier upgrading, tasks that previously had to be manually handled by admins, reducing transaction error rates by 30%, and increasing work hour efficiency by 70%.
  • Implemented improved exchange configuration architecture, allowing operators to update crucial values such as trade fees and trade limits on the fly, increasing the uptime of servers by 30%.
  • Integrated a third-party KYC service to improve user authentication services significantly; this automation of the authentication flow decreased the error rate by 30% and improved efficiency by 90%.
Technologies: Node.js, PostgreSQL, Redis, WebSockets, Plugins, Webhooks, Swagger, Express.js, Mocha, Chai, Moment.js, Lodash, MongoDB, NPM, HTML

The Villa Life
A full-stack web application for an early-stage property management startup. I was brought on as the lead developer and built the entire front and back end. My other tasks included handling the database architecture and design, payment processing, and property calendar management.

CollabList is a real-time collaborative web application where multiple users can create, read, update, and delete items on a list. The list will be updated for every member of a list the moment one of them performs CRUD actions. The app is an excellent way for teams to efficiently and effectively collaborate on shopping lists, to-do lists, or any other forms of lists.

This project is a RESTful Reddit clone where users can post, favorite, and vote on topics and comments. It was built using various technologies, including React, Vite, NestJS, Node.js, TypeScript, and Prisma.

My online portfolio was built using various technologies, including Next.js, React, Material UI, Zod, TypeScript, and Node.js. The website includes information on all my projects and work experiences, as well as links to my resume and LinkedIn and GitHub profiles.

HollaEx Crypto Exchange Node.js Library
A Node.js library that allows users to easily interact with the HollaEx cryptocurrency exchange's API. Converted from the original library's Vanilla JS to TypeScript. Also allows users to connect to the exchange's WebSocket server.

Chatty is a SPA chat room that uses a React router. It was built using React, TypeScript, and Firebase. Users can access chatrooms as guests, signed-in users, or log in using Google's authentication service.
2013 - 2017

Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration

University of California, Riverside - Riverside, CA, USA


Software Development


Node.js, React, Chai, Moment.js, Lodash, Passport.js, REST APIs, React Redux, Stripe, Slack API, Socket.IO


Sequelize, Mocha, NPM, Docker Compose, Prisma, Mailchimp


Express.js, Swagger, Jasmine, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), Redux, NestJS, Next.js, Material UI


TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML, SQL, HTML5, GraphQL, CSS


Agile Software Development, Test-driven Development (TDD), CRUD, Agile


PostgreSQL, Redis, MongoDB, SQLite, Google Cloud, MySQL


Unix, Docker, Firebase, Amazon EC2, HubSpot, Amazon Web Services (AWS)


APIs, WebSockets, Web Development, Plugins, Webhooks, Bcrypt, Back-end, Full-stack, API Integration, SaaS, Telegram Bots, Finance, Computer Science, Discord Bots, MikroORM, Front-end, Economics, Web MVC, Amazon RDS, Postmark, Chakra UI

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