Kittichote (Shane) Kamalapirat, Developer in Bangkok, Thailand
Kittichote is available for hire
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Kittichote (Shane) Kamalapirat

Verified Expert  in Engineering


Shane is a front-end developer with more than three years of work experience specializing in React and UX design. He has experience in building CMS software, an eCommerce web app, a financial website, as well as simple and beautiful landing pages. Shane has worked in companies of different sizes, from early-stage startups to large corporates, in various industries, including healthcare, finance, logistics, real estate, packaging, and automotive.


React, TypeScript, Front-end, Consumer-facing Products, Mobile Payments
Mee Time OPC
React, Node.js, Vercel, Next.js, Google API, Payment APIs, Responsive
Endo Supply Company Limited
React, Internet of Things (IoT), Node.js, TypeScript 3, TypeScript, JavaScript...


  • React Native - 3 years
  • CSS - 3 years
  • JavaScript - 3 years
  • React - 3 years
  • TypeScript - 3 years
  • HTML - 3 years
  • Node.js - 3 years
  • GraphQL - 2 years



Preferred Environment

JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js, React

The most amazing...

...thing I've designed is a user interface for an eCommerce platform that attracted thousands of new users.

Work Experience

Software Engineer

2023 - PRESENT
  • Created a design system in React and Storybook, which will be adopted by the company's micro front-end applications.
  • Created components and pages for the company web application, which enables earned wage access for users.
  • Discussed and prioritized tasks to launch the MVP as quickly as possible.
Technologies: React, TypeScript, Front-end, Consumer-facing Products, Mobile Payments

Full-stack Developer

2022 - 2023
Mee Time OPC
  • Created and designed an MVP for a hair salon booking application in React, NextJS, TypeScript, and NestJS (with Postgres and Redis).
  • Helped improve the User Experience of an existing application design on Figma.
  • Aided with the design and launch process of the first MVP to gather user feedback for further iteration.
Technologies: React, Node.js, Vercel, Next.js, Google API, Payment APIs, Responsive

Full-stack Developer (Node.js and React)

2022 - 2022
Endo Supply Company Limited
  • Discussed the requirements of the IoT system with doctors and officers.
  • Designed a system to store endoscope data, including which patients have used a specific endoscope, which officers cleaned it, and how many times it has been used.
  • Coded and deployed a web application for internal use at a public hospital in Thailand.
Technologies: React, Internet of Things (IoT), Node.js, TypeScript 3, TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, PostgreSQL, WebSockets, SQL, NestJS, DigitalOcean, Tailwind CSS, Relational Databases, Design Tools, B2C

Full-stack Developer (Node.js and React)

2022 - 2022
  • Implemented a SaaS business model with Stripe subscriptions and Firebase authentication.
  • Developed a fully customizable three-dimensional mobile app mockup generator with Three.js.
  • Designed the user interface for both low- and high-fidelity prototypes with Figma.
Technologies: React, Next.js, TypeScript 3, TypeScript, JavaScript, Redux, Redux Thunk, Firebase, Stripe, Stripe API, Cloud Firestore, OAuth, Three.js, Node.js, Tailwind CSS, HTML, HTML5, CSS3, CSS, Docker, Full-stack, Figma, UI Design, Git, NPM, GitHub, User Experience (UX), Back-end, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), Web Development, Web App Development, User Interface (UI), Front-end, MVP Design, Databases, Microservices Architecture, Microservices, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Google Cloud, MUI CSS, Single-page Applications (SPAs), Stripe Subscriptions, Stripe Checkout, API Development, Serverless, Adobe Illustrator, Vercel, JSON API, JSON REST APIs, Redux Toolkit, WebGL, 3D, Scrum, UX Design, Google API, Payment APIs, Responsive

Front-end Developer

2022 - 2022
An Online Freelance Agency
  • Created a company's landing page to attract potential candidates.
  • Helped design the interview process for recruiting developers.
  • Conducted a technical interview to screen candidates.
Technologies: Webflow, React, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Databases, Leadership

Senior React Developer

2022 - 2022
Grounded Packaging
  • Contributed to finishing and launching the first MVP of the internal quotes management software.
  • Created pages, functions, hooks, and reusable components in React.
  • Wrote unit and end-to-end testing in Jest, React Testing Library, and Cypress.
  • Discussed and proposed the improvement of the product's UX and UI.
Technologies: React, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Tailwind CSS, GraphQL, JavaScript, Cypress, TypeScript, Jest, Unit Testing, E2E Testing, UI Testing, Apollo Server, React Apollo, Automated Testing, Automated UI Testing, CircleCI, Bitbucket, Slack, Slackbot, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), Next.js, Rollbar, ESLint, Ruby, Sidekiq, Jira, Heroku, Front-end, Responsive UI, React Redux, User Experience (UX), Chart.js, Content Management Systems (CMS), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), SQL, Front-end Development, Cross-browser Testing, UI Development, Git, NPM, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Responsive Design, API Integration, Web Applications, Apollo, GitHub, Calculators, Databases, Full-stack, Full-stack Development, JSON, HTML, HTML5, CSS, CSS3, APIs, REST APIs, UI Design, User Interface (UI), Web Development, Web App Design, Yarn, Responsive Development, JavaScript Testing, Application State Management, Testing, Web Pages, Web Page Mockups, Responsive Web Apps, Architecture, JavaScript Charting, Web Services, Dashboards, Test-driven Development (TDD), MUI CSS, Online Ordering, Single-page Applications (SPAs), API Architecture, Authentication, Large-scale Projects, Leadership, QA Automation, API Development, Enterprise Systems, Engineering Software, Webpack, Web Architecture, Redux, JSON API, JSON REST APIs, Scrum, UX Design, Responsive, Relational Databases, Third-party APIs, Design Tools, B2C

Business Analyst

2020 - 2021
Nomura Research Institute Thailand
  • Conducted research on market estimation and market entry for Japanese clients in the healthcare and real estate industry.
  • Supported the Ministry of Finance of Lao PDR and Vietnam to research government and corporate bond laws development.
  • Designed and implemented the new online recruiting process for new employees.
Technologies: Microsoft Office, Finance, Bonds, Real Estate, Healthcare IT, Healthcare Services, Large-scale Projects

React Front-end Developer

2020 - 2021
  • Improved the website's user experience to enable more accessible navigation to the visitors by implementing design best practices, such as material design and design thinking.
  • Updated information and fixed bugs on the company's website regularly while ensuring that everything was up to date and that customers did not miss out on anything as the company frequently launched new products.
  • Created images that customers would easily understand and got familiarized with tools like Figma, Adobe Photoshop, and Illustrator because our team was small and did not have designers.
Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Software Development, Web Development, User Interface (UI), Responsive UI, GitHub, Single-page Applications (SPAs), JSON API, JSON REST APIs, UX Design

Public Policy Analyst Intern

2020 - 2020
Thailand Development Research Institute
  • Researched the students' evaluation criteria used in schools, which measure technical knowledge, cognitive skills, critical thinking, and aptitude.
  • Proposed a new college admission system that is more optimized according to microeconomics and market design.
  • Supported a webinar about the edtech companies that help transform Thailand's education system.
Technologies: Education, K-12 Education, Policy, Edtech Design, Microsoft Office

Business Analyst Intern

2020 - 2020
LiB Consulting
  • Instructed the sales and marketing methods to salespeople at the automotive dealers in Thailand.
  • Supported the project's sales proposal about monitoring rural projects for which the government has provided a budget.
  • Wrote case studies articles to promote our own company and attract potential clients.
Technologies: Microsoft Office

Project Manager

2019 - 2020
EDGEof Inc.
  • Researched the use case and benefits of cryptocurrency for the startup community.
  • Designed and prototyped a community cryptocurrency system to accelerate the growth of startups in the system.
  • Conducted interviews to hear community members' opinions towards the community cryptocurrency.
Technologies: IT Project Management, Leadership

Business Analyst Intern

2019 - 2019
EDGEof Inc.
  • Supported a Dutch NLP startup to launch its business in Japan.
  • Conducted market research, such as market estimation, competitor analysis, customer analysis, and product analysis for the startup.
  • Acted as a coordinator between the startup and potential investors for investment opportunities.
Technologies: Startup Consulting, Healthcare Services, Healthcare, MVP Design, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), Data Visualization, Visualization Design, Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT), Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Full-stack Developer (Ruby on Rails and React)

2017 - 2017
  • Improved the UX for the website users, room providers, and borrowers by adopting best design practices, such as material design, design thinking, and human-centered design.
  • Performed SEO to enable the website to appear on the top of the page in search engines by following SEO guidelines.
  • Reviewed and collaborated with team members through Git. Discussed suitable technologies and kept up with the current technologies.
Technologies: Ruby, Ruby on Rails 5, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MySQL, HTML5, CI/CD Pipelines, Google SEO, JSON, User Interface (UI), Figma, APIs, REST APIs, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Consumer Products, JSX, Web Development, Platforms, SCSS, Software Development, Front-end, Responsive UI, User Experience (UX), SQL, Affiliate Programs, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Front-end Development, UI Development, Git, API Integration, Axios, GitHub, Databases, Elasticsearch, Miro, Responsive Web Apps, Web Services, React, Single-page Applications (SPAs), API Architecture, Authentication, iOS, Android, React Native, Mobile App Development, Mobile, Amazon Web Services (AWS), QA Automation, API Development, Mobile Apps, Redux, JSON API, JSON REST APIs, Responsive, Relational Databases, Google Search Console, Expo


Meal Kit eCommerce Website

Developed a recipe-based eCommerce website and social media marketplace for meal kits, where all the recipes are in the form of videos. The website includes essential eCommerce functionalities such as adding to cart, tracking, payment, and review and social media functions such as profile, follows, like, and comment.

Language Learning Application

Acted as a full-stack developer in building a vocabulary-learning web app that scrapes data from multiple sources across functions, including synonyms and mnemonics in English-English, English-Thai, and English-Chinese combinations. It helps students reduce memorization and understand the word by seeing it in various word use cases. It includes authentication, profile, decks, text-to-speech, and favorite functions. Main tech stack: React and Node.js.

Online Discussion Forum

Created an interactive platform for sharing, voting, and discussing ideas. The topics discussed can include social problems, startup ideas, or some thought-provoking questions. Users can sign up, log in, create a post, vote, and comment on other people's posts.

Homemade Chocolate eCommerce Website

My family used to own a business selling homemade premium high-quality chocolate. I helped the family produce and sell the products by building a website to sell the chocolate online and promote the brand.

Expense Calculator for Multiple Members Party

Shareculator is an expenditure calculator that helps users calculate how much each person should return to other members. The algorithm is designed to minimize the number of transactions.

I created this website for my friends and myself because we always used Excel to calculate expenses after a dinner party. This app helped us be more productive.

Song Requests Management App for Nightclubs

An app that allows event hosts to manage song requests and provide guests with a better music experience. I built the mobile front end and back end from scratch and handled infrastructure design and application deployment.

Real-time Street Food Vendors Tracker

In Thailand, there are a lot of street food vendors that wander randomly to look for customers. The problem is that the right customers usually miss them. This application is created to solve this issue.

It consists of a real-time street food vendor tracker that helps users find their favorite street food stalls and track where they are so they do not have to walk randomly across the street to find them.

An NFTs Minter Web3 App

Created a website where users can mint Mugiwara NFTs, a collection of pirate flag art NFTs. These are digital collectibles living on the Ethereum blockchain. The website is deployed with Alchemy, a developer platform that empowers companies to build scalable and reliable decentralized applications without the hassle of managing blockchain infrastructure in-house.

Japanese AI Tutor App
Jouzu Speak provides students the best way to learn to speak a language by providing a 24/7 AI tutor. The app is powered with GPT-4 (the same model as ChatGPT). The main features are free conversations with the tutor, scenario-based practice, and pitch accent pronunciation practice.

Online Wedding Invitation Website
For my brother's wedding, I took on the role of a software engineer to create a memorable and personalized online wedding invitation experience. Leveraging my skills in web development, I conceptualized, designed, and developed an elegant and interactive wedding invitation website.

AI Tutor | The Japanese Language Learning App
Jouzu Speak is a Japanese language-learning website that allows users to practice their speaking with an AI tutor. Users can practice conversational Japanese, learn vocabulary, or even role-play based on different scenarios.


2016 - 2020

Bachelor's Degree in Economics

Yokohama National University - Yokohama, Japan

2015 - 2016

Preparatory Program in Japanese Language

Osaka University - Suita, Japan



React, Node.js, React Router, React Redux, REST APIs, JavaScript Charting, Stripe, Stripe API, Three.js, React Native for Web, JSON API, Formik, Twilio API, Rollbar, Sidekiq, Chart.js, Puppeteer, Sockets, Socket.IO, Moment.js, Mapbox API, jQuery, API Development, Firebase Web SDK, Google Maps, Google Maps API, Apple Maps API, WebGL, Web3.js, Chai, Google API, DigitalOcean API


JSX, Figma, Mongoose, Git, NPM, GitHub, JavaScript Testing, Front-end Build Tools, Expo, React Apollo, CircleCI,, Bitbucket, Slack, Jira, MongoDB Atlas, Sequelize, Adobe Illustrator, Miro, TestFlight, Redux Thunk, Stripe Checkout, Webpack, Redux Toolkit, Bower Front-end Dependency Manager, Adobe Experience Design (XD), ChatGPT


HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML5, GraphQL, SQL, TypeScript 3, Ruby, SCSS, CSS3, Solidity


Next.js, Express.js, Tailwind CSS, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Material UI, React Native, Redux, Jest, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), MUI CSS, Ruby on Rails 5, Cypress, Bootstrap, Yarn, NestJS


UI Design, Mobile Development, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Responsive Web Design (RWD), UX Design, E2E Testing, Continuous Integration (CI), Unit Testing, Automated Testing, Web App Design, Responsive Development, Testing, Microservices Architecture, Microservices, Test-driven Development (TDD), API Architecture, Web Architecture, Scrum, Responsive, B2C


Webflow, Webflow CMS, Amazon Web Services (AWS), iOS, Android, Firebase, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Shopify, Vercel, Docker, WordPress, Netlify, Heroku, Sanity Studio, Mobile, Mapbox, Blockchain, Ethereum, DigitalOcean, Voiceflow


PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), MySQL, JSON, NoSQL, Databases, Relational Databases, Redis, Elasticsearch, Cloud Firestore, Google Cloud

Industry Expertise



Full-stack, User Interface (UI), Front-end, Web Development, UI Components, Software Development, Responsive UI, Chakra UI, Front-end Development, UI Development, Responsive Web Apps, Single-page Applications (SPAs), Full-stack Development, Software as a Service (SaaS), APIs, eCommerce, Consumer Products, Platforms, Atomic Design, Mobile Apps, User Experience (UX), Minimum Viable Product (MVP), Responsive Design, API Integration, Web Applications, Apollo, Calculators, Styled-components, Application State Management, Web Pages, Web Page Mockups, Web Services, Mobile Applications, Leadership, JSON REST APIs, Speech to Text, Text to Speech (TTS), Internet of Things (IoT), Google Search Console, Apollo Server, TypeORM, Microsoft Office, Education, K-12 Education, Policy, IT Project Management, Startup Consulting, CI/CD Pipelines, Google SEO, Edtech Design, SaaS, Automated UI Testing, Back-end, Finance, Bonds, Real Estate, Healthcare IT, Healthcare Services, Storybook, Mobile App Development, ESLint, UI Testing, Slackbot, MERN Stack, MVP Design, Content Management Systems (CMS), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Data Visualization, Visualization Design, Affiliate Programs, QR Codes, Product Development, Cross-browser Testing, Axios, Mobile UI, Mobile UX, App Store, Google Play Store, Google Play Console, WebSockets, Subscriptions, Back-end Development, Web App Development, Software Design, Startups, Lean Startups, EAS, Maps, Architecture, Elementor, Charts, OAuth, Hybrid Frameworks, Dashboards, Online Ordering, Authentication, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Large-scale Projects, Stripe Subscriptions, QA Automation, Enterprise Systems, Engineering Software, Serverless, 3D, Ethers.js, Ethereum Smart Contracts, Smart Contracts, Payment APIs, Design Tools, Third-party APIs, Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT), SVG Animation, Animation, UI Animation, OpenAI GPT-4 API, OpenAI, Consumer-facing Products, Mobile Payments

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