Mihai Betej, Developer in Bucharest, Romania
Mihai is available for hire
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Mihai Betej

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Communication Developer

Bucharest, Romania
Toptal Member Since
July 7, 2021

Mihai is an expert mobile application developer, tech lead, and architect with more than 15 years of experience—10 dedicated to iOS. He has contributed to various projects (social and volunteer apps) and companies (startups, NGOs, and large international organizations). Most recently, he has led Deutsche Bank's mobile department in Bucharest. Goal-oriented and open-minded, Mihai enjoys working with people and keeping an eye out for continuous improvement opportunities.


Deutsche Bank
Swift, iOS, Mobile Architecture, Design Patterns, Clean Architecture, Modular...
Freelance | Startup
iOS, Swift, Objective-C, CocoaPods, UIKit, MapKit, Core Location...
iOS, Grand Central Dispatch, Efficient Data Serialization...




Preferred Environment

Xcode, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), MacOS

The most amazing...

...thing I've created is an amazing foundation (core architecture and modularization) for the next generation of Deutsche Bank's mobile products.

Work Experience

Lead Mobile Developer/Mobile Architect

2016 - 2021
Deutsche Bank
  • Introduced and contributed to implementing and architecting crucial app features and components of Apple Pay, insurance manager, Postbox, ESafe, branch finder, mortgages, authorization module, and networking and data module.
  • Contributed, by coding and supervising, to the research, proposal, approval, and transition of DB Mobile's architecture to Clean layer architecture with MVVM+C on the presentation layer.
  • Oversaw the hiring process, handled reviews, and created development plans with a focus on both technical skills and soft skills.
  • Implemented app security mechanisms (local storage security, network security, and app hardening).
  • Established a mobile guild to keep developers aligned and technical (product) debt in check.
Technologies: Swift, iOS, Mobile Architecture, Design Patterns, Clean Architecture, Software Design, Modular, Jira, Confluence, Bitbucket, GitLab, TeamCity, Apple Pay, Technical Leadership, RxSwift, CI/CD Pipelines, Git, REST, REST APIs, SSL Certificates, SSL, Refactoring, SOLID Principles, Git Flow, Functional Programming, AFNetworking, Communication, Interpersonal Skills, Motivation, Teamwork

Senior iOS Developer

2013 - 2016
Freelance | Startup
  • Developed multiple iOS apps, ranging from libraries and frameworks to full-fledged apps. Responsible for research, design, and full implementation.
  • Supported apps after release, including enhancements and bug tracking and fixing.
  • Managed the launch processes, ASO, and analytics.
  • Developed a sound library that decodes discrete sounds in the 18kHz-20kHz range (typically inaudible).
Technologies: iOS, Swift, Objective-C, CocoaPods, UIKit, MapKit, Core Location, Core Bluetooth, AVFoundation, Persistence, Core Data, GPUImage, Core Animation, Core Graphics, Core Audio, Core Image, Address Book, Keychain, Codable, Mobile Apps, Mobile Development, Mobile Applications, Grand Central Dispatch, Git, REST, SSL, SSL Certificates, Refactoring, AFNetworking, Alamofire, iOS SDK, Cocoa Touch, Firebase, Firebase iOS SDK, Crashlytics, Communication, Interpersonal Skills

Technical Lead

2012 - 2013
  • Developed the iOS app used by the World Economic Forum in their yearly meetings (most notably the Davos one). The app acts as an agenda, events registration manager, CRM, venue finder and indoor navigation, and social media feed.
  • Implemented the app's data architecture and set up the CI/CD pipelines (Jenkins).
  • Monitored production issues and offered real-time fixes during the conferences.
Technologies: iOS, Grand Central Dispatch, Efficient Data Serialization, Serializer/Deserializer (SerDes), Mobile Development, Mobile Applications, Objective-C, Objective-C++, Technical Leadership, Git, REST, Refactoring, iOS SDK, Cocoa Touch, Jenkins, Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Delivery (CD), Communication, Teamwork, Interpersonal Skills, Motivation

iOS Developer, BlackBerry Developer

2010 - 2012
  • Developed social media feed aggregation apps, Seesmic for iOS and Seesmic for BlackBerry. The apps allowed users to add Facebook and Twitter accounts and personalize their feed.
  • Developed a social media posting manager app, Seesmic Ping, for macOS. The app allowed users to post and schedule posts across multiple social media channels and accounts.
  • Implemented features and bug fixes in an Agile manner, working cross-site with colleagues in San Francisco, Paris, and Berlin.
Technologies: iOS, Objective-C, MacOS, Social Media APIs, Timelines, BlackBerry, J2ME, Subversion (SVN), Agile, REST, SOAP, iOS SDK, Cocoa Touch

J2ME Mobile Developer

2006 - 2010
Playwing | Advanced Mobile Applications
  • Developed, ported, and localized a number of AMA J2ME titles, such as IQ Booster, Memory Booster, Palm Reading, Cesar Millan Dog Whisperer (Cesar Millan My Dog Coach), and Office Dares.
  • Participated in developing and maintaining two core internal tools developed in .NET C#, one handling the creation of animations and one the creation of sprites for the mobile applications.
  • Implemented drastic optimization for the apps to run on low-tier hardware (64kb of memory).
Technologies: J2ME, C#, Java, Visual Studio, .NET, Waterfall Methodology

DB Mobile

Deutsche Bank's mobile banking iOS app is Swift-based. I was the technical lead for the Bucharest teams handling the app's development.

I handled:
• App security (local storage security, network security, app hardening)
• App architecture + keeping technical debt in check
• Developer growth. Coaching, mentoring, and keeping people motivated
• Hiring in the Bucharest office and consulting for Frankfurt hiring process
• Core app feature development
• Stakeholder management. Maintaining and growing our relations with our business stakeholders and clients from Frankfurt (business requirements, reports, presentations, feedback, and follow-ups)


An Objective-C-based app that allowed users to aggregate multiple social media accounts and feeds into a single personalized feed. I was the iOS dev that worked on the timeline feed, collaborating closely with the product owner, back-end developers, UX, and my platform colleagues to deliver a well-integrated solution that allows rich information at a glance.

World Economic Forum Events

An Objective-C-based app that acts as an assistant for the guests of the WEF events like the Davos meeting. Users are able to check the schedules, register for events, use indoor navigation, connect to other participants, view social media feeds related to the events. I was the lead iOS developer and mainly focused on the app architecture, set up, and security and worked on feature development as part of a scrum team.
2003 - 2009

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science

University Politehnica of Bucharest - Bucharest, Romania

1999 - 2003

Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics and Computer Science

"Ecaterina Teodoroiu" National College - Targu Jiu, Romania


REST APIs, Alamofire, Firebase iOS SDK, CocoaPods, GPUImage, Core Animation, Core Graphics, Core Audio, Core Image, Codable, Social Media APIs, RxSwift


Xcode, Grand Central Dispatch, Jira, Confluence, Bitbucket, Git, Crashlytics, GitLab, TeamCity, Subversion (SVN), Visual Studio, Jenkins, TortoiseSVN


UIKit, MapKit, Core Location, SwiftUI, Combine, iOS SDK, Cocoa Touch, Core Bluetooth, Core Data, AFNetworking, Address Book, .NET


Mobile Development, Model View Controller (MVC), Refactoring, Design Patterns, Clean Architecture, Agile, REST, Automation, Functional Programming, Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Delivery (CD)


Swift, Objective-C, C#, Java


iOS, MacOS, Keychain, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), BlackBerry, J2ME, Firebase


Teamwork, Persistence, Mobile Applications, Mobile Apps, Mobile App Development, Data Structures, Algorithms, Mathematics, Mobile Architecture, Interpersonal Skills, Communication, Motivation, AVFoundation, Efficient Data Serialization, Serializer/Deserializer (SerDes), SSL, SSL Certificates, Async/Await, Modular, Software Design, Timelines, Waterfall Methodology, Objective-C++, Apple Pay, Technical Leadership, CI/CD Pipelines, SOAP, SOLID Principles, Git Flow

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