Onur Tekik, Developer in Ankara, Turkey
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Onur Tekik

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Embedded software Developer

Ankara, Turkey
Toptal Member Since
April 17, 2022

Onur is a software engineer with a master's degree from one of the top Turkish universities. He is fluent in C++ and well-versed in SQL, other popular back-end technologies, and Linux at the system programming level. Onur has previously worked on embedded system projects and high-throughput back-end systems. He is looking for challenging projects as he is eager to learn and improve his skills.


C++, BSP, Linux, Embedded Linux, Embedded C++, PCI, Qt 5...
C++, Linux, Windows Services, Embarcadero RAD Studio, SNMP, MySQL, OPC Server...




Preferred Environment

Linux, Embedded Software, SQL, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Object-oriented Design (OOD), C++, Python 3, Agile Software Development, C, Git

The most amazing...

...thing I've built is a fully automated pipeline that both procedurally generates maze levels and verifies them using three different programming languages.

Work Experience

Senior Software Engineer

2019 - 2022
  • Developed drivers and board support packages (BSPs) for embedded boards that run on Linux.
  • Designed and developed software for BareMetal devices in collaboration with a team of four members.
  • Developed Linux kernel modules and configured the kernel.
  • Created embedded graphical user interface (GUI) applications using Qt, Crank Storyboard Suite, and OpenCV.
  • Implemented testability to a legacy embedded software project with dual-targeting in an OOP manner.
  • Transformed a team of five, including myself, to adhere to Agile principles.
Technologies: C++, BSP, Linux, Embedded Linux, Embedded C++, PCI, Qt 5, Object-oriented Design (OOD), Object-oriented Programming (OOP), OpenCV, ARM Linux, ARM Embedded, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), g++, MinGW, Python, Agile, Google Test, GDB, Embedded Systems, Embedded C, Qt, CMake, Defensive Programming, Kanban, Jira, C++11, C++17, Design Patterns, Software Design Patterns, Gang of Four (GOF) Design Patterns, Lua

Software Engineer

2016 - 2019
  • Maintained and upgraded Microsoft Windows services running on high throughput.
  • Designed, developed, and tested an application layer communication protocol.
  • Worked on device management protocols, such as Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) and OPC.
  • Handled relational databases (MySQL), added new functionality, and worked on any issues.
  • Maintained a WAMP (Windows-Apache-MySQL-PHP) web service, a GIS system that helps clients manage and monitor many field devices.
Technologies: C++, Linux, Windows Services, Embarcadero RAD Studio, SNMP, MySQL, OPC Server, Agile Software Development, C, g++, SQL, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Relational Database Design, Agile, Embedded Linux, Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), TCP/IP, Sockets, UDP, Multithreading, Processing & Threading, Background Threading, UML, WinAPI, Embedded C, Embedded C++, Concurrency, Ubuntu, Ubuntu Linux, PHP, Databases

A Customizable Pipeline

I developed this customizable pipeline for my master thesis. It generates maze-like levels using cellular automation, creates protocol meta language (PROMELA) code for the game level WRT custom rules, and verifies the game level. The procedure is automated and customizable.

GoF Design Patterns' Implementations in C++

This CMake project includes implementations of Gang of Four (GoF) design patterns. All the patterns included in the project are unit-tested with the help of a tiny unit testing library of acutest.

Simple Flutter Calculator App

A Material-based Flutter calculator app fully developed by me. The purpose was to get familiar with Dart and how to develop and deploy Flutter applications, especially in the Android setups. For calculations, I have used expression trees.

An e-commerce Flutter Mobile App using Firebase and Stripe

The app is developed by using Flutter and dart language with the help of Node.js scripts. The scripts are used to change the Firebase product databases and Stripe payments. The project is still a work-in-progress and can change over time.


C++, Embedded C++, Python 3, Python, SQL, Java, C, Embedded C, C++11, C++17, UML, PHP, Dart, Rust, JavaScript, Lua


Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Agile Software Development, Object-oriented Design (OOD), Agile, Software Testing, Gang of Four (GOF) Design Patterns, Unit Testing, Defensive Programming, Kanban, Design Patterns


Data Structures, Embedded Software, Promela, Relational Database Design, ARM Embedded, g++, Networking, Algorithms, Windows Services, Embarcadero RAD Studio, SNMP, OPC Server, BSP, PCI, Games, 2D Games, Procedural Generation, Embedded Systems, TCP/IP, Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), UDP, Multithreading, Processing & Threading, Background Threading, Concurrency


Subversion (SVN), Makefile, MinGW, Git, GDB, CMake, Jira


Linux, ARM Linux, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Embedded Linux, Ubuntu, Ubuntu Linux, Android, Debian, Firebase, Software Design Patterns


JUnit, Qt 5, Google Test, Qt, Flutter


OpenCV, Sockets, WinAPI, Node.js, Stripe API, Stripe


MySQL, RDBMS, Databases, Cloud Firestore

2017 - 2021

Master's Degree in Information Systems

Middle East Technical University - Ankara, Turkey

2011 - 2016

Bachelor's Degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Middle East Technical University - Ankara, Turkey

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