Adam Luzsi, Developer in Eger, Hungary
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Adam Luzsi

Verified Expert  in Engineering

WordPress Developer

Eger, Hungary
Toptal Member Since
October 4, 2021

Adam is a self-taught WordPress and PHP developer with over a decade of experience. He began learning PHP in 2006 and WordPress in 2010—and has been working as a freelance WordPress theme and plugin developer since 2010 and a full-stack developer since 2013. Adam primarily focuses on PHP OOP projects, WordPress themes and plugins, and WordPress-powered eCommerce websites.


PHP, WordPress, WordPress API, WordPress Plugins, WordPress Themes, REST APIs...
WordPress, WooCommerce, PHP, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), jQuery...
Norton LLC
PHP, WordPress, HTML, CSS, WordPress Plugins, SQL, Google API...




Preferred Environment

Windows, PhpStorm, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Git, SourceTree, WAMPP, Docker

The most amazing...

...and complex project I've done was building a fully custom web-shop engine that integrated an arbitrary number of WordPress installations via a bridge plugin.

Work Experience

Senior WordPress/PHP Consultant

2021 - PRESENT
  • Advised on WordPress site-related issues, such as data migration, admin/site architecture, and general structural questions.
  • Mentored/assisted junior/mid-level developers with their job as needed.
  • Helped with coding (back and front end) as necessary.
Technologies: PHP, WordPress, WordPress API, WordPress Plugins, WordPress Themes, REST APIs, jQuery, JavaScript 6, JavaScript, MariaDB, SQL, Ajax, Divi, Elementor, DigitalOcean, Google SEO, ECMAScript (ES6), Plugins, eCommerce

Owner and Full-stack Developer

2014 - PRESENT
  • Built a custom Web Store engine with vendor master product data import, auto-pricing per customer groups, category/filter automapping, invoicing with a live connection to a tax authority API, FIFO stock management, and shipping provider integration.
  • Developed various custom WordPress and WooCommerce client websites.
  • Performed maintenance and administration of client websites.
Technologies: WordPress, WooCommerce, PHP, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), jQuery, Composer, Sublime Text 3, PhpStorm, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Docker, MySQL, WAMPP, Full-stack, APIs, Avada, Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), Agile Software Development, WPBakery, Divi, Divi Builder 3, WordPress Design, Google SEO, Plugins, eCommerce, UI Design

Full-stack Senior WordPress Developer

2022 - 2022
Norton LLC
  • Migrated an entire online magazine with 100,000+ articles from an old CMS to WordPress.
  • Recreated and optimized the site's functionalities, including a fully custom theme, custom ad services, and various scripts.
  • Improved the performance drastically of the site regarding Google PageSpeed Insights by employing several caching layers, custom cache helpers, and mechanisms, plus utilized a CDN service.
Technologies: PHP, WordPress, HTML, CSS, WordPress Plugins, SQL, Google API, Google Analytics API, WordPress Themes, HostGator, Pantheon, Ads, Ajax, Yoast SEO, Google Insights, Performance, W3 Total Cache, Fast Velocity Minify, Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), Akamai, Content Delivery Networks (CDN), Pixel Perfect

Full-stack Developer

2021 - 2022
Inpsyde GmbH
  • Worked on various client WordPress projects and sub-projects, including plugins and custom themes development.
  • Collaborated in a team on interconnected repos on GitHub.
  • Took part in various discussions with clients and multiple team members.
Technologies: PHP, JavaScript, SQL, MariaDB, GitHub, WordPress, WordPress Plugins, WordPress Themes, Sass, ECMAScript (ES6), Plugins

Senior Full-stack Web Developer

2021 - 2022
Clear Law Institute
  • Applied bug fixes to plugins and the theme as needed.
  • Troubleshot various pages developed with Elementor.
  • Oversaw the site in general and managed Cloudflare cache and Amazon EC2.
Technologies: WordPress, WordPress Plugins, WordPress Themes, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), Elementor, Cloudflare

Freelance Lead Full-stack Developer

2013 - 2017
  • Built custom WordPress themes and plugins for various websites.
  • Converted PSD designs to HTML/CSS and then to a WordPress custom theme.
  • Guided a small team of two developers working on real estate websites while coordinating with the CEO, the lead project manager, and the lead graphics designer.
Technologies: WordPress, WordPress Themes, WordPress Plugins, HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, MySQL, Web Host Manager (WHM), cPanel, PHP, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Full-stack, Website Conversion, UI Design, Pixel Perfect

Front-end Developer

2011 - 2013
  • Converted PSD designs to static HTML, CSS, and then to a WordPress theme.
  • Updated and restructured the front end of older WordPress themes.
  • Maintained and troubleshot mainly front-end related issues.
Technologies: HTML, CSS3, jQuery, PSD to HTML, WordPress Themes, Pixel Perfect

Junior Front-end Web Developer

2009 - 2010
QuickStudio Kft.
  • Developed HTML, CSS, and JavaScript templates from PSD designs created by a professional web designer.
  • Ensured that websites' front ends were bulletproof and worked for most older browsers.
  • Worked in a small team with another front-end developer on various projects.
Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PSD to HTML

Custom eCommerce Engine

An all-inclusive web store including stock management, supplier imports, built-in invoicing with a live connection to a tax authority API, auto-pricing per customer groups, and sales and supplier statistics, to mention a few.

Campus Ministry Today
I converted a custom-designed PSD file into responsive HTML/CSS, then built the entire theme with custom templates and custom functionality specified by the client. There were quite a few changes to the plan during development, which subsequently required that the theme also be adapted. For email sending, we used the Sendgrid API. It was made around 2015, and it is still functional.

Capitol Ranch
I developed a custom responsive theme with bespoke page templates from a PSD file for a real estate website with custom functionality, a Google Maps API, and implementation of WebM videos and a jQuery slick slider library.

I developed a WordPress website with a custom responsive theme from a PSD design. It featured embedded YouTube videos, Gravity Forms, and Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) plugin with added custom JavaScript functionality.

MI-BOX Systems
Once given the PSD design, I built a responsive website with a fully custom WordPress theme featuring a responsive image map of the US and Canada, Slider Revolution, and the Advanced Custom Fields plugin with custom JavaScript code.

A fully customized WordPress website for a spiritual healer and coach with WooComemrce as the website engine. The website also features Slider Revolution and MailChimp integration and custom-event registration through Gravity Forms.


PHP, HTML, CSS, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, CSS4, XML, Sass, ECMAScript (ES6), SQL, JavaScript 6


Sublime Text 3, Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), PhpStorm, Git, DomPDF, WPBakery, Divi Builder 3, Google Analytics, Confluence, SourceTree, Composer, Slider Revolution, Mailchimp, SendGrid, Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), GitHub, Flash, AWS ELB, Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Amazon ElastiCache, Amazon CloudFront CDN, AWS IAM


WordPress, WooCommerce, WAMPP, cPanel, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Windows, Docker, DigitalOcean, Amazon Web Services (AWS), AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Pantheon


JSON, MySQL, MariaDB, Amazon S3 (AWS S3)


WordPress Themes, WordPress Plugins, Full-stack, PSD to HTML, PSD to PHP, PSD to WordPress, Ajax, API Connectors, WordPress Design, Plugins, Pixel Perfect, Gravity Forms, Avada, APIs, Web Consulting, Website Conversion, Data Visualization, eCommerce, Web Host Manager (WHM), User Experience (UX), Elementor, Cloudflare, Google SEO, Elastic Load Balancers, HostGator, Ads, Yoast SEO, Google Insights, Performance, W3 Total Cache, Fast Velocity Minify, Akamai, Content Delivery Networks (CDN)


Bootstrap, Divi


jQuery, REST APIs, WordPress REST API, WordPress API, PhpSpreadsheet, WooCommerce API, Stripe, PayPal API, Google API, Google Maps API, Google Analytics API


Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Agile Software Development, UI Design

2009 - 2011

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science

University of Eger - Eger, Hungary


AWS Certified Developer – Associate

Amazon Web Services


Web Development

Scoula 2F Hungary

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