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Rahul Dutta

Freelance ASP.NET Developer
Toptal Member Since January 30, 2024

Rahul is a full-stack developer with over 13 years of C# programming experience. He is pivotal in every project he leads and executes, engaging his team and communicating complex concepts effectively to stakeholders. He has built custom APIs, integrations, data-driven jQuery-based plugins, and dynamic websites. Committed to excellence, Rahul is known for his exceptional programming skills, meticulous attention to detail, and adaptability, landing promotions in three organizations in 1.5 years.

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Kevin Howard

Freelance ASP.NET Developer
United States
Toptal Member Since May 25, 2021

Kevin is a software engineer with 25 years of experience focusing on mobile applications, cloud computing, operating system design, and server management. He's proud of his proven track record of building and leading engineering teams in full-stack mobile and web products in multiple industries. At work, Kevin is recognized for his ability to deliver winning cross-platform solutions in cutting-edge technology areas across geographically dispersed project teams.

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Rory Woods

Freelance ASP.NET Developer
United States
Toptal Member Since June 5, 2014

Rory is a software consultant delivering solutions to fill enterprise needs. He brings technical skill and experience guiding teams in not just how to build, but what to build. He has extensive experience on the Microsoft web stack, including ASP.NET MVC, Web API, SQL Server, and Azure.

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Cleiton Gangi

Freelance ASP.NET Developer
Toptal Member Since June 16, 2022

Cleiton is a senior full-stack developer with over 15 years of experience building high-quality applications while working at large companies such as Siemens, Tyco, and Johnson Controls. He has extensive experience with web development using ASP.NET and MVC Razor and back-end applications such as REST APIs and Windows Services. Cleiton enjoys learning new things, solving problems, and helping companies achieve their goals.

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John Gibbons

Freelance ASP.NET Developer
United Kingdom
Toptal Member Since April 16, 2018

Since 1997, John has been working as a professional software developer. He started his technical career as an Excel RAD developer at Goldman Sachs and now specializes in system architecture and development on the Microsoft stack (Azure, ASP.NET Core/5, C#, Microsoft SQL Server). He communicates well, listens carefully to your requirements, comprehends what needs to get done, and then delivers high-quality well-tested code to move you forward.

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Dalibor Čarapić

Freelance ASP.NET Developer
Toptal Member Since September 2, 2021

Dalibor is a certified .NET Framework Windows Applications developer. He has led teams and projects, implementing technologies ranging from .NET Windows Forms desktop applications, ASP.NET Web Forms and .NET WPF applications, Xamarin Android apps, to ASP.NET Core back-end APIs. He built a Windows Forms and Windows Service application to manage energy sales produced by hydroelectric power plants and a Xamarin Android application for production floor maintenance and repair feedback.

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Illia Shutieiev

Freelance ASP.NET Developer
Toptal Member Since July 24, 2020

Illia is a full-stack .NET developer with over six years of experience. He specializes in software development, focusing on the Microsoft .NET framework and related technologies, such as ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Web API, ASP.NET CORE, and WinForms. Illia also excels in developing the front end with various JavaScript frameworks, including React and AngularJS. Thanks to a can-do attitude and a bright, curious personality, he works well within teams on challenging projects.

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Laur Neagu

Freelance ASP.NET Developer
Toptal Member Since June 2, 2022

Laur is a software developer who contributed to many projects both as a full-stack and back-end developer over the past seven years. He is currently focusing on the Microsoft tech stack, including .NET Framework, ASP.NET Core, EF Core, and SQL Server. He is also a teaching assistant at the Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Science in Bucharest, where he manages the courses on object-oriented programming and advanced adaptive software.

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Dmitry Pavlov

Freelance ASP.NET Developer
Toptal Member Since July 16, 2012

Dmitry is a top-notch developer with over 20 years of experience creating .NET web applications. He mainly deals with ASP.NET Core and Blazor (C#, .NET Core) software development and architecture design these days. Dmitry has received the Microsoft MVP (Developer Technologies) Award nine times and is a capable community leader. He has also received a Master of Science degree in computer science and structural geology and modeling. Clients call him "The Coding Machine."

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Tamar Takidze

Freelance ASP.NET Developer
Toptal Member Since April 17, 2019

Tamar has more than a decade of software development experience, working mainly with Microsoft technologies. Over the past few years, she's been focused on developing web solutions for the banking industry using C# and ASP.NET MVC, Entity Framework and various front-end frameworks/languages (e.g., Javascript, TypeScript, Angular, jQuery). Tamar enjoys learning new technologies and sharing information with others.

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A Hiring Guide

Guide to Hiring a Great ASP.NET Developer

ASP.NET developers are experts at building scalable, dynamic, and secure web applications using Microsoft’s ASP.NET framework. Whether they focus on developing high-quality back-end services, RESTful APIs, or full-stack solutions, these professionals are sure to help you meet your business needs. This guide discusses the most valuable technical and complementary skills to look for in ASP.NET developers, and provides practical advice and interview questions to assist you in finding the ideal candidate to lead your project to success.

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Despite accelerating demand for coders, Toptal prides itself on almost Ivy League-level vetting.

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Creating an app for the game
Conor Kenney
Creating an app for the game
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Building a cross-platform app to be used worldwide
Drilling into real-time data creates an industry game changer
Drilling into real-time data creates an industry game changer
Tripcents wouldn't exist without Toptal. Toptal Projects enabled us to rapidly develop our foundation with a product manager, lead developer, and senior designer. In just over 60 days we went from concept to Alpha. The speed, knowledge, expertise, and flexibility is second to none. The Toptal team were as part of Tripcents as any in-house team member of Tripcents. They contributed and took ownership of the development just like everyone else. We will continue to use Toptal. As a startup, they are our secret weapon.

Brantley Pace

CEO & Co-Founder

I am more than pleased with our experience with Toptal. The professional I got to work with was on the phone with me within a couple of hours. I knew after discussing my project with him that he was the candidate I wanted. I hired him immediately and he wasted no time in getting to my project, even going the extra mile by adding some great design elements that enhanced our overall look.

Paul Fenley


The developers I was paired with were incredible -- smart, driven, and responsive. It used to be hard to find quality engineers and consultants. Now it isn't.

Ryan Rockefeller


Toptal understood our project needs immediately. We were matched with an exceptional freelancer from Argentina who, from Day 1, immersed himself in our industry, blended seamlessly with our team, understood our vision, and produced top-notch results. Toptal makes connecting with superior developers and programmers very easy.

Jason Kulik


As a small company with limited resources we can't afford to make expensive mistakes. Toptal provided us with an experienced programmer who was able to hit the ground running and begin contributing immediately. It has been a great experience and one we'd repeat again in a heartbeat.

Stuart Pocknee


How to Hire ASP.NET Developers Through Toptal


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  • How much does it cost to hire an ASP.NET developer?

    The cost associated with hiring an ASP.NET developer depends on various factors, including preferred talent location, complexity and size of the project you’re hiring for, seniority, engagement commitment (hourly, part-time, or full-time), and more. In the US, for example, Glassdoor’s reported average total annual pay for ASP.NET developers is $151,000 as of September 2024. With Toptal, you can speak with an expert talent matcher who will help you understand the cost of talent with the right skills and seniority level for your needs. To get started, schedule a call with us — it’s free, and there’s no obligation to hire with Toptal.

  • Typically, you can hire an ASP.NET developer with Toptal in about 48 hours. For larger teams of talent or Managed Delivery, timelines may vary. Our talent matchers are highly skilled in the same fields they’re matching in—they’re not recruiters or HR reps. They’ll work with you to understand your goals, technical needs, and team dynamics, and match you with ideal candidates from our vetted global talent network.

    Once you select your ASP.NET developer, you’ll have a no-risk trial period to ensure they’re the perfect fit. Our matching process has a 98% trial-to-hire rate, so you can rest assured that you’re getting the best fit every time.

  • To hire the right ASP.NET developer, it’s important to evaluate a candidate’s experience, technical skills, and communication skills. You’ll also want to consider the fit with your particular industry, company, and project. Toptal’s rigorous screening process ensures that every member of our network has excellent experience and skills, and our team will match you with the perfect ASP.NET developers for your project.

  • At Toptal, we thoroughly screen our ASP.NET developers to ensure we only match you with the highest caliber of talent. Of the more than 200,000 people who apply to join the Toptal network each year, fewer than 3% make the cut.

    In addition to screening for industry-leading expertise, we also assess candidates’ language and interpersonal skills to ensure that you have a smooth working relationship.

    When you hire with Toptal, you’ll always work with world-class, custom-matched ASP.NET developers ready to help you achieve your goals.

  • You can hire ASP.NET developers on an hourly, part-time, or full-time basis. Toptal can also manage the entire project from end-to-end with our Managed Delivery offering. Whether you hire an expert for a full- or part-time position, you’ll have the control and flexibility to scale your team up or down as your needs evolve. Our ASP.NET developers can fully integrate into your existing team for a seamless working experience.

  • We make sure that each engagement between you and your ASP.NET developer begins with a trial period of up to two weeks. This means that you have time to confirm the engagement will be successful. If you’re completely satisfied with the results, we’ll bill you for the time and continue the engagement for as long as you’d like. If you’re not completely satisfied, you won’t be billed. From there, we can either part ways, or we can provide you with another expert who may be a better fit and with whom we will begin a second, no-risk trial.


How to Hire ASP.NET Developers

ASP.NET Web Developer Demand Continues to Climb

ASP.NET continues to strengthen its status as a pillar of software development. Its flexible yet robust framework and its scalability, among other qualities, make it a reliable solution for web app and app development, especially within enterprise environments. According to the 2024 Stack Overflow Developer Survey, ASP.NET ranks among the top ten most beloved web frameworks and technologies for web APIs and web development. The demand for ASP.NET developers also keeps expanding substantially—it is expected to grow 13% in the decade between 2018 and 2028, and that number may go higher as businesses continue to embrace cloud-based services. Thanks to its seamless integration with Microsoft’s ecosystem, including Visual Studio and Azure, as well as its versatility in building RESTful APIs, ASP.NET remains the technology of choice for many companies and startups.

The .NET Core framework, which is both open-source and cross-platform in its design, has further expanded the possibilities of ASP.NET programmers, allowing them to build and deploy applications for macOS, Windows, and Linux across a range of industries, from healthcare to e-commerce and finance. Moreover, the rise of microservices architectures has fostered the need for scalable, secure, and high-performing applications, making the need for ASP.NET developers more critical than ever.

However, finding the right developer for your project is not easy. The hiring market for ASP.NET programmers has become competitive due to a number of factors. First and foremost is the complex skill set that these professionals are required to have, which encompasses a broad tech stack of diverse tools. This guide was created to help you find the right ASP.NET professional to join your development team. It lays out key technical and soft skills to look for, suggests strong interview questions, and highlights essential elements to make your job description impactful.

What Attributes Distinguish Quality ASP.NET Developers From Others?

ASP.NET experts come equipped with a combination of extensive technical expertise, problem-solving abilities, and strong leadership and communication skills, which are important to create a good rapport with stakeholders and to help bring your development project to success. Some of the most important skills required for a good ASP.NET developer are proficiency in C#, which is the primary programming language used in ASP.NET, and a strong understanding of the .NET development framework and .NET Core. Candidates should also be familiar with MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture, which helps ensure that code is clean and easy to understand and maintain.

Additionally, top ASP.NET developers are well aware of the critical role of security when building web applications, especially as the framework is frequently used in enterprise settings. The right candidate will have deep knowledge of secure web development practices—including the usage of authentication methods like OAuth and OpenID Connect—and experience in addressing commonly encountered vulnerabilities, such as cross-site scripting (XSS) and SQL injection.

The top ASP.NET professionals are also comfortable working within an Agile development environment. They can adopt Agile methodologies and use tools such as Azure DevOps for continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD). They keep up with trends in cloud computing, especially Azure, which is frequently used in combination with ASP.NET projects.

Ensuring high-quality code from an ASP.NET developer involves evaluating their approach to testing to ensure that your product runs smoothly, as well as their proficiency with versioning tools like Git. Programmers with these skills are likely to place importance not only on the functionality of the code they produce, but also on its reliability and ease of maintenance over the long term.

Reviewing a candidate’s previous projects can also provide insights on code quality. Live coding tests or take-home assignments that simulate scenarios applicable to your development needs can also be helpful in evaluating the candidate’s approach to problem-solving and how they implement solutions.

How Can You Identify the Ideal ASP.NET Developer for You?

Identifying the ideal ASP.NET developer begins with recognizing the specific needs of your development project and your business goals. If you plan to build a large-scale application from scratch, you will likely need someone with years of experience in developing and maintaining complex ASP.NET applications. They should be familiar with ASP.NET Core, which is often used to build modern cloud-based applications, and have knowledge of microservices architecture for projects that require it. If your application requires integration with other Microsoft technologies, such as Azure, SQL Server, or SharePoint, you might want to look for a developer who has a strong background in the Microsoft ecosystem.

Another key element is the candidate’s ability to navigate and work well within your existing team’s workflow. Look for developers who are accustomed to using your preferred tools, whether that’s Azure DevOps for CI/CD, JIRA for project management, or Visual Studio as an integrated development environment. Soft and communication skills are also essential, especially in teams where collaboration across functions and/or departments is a common occurrence.

Complementary ASP.NET Developer Skills

A variety of complementary skills can benefit a developer’s versatility. Proficiency in SQL and relational databases like Microsoft SQL Server is highly desirable, as most ASP.NET applications involve working with data. Additionally, understanding Entity Framework, a widely used ORM (object-relational mapping) tool in the .NET environment, can significantly simplify database interactions.

Being well versed in the design and development of RESTful APIs is another valuable skill to look for in a candidate, because ASP.NET is often used to build APIs that interact with various other services and applications. If your project includes front-end components, it might be a good idea to look for developers who have experience with full-stack development, including proficiency in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, as well as frameworks like React and Angular.

Ideally, ASP.NET developers should have familiarity with cloud computing platforms, such as Microsoft Azure, and know how to deploy, scale, and maintain applications in a cloud environment. They should be able to take advantage of services like Azure App Service, Azure Functions, and Azure SQL Database.

How to Write an ASP.NET Developer Job Description for Your Project

Defining the role you are looking to fill and its responsibilities is the first step toward crafting a strong job description for your prospective ASP.NET developer. Make sure to indicate whether your future hire will be focusing on back-end development, full-stack development, or a specialized area like cloud deployment or API design and building. List the tools and technologies your team uses on a daily basis, such as ASP.NET Core, Azure, SQL Server, and MVC.

Summarize your project—whether you aim to build an application from scratch, maintain an existing project, or modernize a legacy system. Be sure to mention whether the role requires experience with specific tools and technologies, or whether there are approaches such as Agile methodologies that are crucial to your development process.

Finally, describe the soft skills that you wish to see in the ideal candidate. Important soft skills might include problem-solving abilities, good communication, and a proactive attitude. Sharing details about your company culture, your team, and the available opportunities for professional growth can also help attract top developers who will be a good fit.

What Are the Most Important ASP.NET Developer Interview Questions?

The interview process is where you assess an ASP.NET developer’s technical know-how, problem-solving abilities, and how well they might fit within your team. The best way to start is by asking about an ASP.NET project they’ve worked on in the past. This will help you gauge their hands-on experience with specific tools, as well as their approach to challenges they might have faced along the way. Such questions set the stage for a deeper connection with the candidate, giving them space to demonstrate their expertise and how it aligns with your specific needs.

Tell us about your experience with ASP.NET Core and the .NET Framework.

Knowing the differences between ASP.NET Core and the traditional .NET Framework is a must for any ASP.NET programmer. The .NET Framework is better suited for Windows-based applications, as it was created to work specifically within this ecosystem. Conversely, ASP.NET Core is open-source and cross-platform, and offers substantial performance improvements and flexibility, making it a better choice when building cloud-native applications. An expert developer should be able to clearly explain how these differences influence the development approach with each framework, and how they would go about building an application of your choice, from choosing the right framework for the task to implementing components that take full advantage of each platform’s unique features.

How do you implement dependency injection in ASP.NET Core?

Dependency injection (DI) is a core feature of ASP.NET Core that enhances both testability and maintainability and promotes loose coupling of components within the application. The way developers implement DI is by registering services within the ConfigureServices method in the Startup class. They then inject these services into controllers or other components. An expert developer should be able to explain how to set up DI and why it is an important feature that helps to maintain an application architecture that is both scalable and easily testable. Ideally, they would also talk about how they handle various service lifetimes—such as transient (created each time they’re requested), scoped (created once per request), and singleton (created only once and shared across the application)—and seamlessly manage dependencies across different parts of the application.

Explain what middleware is in ASP.NET Core and how to use it to handle HTTP requests.

Middleware is crucial to handling HTTP requests and responses in ASP.NET Core. A good developer should be able to demonstrate how they create the request pipeline in the Configure method within the Startup class, chaining middleware components to manage logging, routing, authentication, and other processes. They should be able to provide an example of middleware they’ve developed for a past project and show how it interacts with other parts of the application, as well as how it ensures requests are processed as expected.

Describe a challenging ASP.NET project you’ve worked on and how you overcame the challenges.

A developer’s ability to solve complex problems can be assessed by discussing past real-world projects. Ask the candidate to focus on a particularly complex assignment and the specific challenges they faced, like integration issues, security vulnerabilities, or performance bottlenecks. From their response, you can glean their personal problem-solving approach, as well as the techniques and tools they used to ensure the project’s success. This informs you about their technical expertise as well as their resilience and creativity in dealing with challenges.

How would you optimize the performance of an ASP.NET Core application under heavy load?

For applications that are set to handle numerous users and high traffic volumes, performance optimization is extremely important. A professional developer should be able to discuss techniques such as optimizing database queries, caching, configuring load balancing, and using asynchronous programming. They might also discuss monitoring tools they use to detect bottlenecks, like New Relic or Application Insights, and how they handle issues such as memory leaks.

How do you ensure the security of an ASP.NET application?

Security is a top priority in web application development, which is why your prospective ASP.NET developer should be well versed in safeguarding applications against common threats. Some of the techniques your candidate should be familiar with include SQL injection prevention, input validation, XSS protection, and proper authorization and authentication procedures with tools such as ASP.NET Identity or OAuth. They should also be confident when it comes to securing sensitive data, implementing HTTPS, and following best practices when dealing with logging and error handling.

How do you approach integrating third-party APIs into an ASP.NET application?

ASP.NET projects frequently need API integration. An expert developer should flesh out how they personally approach integrating third-party APIs, with a focus on ensuring security and reliability and dealing with rate limits. They should also talk about how they document and test API integrations to meet requirements and how they handle timeout and errors, such as with the use of circuit breakers or retry patterns.

Talk about your experience with cloud deployment, particularly on Microsoft Azure.

Cloud computing skills are becoming increasingly important for programmers, and Microsoft Azure is the most commonly used cloud computing platform for ASP.NET applications due to its native integration with Microsoft tools. A candidate might describe their experience deploying applications, including integrating databases with Azure SQL, the set-up of Azure App Services, and dealing with cloud resources with tools such as Azure Resource Manager or Terraform. They should be able to explain their approach to scaling and monitoring applications in the cloud. This question helps you assess their ability to make use of cloud platforms to optimize application performance, scalability, and maintainability.

How do you deal with troubleshooting and debugging in ASP.NET applications?

Effective troubleshooting and debugging are essential to ensure ASP.NET applications work smoothly and as intended. A prospective developer should be able to talk about how they tackle issues, identifying and resolving bugs as they arise, and their tools of choice for the job. A few popular ones are logging frameworks like Serilog or NLog, and Visual Studio’s own debugging features, and performance profiling tools. Candidates could describe particularly complex issues they’ve worked through, showing their attention to detail and analytical skills.

These questions are developed to evaluate a candidate’s technical depth, as well as their problem-solving abilities and real-world experience in ASP.NET development. Furthermore, observing the way they communicate their thought processes is a great way to gather insights into their ability to work collaboratively within a team.

Why Do Companies Hire ASP.NET Developers?

Expert ASP.NET developers offer a distinct blend of technical know-how and experience that is essential for creating, growing, and maintaining web applications. They are skilled in using a comprehensive tech stack that integrates effortlessly with Microsoft’s ecosystem to create products that are highly performant and secure. Their deep technical knowledge, together with great communication and leadership skills, make them a valuable asset for businesses of any size looking to develop high-quality web applications and APIs in order to maintain their competitive edge.

By outlining key technical competencies and problem-solving abilities, this guide will help project managers identify, onboard, and retain the ideal ASP.NET developer to aid in achieving their business goals. It also covers the value of assessing a candidate’s experience with testing and security, and lays out the best technical questions to ensure a thorough and successful interview process.

Top ASP.NET Developers Are in High Demand.

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