Juan Vilmaux, Project Manager in Córdoba, Argentina
Juan is available for hire
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Juan Vilmaux

Verified Expert  in Project Management


Juan has worked as a project manager for the last 15+ years, adding value to his projects by minimizing wasted effort, and focusing the team on the client's true goals. He is a certified scrum master since 2008, with broad experience managing mobile, web, and desktop projects, coaching teams, and companies. Juan has worked for a variety of small startups and very large corporations and has achieved his client's goals in more than 100 projects.

Project Highlights

Planet of the Apps
Delivered to a very demanding client a very high-quality product to reproduce video streaming for iPhone, iPad, and AppleTV.
Video to 3D Model
Successful delivery of an extremely technically challenging project at a time when the technology was not quite developed.
Personal Finance Social Network
Successful delivery of a new product, coordinating the effort of large companies and a team of 70+ people, on time/budget.


  • Agile Project Management
  • Certified ScrumMaster (CSM)
  • Kanban
  • Project Management
  • Project Management Office (PMO)
  • Project Planning
  • Risk Management
  • Scrum

Work Experience

Agile Project Manager

2021 - 2021
  • Defined a lean approach to a project with a very tight set of resources.
  • Worked on the rapid preparation of a backlog, designs, and technical solution for a highly challenging MVP that will serve as a knowledge base of an AI-based system.
  • Identified the minimum resources needed to successfully deliver the product under a very tight budget while maximizing the value of the MVP.

Technical Project Manager

2020 - 2021
  • Helped the client to identify the business model and requirements to maximize the benefits of the product.
  • Identified, created, and prioritized the requirements in the most efficient way so that the client can maximize the value of the product and reduce costs throughout its entire life cycle.
  • Defined the technical approach that would support the discovered solution for the client.
  • Managed the entire discovery of not only the project but the product and business itself.
  • Managed the vendor selection process, creation of the RFP, and supported the client with the evaluation of different vendors.
  • Acted as the product owner of this project to help and guide the vendor towards achieving a high-value solution.
  • Worked with a lead designer to create a UX prototype at the early stages of the product.

Project Manager

2018 - 2020
  • Delivered multiple releases of extremely challenging products for the medical industry and CROs.
  • Worked under the most demanding conditions to implement an Agile approach in a very regulated industry where Waterfall was the norm.
  • Led multiple teams of highly qualified resources to delivered multiple releases of different products that were HIPAA compliant and audited by multiple entities.

Project Manager

2018 - 2019
  • Led efforts towards the analysis of the requirements and resources needed to implement the solution.
  • Organized and built the team to ensure the implementation could be delivered on time.
  • Presented the results to the executives to obtain their approval.
  • Led the implementation efforts and reviewed solutions.
  • Gathered feedback and documenting results to provide a comprehensive list of reproducible steps for further implementations of the same kind.

Scrum Master

2018 - 2018
University of Colorado
  • Coached developers and leaders to implement agile methodologies on their projects.
  • Developed a new approach to agile methodologies applied to data science.
  • Re-organized the team towards different goals and areas to ensure a more focused delivery and achievement of results.

Senior Project Manager

2018 - 2018
  • Supervised developers as part of my role.
  • Planned deliverables and sprints to meet client's expectations.
  • Kept track of costs and budget.
  • Managed client's expectations to make sure our goals are aligned.
  • Delivered highly challenging projects in short periods of time to very demanding clients in the medical and military industry.

Agile Project Manager

2016 - 2017
Rainfactory, Inc.
  • Managed some top-three successful campaigns (marketing and development) to raise funds for startups through Indiegogo.
  • Developed a new e-commerce solution for one of the largest retailers in the adult's toy industry with annual revenue of 10M.
  • Improved customer's engagement through the usage of heat maps, pop up tools, and other techniques to increase the click rate and target more focused customers.

Senior Project Manager

2016 - 2017
Black Pixel
  • Managed ​projects​ ​for​​ ​large-scale​ ​tech​ ​companies​ on​ ​mobile​ ​devices​ ​and​ ​desktop​ ​platforms​ ​(primarily​ ​iOS​ ​and​ ​MacOS) ​using​ ​agile methodologies.
  • Interacted ​and​ ​negotiated​ ​directly​ ​with​ ​managers​ ​from​ ​tech​ ​giants.
  • Ensured ​the delivery​ ​of​ ​the​ ​projects​ ​under​ ​very​ ​challenging​ ​and​ ​demanding circumstances.
  • Collaborated ​with​ ​development​ ​leaders​ ​and​ ​architects​ ​to​ ​overcome​ ​obstacles and provide the best quality solutions.
  • Ensured ​the​ ​best​ ​possible​ ​user​ ​experience​ ​working​ ​in​ ​collaboration​ ​with​ subject matter ​experts.
  • Tested​ ​projects​ ​before​ ​delivery ​to​ ​revise​ ​testers’​ ​final​ ​sign​ ​off.
  • Kept ​up​ ​to​ ​date​ ​with​ ​the​ ​latest​ ​technologies ​to​ ​provide​ ​better​ ​solutions​ ​and guidance.
  • Supervised developers to deliver on time.
  • Created development plans and schedules to ensure meeting client's expectations.

Director of Engineering

2014 - 2017
Monsoon Co.
  • Led​ ​the​ ​entire​ ​engineering​ ​team​ ​throughout the United States,​ ​Canada,​ ​Ukraine,​ ​India,​ ​Brazil,​ ​Peru,​ and ​Argentina.
  • Served as the managing​ ​director​ ​of​ ​the​ ​Argentine​ ​branch​ ​of​ ​the​ ​company.
  • Mentored ​project​ ​managers​ ​worldwide ​to​ ​properly​ ​implement​ ​agile methodologies.
  • Monitored ​project​ ​delivery​ ​and​ ​quality​​ ​within​ ​the​ ​company’s​ ​quality​ ​standards.
  • Created ​development​ ​procedures​ ​to​ ​provide​ ​a​ ​common​ ​understanding​ ​across​ ​the developers located within different countries.
  • Oversaw​ ​developers’​ ​performance​ ​around​ ​the​ ​world.

Scrum Trainer and Co-founder

2013 - 2017
  • Advised​ a variety of ​companies​ ​on how​ ​to​ ​apply​ ​agile methodologies to improve their businesses.
  • Taught​ ​scrum​ ​master​ ​fundamentals​ ​and​ ​trained​ ​students.
  • Trained​ ​other​ ​scrum​ ​masters​ ​on​ ​how​ ​to​ ​apply​ ​Scrum​ ​in​ ​their​ ​projects.
  • Gave​ ​workshops​ ​and​ ​lectures​ ​about​ ​specific​ ​scrum​ ​topics​ ​such​ ​as​ ​planning sessions, retrospectives, and user stories throughout Argentina and the US.

Senior Project Manager

2012 - 2014
Santex America
  • Managed​ ​large​ ​and​ ​medium​ ​projects​ ​(onsite​ ​and​ ​offshore)​ ​for​ ​clients​ ​such​ ​as Macy’s,​ ​Webfilings,​ ​Nascar,​ ​SiriusXM,​ ​Vistage,​ ​Origin​ ​Digital​, ​and​ ​Accenture,​ ​among others.
  • Trained​ ​junior ​project​ ​managers​ ​to​ ​increase​ ​their​ ​management​ ​capabilities.
  • Defined​ ​the​ ​agile​ ​framework​ ​process​ ​for​ ​the​ ​company​ ​and​ ​collaborated​ ​with the quality assurance process area to improve existing frameworks.
  • Helped​ ​business​ ​developers​ ​and​ ​account​ ​managers​ ​to​ ​engage​ ​with​ ​new​ ​clients.
  • Provided customized ​training​ ​and​ ​workshops​ ​about​ ​scrum​ ​for​ ​different​ ​departments.
  • Participated​ ​as​ a ​speaker​ ​in​ ​different​ ​events​ ​(e.g. Nexus 2014).

Senior Project Manager

2009 - 2012
Nextive Solutions
  • Managed​ ​small,​ ​medium​, ​and​ ​large​ ​projects​ ​related​ ​to​ ​gaming​ ​and​ ​corporate applications​ ​for​ ​mobile​ ​platforms​ ​(iOS​ ​and​ ​Android)​ ​for​ ​major​ ​clients​ ​including​ ​Autodesk and​ ​Zynga​.
  • Maintained​ ​business​ ​relationships​ ​with​ ​gaming​ ​companies.
  • Oversaw​ ​large​ ​groups​ ​of​ ​people​ ​to​ ​provide​ ​business​ ​value​ ​through​ ​delivery.
  • Coached​ ​other​ ​project​ ​managers​ ​to​ ​implement​ ​agile​ ​methodologies.
  • Worked ​on site​ ​with​ ​different​ ​team​ ​members​ ​and​ ​clients​ ​located​ ​in​ ​the​ ​US​.
  • Helped ​clients​​ ​leverage​ ​the​ ​value​ ​of​ ​their​ ​applications​ ​in​ ​the market.
  • Implemented​ ​performance​ ​management​ ​tools​ ​to​ ​evaluate​ ​developer ​performance.

Senior Project Manager

2007 - 2010
  • Built​ ​successful​ ​relationships​ ​with​ ​stakeholders​ ​and​ ​vendors​, ​including​ ​CEO’s, managers,​ publishers,​ ​and designers ​based​ ​on​ ​an​ ​onsite​ ​stay​ ​at​ ​clients’​ ​offices.
  • Managed​ ​large​ ​groups​ ​of​ ​people​ ​using​ ​scrum​ ​methodologies​ ​to​ ​achieve​ ​client’s needs​ ​and​ ​increase​ ​customer​ ​satisfaction.
  • Oversaw ​process​ ​audits​ ​accomplishment,​ ​projects'​ ​scope,​ ​requirements,​ ​planning, cost,​ ​risks,​ ​schedule,​ ​quality​, and​ ​billing.
  • Built​ ​scrum​ ​teams​ ​to​ ​ensure​ ​the accomplishment​ ​of​ ​customer’s​ ​requirements.
  • Contributed ​to​ ​the establishment of ​Globant's​ ​agile​ ​framework,​ ​experimenting with​ ​different approaches​ ​to​ ​solve​ ​problems​ ​in​ ​a​ ​project.
  • Managed​ ​projects​ ​for​ ​career​ ​management​ ​and​ ​performance​ ​management/CRM tools.
  • Presented ​training​ ​at​ ​different​ ​Globant ​premises​ ​and​ ​client ​offices regarding the benefits of scrum methodologies.
  • Managed​ ​more​ ​than​ ​ten​ ​projects​ ​using​ ​agile​ ​methodologies.
  • Coached​ ​other​ ​project​ ​managers​ ​to​ ​implement​ ​agile​ ​methodologies​ ​in​ ​their projects.

Java Certification Trainer

2007 - 2007
IT College
  • Gave​ ​trainings​ ​about​ ​Java​ ​to​ ​prepare​ ​students​ ​for​ ​certifying​ ​SCJP.

Project Manager

2005 - 2007
Patagonia Technologies
  • Managed​ ​scope,​ ​requirements,​ ​risks​, ​and​ ​quality​ ​of​ ​a​ ​small-sized​ ​CRM​ ​for​ ​managing cell​ ​installations​ ​using​ ​scrum.
  • Oversaw​ ​scope,​ ​requirements,​ ​risks,​ ​planning​, ​and​ ​estimates​ ​of​ ​a​ ​dashboard​ ​utility that​ ​gets​ ​information​ ​from​ ​Siebel​ ​CRM​ ​(Call​ ​Center​ ​and​ ​Service,​ ​and​ ​Marketing modules)​ ​to​ ​provide​ ​key​ ​performance​ ​indicators​ ​using​ ​scrum.​.
  • Managed​ ​scope, requirements,​ ​risks,​ ​planning,​ ​estimates​, ​and​ ​implementation​ ​of​ ​a​ ​logs​ ​analyzer​ ​tool, based​ ​on​ ​the SOX​ ​law,​ ​using​ ​a​ ​customized​ ​agile​ ​framework.
  • Led​ ​a​ ​scrum​ ​team​ ​on​ ​the​ ​development​ ​of​ ​an​ ​intelligent​ ​agents-based​ ​Eclipse​ ​IDE plugin ​for​ ​rapid​ ​application​ ​development.
  • Designed​ ​and​ ​developed​ ​the​ ​back-end​ ​module​ ​of​ ​a​ ​web​ ​application​ ​for​ ​“Caja​ ​de Valores”​ ​based​ ​in​ ​Java,​ ​JSP,​ ​XML,​ ​JBoss​ ​3.2.6​ ​application​ ​server,​ ​JasperReports, and​ ​Hibernate ​which​ ​interacts​ ​with​ ​a​ ​front​-​end​ ​made​ ​in​ ​Struts.

Assistant Professor

2002 - 2006
National Technological University of Argentina
  • Taught​ a variety of courses including ​Advanced​ ​Programming​ ​Techniques, Operating Systems, Syntax and Semantics of Programming Languages, and Algorithms and Data Structures.

Java Developer

2004 - 2005
  • Designed​ ​and developed web and J2EE components using a proprietary framework based in Java, Oracle 9i, Eclipse IDE, and Apache Jakarta Tomcat.

Project History

Planet of the Apps

Delivered to a very demanding client a very high-quality product to reproduce video streaming for iPhone, iPad, and AppleTV.

It was a very large team (60+ team members, including other managers).

The project had a time-to-market constraint as well as a fixed budget.

We succeeded in delivering this project due to a constant focus on the client's goal and having very high qualified people on the team.

Project Manager for Launching New Vertical

Led the implementation phase for launching a new vertical at a very large-scale multinational company.

Coordinated the efforts to gather, analyze, implement, and deploy the additions to the existing company's platform and website.

Healthcare Company (under NDA)

Leading multiple teams in a very challenging environment where confidentiality and compliance were key.

Clinical research-oriented HIPAA compliant applications to help CRO's and Physicians to keep track of patient's evolution, collect data, and conduct research.

Healthcare Company (under NDA)

Successful delivery of an application to aid breast cancer patients and survivors.

Led the development and delivery of a mobile application that provides evidence-based information and recommendations for breast cancer patients and survivors, based on personalized intelligent decision-making frameworks.
Conducted the initial steps to make these applications HIPAA compliant.

Video to 3D Model

Successful delivery of an extremely technically challenging project at a time when the technology was not quite developed.

We had to build our own frameworks and use a ton of math, to deliver an R&D product to create a 3D model of a massive scale object (building) from a video captured on an iPad 1.
This was done for the R&D area of one of the best well-known architecture/engineering/construction/media/entertainment software corporations.

Personal Finance Social Network

Successful delivery of a new product, coordinating the effort of large companies and a team of 70+ people, on time/budget.

This was a joint venture between Microsoft and Citibank to create a personal finance social network in 2010. The product was reviewed in many magazines and articles, such as:

It used new modeling and graphic technologies at that time and was done under strict time and budget constraints with complete success.

Cooking and Baking Related Entertainment Website.


Rebuilt the website and launched an enhanced version with better user experience, performance, and content organization.

This is a new and enhanced version of the old website for a YouTuber specialized in baking and cooking.

Software for Daily Operation of Laboratories

Integrated a completely new software to handle the daily operations of big laboratories in Mexico and the US.

This software manages the whole operation of laboratories across multiple locations in different Cities (and Countries) on all tiers, from sample extraction and classification to billing and invoicing.

It is integrated with physical devices (hardware) that operate within the laboratories.

Tourism eCommerce Hybrid Platform

Planned the release, built the team from scratch, selected the technology to develop a hybrid approach to a mobile eCommerce.

The project was meant to connect customers and merchants in the Caribbean through an iOS and Android app.

As a manager, I had to build the team from scratch, select the technology that will better suit the client's restricted budget while delivering the most value at the same time in the shortest timeframe possible.


2001 - 2006

Bachelor's Degree in Software Engineering

National Technological University of Argentina - Buenos Aires, Argentina

2001 - 2005

Bachelor's Degree in Systems Analyst

National Technological University of Argentina - Buenos Aires, Argentina



Certified Scrum Master

Scrum Alliance



Trello, Google Docs, Pivotal Tracker, Google Sheets, Microsoft Project, Jira, Basecamp, Asana, Open Office, Canvas


Agile Leadership, Functional Analysis, Requirements Analysis, Change Management, Management, Gamification, Agile Project Management, Agile, Scrum, HIPAA Compliance, Marketplace Platforms, Organizational Analysis, User Acceptance Testing (UAT), Software Testing, Kanban, Agile Product Management, Testing, Manual Testing

Industry Expertise

Health, Healthcare, Software, Entertainment & Leisure, Health & Wellness, Technology, Video Gaming, Digital Marketing, Hygiene & Personal Care


WordPress, Android, iOS, MacOS, Windows


eCommerce, E-learning, E-health, Planning, Process Improvement, Process Improvement Project Management, Team Leadership, Remote Team Leadership, Cross-functional Team Leadership, Scrum Coaching, Websites, Mobile Apps, Scope Management, Project Scoping, Scope, Project Tracking, Projects, Project Reporting, Project Rescue, User Stories, Feature Backlog Prioritization, Feature Planning, Feature Analysis, Feature Roadmaps, Risk, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), Software Project Management, Backlog Grooming, Backlog Management, Estimations, Project Estimation, Functional Requirements, Functional Specifications, Marketplaces, Product Requirements Documentation (PRD), Product Roadmaps, Roadmaps, Project Budget Management, Requirements, User Requirements, System Requirements, Business Requirements, Requirements & Specifications, Change Leadership, Management Consulting, Objectives & Key Results (OKRs), Forecasting, Offshore Team Management, Certified ScrumMaster (CSM), Sprint Planning, Project Planning, Retrospective Techniques, Budget Management, Project Delivery, Project Management, Risk Analysis, Risk Management, Expectations Management, Time Management, Cost Management, Software Consulting, Software Engineering, Scrum Master, Gaming, Mobile, Web, Drop Shipping, Process Definition, Agile Coaching, Mobile UX, Mobile Web, Cost Estimation, Cost Control, Scope of Work (SOW), Gantt Chart, Project Discovery, Project Analysis, Analysis, Systems Analysis, User Needs, User Flows, User Journeys, Technical Project Management, Social Networks, Startups, Early-stage Startups, Product Owner, Product Ownership, Scrum Product Owner, Social, Marketing, Requirement Traceability Matrices, Web Technologies, Technology Trends, Wireframe to Product, P&L Management, Organizational Leadership, Structure & Organizational Design, Organizational Design, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), General Management, Video Games, Lean Product Development, Microsoft 365, Story Mapping, Costing, Team Building, Customer Satisfaction, Project Consultancy, Project Management Office (PMO), Software QA, Digital Project Management, Finance, React Native, Wireframing, Board of Directors, Financial Systems, Financials, Video Streaming, Streaming, Discovery Management, Teams, Staffing, Lean Budgets, Discovery, Agile Product Delivery, Discovery Workshops, Product Discovery, Technical Requirements, Budgeting, Budget Modeling, Annual Budgets, Vendor Selection, Vendors & Suppliers, Vendor Management, Prototyping, Product Delivery, Resourcing, Flutter

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