Hire the Top 3% of Freelance BrowserStack Developers

Toptal is a marketplace for dedicated BrowserStack developers, engineers, programmers, coders, architects, and consultants. Top companies and startups choose Toptal BrowserStack freelancers for their mission-critical BrowserStack development projects.

No-Risk Trial, Pay Only If Satisfied.

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Trusted by leading brands and startups

Hire Freelance BrowserStack Developers

Will Read

Freelance BrowserStack Developer
Toptal Member Since January 8, 2016

Will has worked as a professional web developer for over 15 years. He's worked extensively with many modern JavaScript frameworks and is an expert in the core front-end technologies. He also knows his way around the back end, having worked with innumerable REST APIs as well as dabbling in most back-end stacks. Will has worked with and led teams of many sizes and has a passion for devising elegant solutions to complex problems

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Kevin Roe

Freelance BrowserStack Developer
United States
Toptal Member Since September 9, 2022

Kevin is a self-taught, extremely motivated automation engineer. He loves having the opportunity to solve complex web, mobile, or API automation challenges. Kevin always looks for a chance to contribute to the team by applying his skills to develop something new, solve big problems, or build processes and best practices from scratch.

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Hemalatha Gurunadaiah

Freelance BrowserStack Developer
United States
Toptal Member Since June 6, 2024

Hemalatha is a dedicated QA lead and manager with 17 years of experience in the banking, mortgage, and healthcare industries. She specializes in API, mobile, and database testing and ensures product quality through meticulous testing methodologies and effective team leadership. Hemalatha has managed onsite and offshore models, driving successful CRM to Salesforce conversion projects.

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Juan Pablo Moreno Gutierrez

Freelance BrowserStack Developer
Toptal Member Since October 29, 2021

Juan is a computer science professional with advanced studies in management with more than 12 years of experience as a software developer and test automation engineer. He's worked on Agile projects using Scrum and Kanban frameworks. Juan has strong skills in test automation, using tools and frameworks like Selenium WebDriver and Appium, Python, C#, and Java. Juan also has led test automation teams of up to three people.

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Miodrag Zivanovic

Freelance BrowserStack Developer
Toptal Member Since April 1, 2020

Miodrag is a manual QA engineer with significant experience in web and mobile testing. He's skilled at building QA from scratch and focusing on communication with the client. His QA work is always transparent, and client needs always drive the project. Miodrag is proactive, reliable, results-oriented, and communicative.

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Natalija Kotuseva

Freelance BrowserStack Developer
Toptal Member Since October 18, 2022

Natalija is a software tester experienced in manual testing, mainly working on eCommerce and telecommunications projects. She was the leading QA specialist in a mobility transformation project involving customer data migration from legacy systems for a major telco provider in Europe. Natalija's expertise includes API automation testing, having completed several projects for an international energy holding company.

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Sonia Sharma

Freelance BrowserStack Developer
Toptal Member Since July 7, 2022

Sonia is a quality assurance engineer with eight years of experience in the software IT industry and the US health care domain. She has worked extensively on web applications, mobile apps, APIs, and desktop apps for over 70 products. Sonia has a proven record of delivering high-quality products defect-free.

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Arun Sridharan

Freelance BrowserStack Developer
Toptal Member Since September 23, 2022

Arun is a quality engineering manager with 14+ years of experience, over five of which are managing teams. With an extensive background in implementing quality engineering and shift-left testing practices, API testing with Postman, web automation with Selenium WebDriver, and mobile automation with Appium, he has built different automation frameworks using structural design patterns. Arun is also experienced in CI/CD using AWS CodeBuild, Jenkins, and GitHub Actions.

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Pujari Devan

Freelance BrowserStack Developer
Toptal Member Since September 30, 2021

Pujari is a highly motivated QA professional with 10+ years of experience in top product-based companies like Amazon and Grab. Heading to quality deliverables, setting up processes, and building strong QA teams, he's worked on products used by millions of customers from the ground up. Pujari is keen on testing and automating web, mobile, web services, and ERP applications.

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Sujith Subramanian

Freelance BrowserStack Developer
Toptal Member Since November 7, 2024

Sujith is a full-stack QA engineer with 13 years of experience. He has worked for successful startups as an early employee, setting up test automation and performance tests from scratch. Sujith is skilled in Python, Pytest, GPT-4o-based chat apps and AI-based testing, API automation, Cypress, Postman, and TestRail. He also uses various mobile automation and DevOps tools like Appium, BrowserStack, TestFlight, New Relic, Locust, JMeter, CloudWatch, GitHub Actions, and GitHub self-hosted runners.

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Sreeram Kartheek Vennapusa

Freelance BrowserStack Developer
Toptal Member Since August 4, 2021

Sreeram is an automation lead with 12 years of experience designing, developing, testing, and maintaining eCommerce, CRM, and web apps. He has a solid background in working in fast-paced environments, understanding business requirements, and automating accordingly. Sreeram analyzed Software Architecture Documents (SAD) and use case documents and developed test strategy documents. He has hands-on knowledge of continuous integration tools like Jenkins, Git, AWS, and Docker.

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Toptal in the press

... allows corporations to quickly assemble teams that have the right skills for specific projects.

Despite accelerating demand for coders, Toptal prides itself on almost Ivy League-level vetting.

Our clients
Creating an app for the game
Conor Kenney
Creating an app for the game
Leading a digital transformation
Elmar Platzer
Leading a digital transformation
Building a cross-platform app to be used worldwide
Building a cross-platform app to be used worldwide
Drilling into real-time data creates an industry game changer
Drilling into real-time data creates an industry game changer
Tripcents wouldn't exist without Toptal. Toptal Projects enabled us to rapidly develop our foundation with a product manager, lead developer, and senior designer. In just over 60 days we went from concept to Alpha. The speed, knowledge, expertise, and flexibility is second to none. The Toptal team were as part of Tripcents as any in-house team member of Tripcents. They contributed and took ownership of the development just like everyone else. We will continue to use Toptal. As a startup, they are our secret weapon.

Brantley Pace

CEO & Co-Founder

I am more than pleased with our experience with Toptal. The professional I got to work with was on the phone with me within a couple of hours. I knew after discussing my project with him that he was the candidate I wanted. I hired him immediately and he wasted no time in getting to my project, even going the extra mile by adding some great design elements that enhanced our overall look.

Paul Fenley


The developers I was paired with were incredible -- smart, driven, and responsive. It used to be hard to find quality engineers and consultants. Now it isn't.

Ryan Rockefeller


Toptal understood our project needs immediately. We were matched with an exceptional freelancer from Argentina who, from Day 1, immersed himself in our industry, blended seamlessly with our team, understood our vision, and produced top-notch results. Toptal makes connecting with superior developers and programmers very easy.

Jason Kulik


As a small company with limited resources we can't afford to make expensive mistakes. Toptal provided us with an experienced programmer who was able to hit the ground running and begin contributing immediately. It has been a great experience and one we'd repeat again in a heartbeat.

Stuart Pocknee


How to Hire BrowserStack Developers Through Toptal


Talk to One of Our Client Advisors

A Toptal client advisor will work with you to understand your goals, technical needs, and team dynamics.

Work With Hand-selected Talent

Within days, we'll introduce you to the right BrowserStack developer for your project. Average time to match is under 24 hours.

The Right Fit, Guaranteed

Work with your new BrowserStack developer for a trial period (pay only if satisfied), ensuring they're the right fit before starting the engagement.


  • How quickly can you hire with Toptal?

    Typically, you can hire a BrowserStack developer with Toptal in about 48 hours. For larger teams of talent or Managed Delivery, timelines may vary. Our talent matchers are highly skilled in the same fields they’re matching in—they’re not recruiters or HR reps. They’ll work with you to understand your goals, technical needs, and team dynamics, and match you with ideal candidates from our vetted global talent network.

    Once you select your BrowserStack developer, you’ll have a no-risk trial period to ensure they’re the perfect fit. Our matching process has a 98% trial-to-hire rate, so you can rest assured that you’re getting the best fit every time.

  • To hire the right BrowserStack developer, it’s important to evaluate a candidate’s experience, technical skills, and communication skills. You’ll also want to consider the fit with your particular industry, company, and project. Toptal’s rigorous screening process ensures that every member of our network has excellent experience and skills, and our team will match you with the perfect BrowserStack developers for your project.

  • At Toptal, we thoroughly screen our BrowserStack developers to ensure we only match you with the highest caliber of talent. Of the more than 200,000 people who apply to join the Toptal network each year, fewer than 3% make the cut.

    In addition to screening for industry-leading expertise, we also assess candidates’ language and interpersonal skills to ensure that you have a smooth working relationship.

    When you hire with Toptal, you’ll always work with world-class, custom-matched BrowserStack developers ready to help you achieve your goals.

  • You can hire BrowserStack developers on an hourly, part-time, or full-time basis. Toptal can also manage the entire project from end-to-end with our Managed Delivery offering. Whether you hire an expert for a full- or part-time position, you’ll have the control and flexibility to scale your team up or down as your needs evolve. Our BrowserStack developers can fully integrate into your existing team for a seamless working experience.

  • We make sure that each engagement between you and your BrowserStack developer begins with a trial period of up to two weeks. This means that you have time to confirm the engagement will be successful. If you’re completely satisfied with the results, we’ll bill you for the time and continue the engagement for as long as you’d like. If you’re not completely satisfied, you won’t be billed. From there, we can either part ways, or we can provide you with another expert who may be a better fit and with whom we will begin a second, no-risk trial.

Tap Into World-Class Talent

  • Trusted Experts Only

    Trusted Experts Only

    All of our talent are seasoned experts who ramp up quickly, readily contribute as core team members, and work with you to minimize onboarding time.

  • The Right Fit

    The Right Fit

    We have a knack for matching you with the right fit. Start working with your new hire on a no-risk trial period, paying only if satisfied.

  • Scale as Needed

    Scale as Needed

    Hire talent within 48 hours and scale your team up or down as needed, no strings attached.

  • Seamless Hiring

    Seamless Hiring

    We handle all aspects of billing, payments, and NDA’s. Let us take care of the overhead while you focus on building great products.

  • Flexible Engagements

    Flexible Engagements

    Choose the engagement type that suits your needs — hourly, part-time, or full-time — with the ability to change anytime.

  • Expert Talent Matching

    Expert Talent Matching

    Focus on your project and enjoy support from your dedicated account executive and expert talent matcher.

Top BrowserStack Developers Are in High Demand.

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