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Educational Software Development Services

We provide e-learning and education software development services. Our advanced technologies ensure the implementation of learning facilitation solutions, effective lesson planning and organization, administrative work management for schools, colleges, and universities, and much more.
  • Strong Expertise in the e-Learning & Educational Industry.
  • A Wide Range of Custom e-Learning & Educational Solutions.
  • Software Development for All e-Learning & Educational Domains.
  • User-Friendly and Performance-Oriented Software.
Get a free quote. Fill in the form and our manager will contact you within a few minutes during business hours.

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  • Less than $10,000
  • $10,000 - $25,000
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  • More than $100,000
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Top e-Learning & Educational Software Development Company

As a top-rated e-Learning & Educational Software Development Company, we help e-learning organizations and educational institutions improve their workflows and expand their businesses using technology. We have completed more than 35 projects for various organizations and have extensive experience in how to develop a unique quality e-Learning & Educational Software for your company, adapting to your goals and capabilities. We have:

  • 7+ Years In e-Learning & Educational Software Development
  • 35+ Completed Projects
  • 45+ Professional e-Learning & Educational Software Developers
  • 25+ Satisfied Clients
Let's Discuss Your Project

Our Custom e-Learning & Educational Software Development Services

We provide a comprehensive range of services aimed at transforming your workflow and optimizing your business operations, and we also can get to work at any stage of a project. Our main services include:

  • e-Learning & Educational Software Development Consulting
  • Web, Desktop, Mobile Development for e-Learning Organizations and Educational Institutions
  • e-Learning & Educational Software Development from Scratch and Modernization of Existing Solutions
  • e-Learning & Educational Software Maintenance and Support

Solutions We Create

Learning Management System (LMS) Software
  • Web & Mobile LMS Development
  • Enterprise LMS Development
  • Third-Party Integration
  • LMS Modernization
Learning Experience Platform (LXP)
  • Content Creation & Curation Capabilities
  • AI-Based Recommendations
  • Social Learning & Gamification
  • Analytics and Reporting
  • Integration With e-Learning Platforms & Third-Party Systems
e-Learning Portal
  • Learning Content Management
  • Social Learning Options
  • Gamified Training Solutions
  • Analytics & Reporting
Student Information System (SIS) Software
  • SIS Portal Development
  • SIS Documents Management
  • Student Enrollment & Onboarding
  • Student Financial Services
  • SIS Integration, and more
Proctoring Software
  • Automated User Registration
  • Identity Confirmation
  • Screen Sharing
  • Browser Lockdown
  • AI-Based Behavior Analysis
  • Real-Time Incident Alerts
  • Analysis & Reporting, and more
m-Learning Applications
  • Microlearning
  • Gamification Features
  • Augmented Reality Tool
  • Offline Learning Support, and more
Content Authoring Software
  • Content Management
  • Real-Time Collaboration
  • Multiple-Format Support
  • Multi-Language Support
  • AI-Based Content Authoring
Virtual Classroom Software
  • Multi-Device Compatibility
  • Backup & Cloud Disk Functionality
  • Video Conferencing
  • Document Exchange
  • Online Whiteboard, and more
And other solutions.

e-Learning & Educational Software Development Cost

Request a free quote

Ready to order the development of your e-Learning & Educational Software? Plan your budget effectively. Fill the form to get a free estimate of your project. Our experts will contact you within a few minutes.

Educational Software Development Services Process

  • 1
    Analyze The
    Requirements &

    Definition and analysis of requirements and their scope, suggestions for improvement, business and tech consulting.

  • 2
    and Prototype

    We create clickable prototypes of e-Learning & Educational software and help our clients to define further development, main functionality and UX of your custom e-Learning & Educational software.

  • 3

    Development of the e-Learning & Educational software in accordance with the plan and taking into account the results of the wireframe design.

  • 4
    Testing &

    We make sure the developed e-Learning & Educational software is stable, secure, and doesn't have any bugs.

  • 5

    In long-term partnership, we monitor the status of your custom e-Learning & Educational software, fix bugs, and make sure the software continues to work as expected.


Projects Delivered


Development Staff


Years of Experience


Satisfied Clients

Our Work


Enterprise LMS Software Development

We were approached by a large American company selling construction and finishing materials. The client's request was to develop software for an enterprise learning management system that allows flexible management of learning content, the process of training and testing of employees. The solution had to implement a plan to systematize the training process for sales specialists, as well as to create a corporate database of learning materials to ensure the continuous acquisition of knowledge by employees. As a result, we developed a platform that supports various types of content, allowing step-by-step progression through the training plan with the ability to modify it flexibly. The solution also included the ability to automatically generate reports and test employees to monitor their mastery of the courses. In addition, the software included a digital library of learning content, artificial intelligence-based customization of learning content and resources, and more.

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e-Learning Portal Development for Psychologists

Our client approached us with the idea of creating an e-learning portal for psychologists. The portal should be a professional online environment for further training, by learning new psychological techniques and sharing experiences between professionals. As a result, we developed a platform that allows learners to store and access all materials related to training (courses, assignments, exams, etc.), choose individual training plans, depending on the current experience and profiling of the specialist. In addition, the portal realizes the function of social learning by introducing discussion boards, a chat room, and a forum where psychologists can discuss professional issues and share knowledge.

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Student Information System Software Development

Our experience includes the development of a student information system that solves a number of problems related to student data management. The platform we have developed allows us to store contact information, medical, disciplinary and academic data of students. The software solution provides convenient management of all student documentation, financial accounting, registration and enrollment control, schedule planning, preparation of customized reports and much more. The solution we have developed provides complete systematization of student data, which greatly facilitates administrative work and improves the work processes of the educational institution.

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Piano Teaching m-Learning Application Development

Our client approached us with the idea of developing a mobile learning application for piano lessons. The solution was to fulfill the client's vision of creating a mobile music school that the user can access anytime, anywhere. The mobile application we developed included a large database of multi-genre pieces of varying complexity, training in musical literacy, chords, correct technique and much more. The solution allows you to choose a course depending on the user's level of skill, which ensures the selection of materials of appropriate complexity. The application takes into account the user's interests and preferences in music and makes personalized recommendations on pieces for exercises. In addition, the solution is equipped with a feature that corrects mistakes by listening to the student's playing through a microphone. As a result, we were able to develop a productive, professional and user-friendly learning mobile application suitable for teaching piano to beginners and advanced users alike.

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Content Authoring Software Development

Our client asked us to develop a content authoring software for creating authoring training content for their business. The solution had to facilitate and speed up the process of preparing learning materials, as well as the visual component for them. The sofrware we developed included the ability to quickly create a large amount of interactive content and features for its personalization. In addition, the solution enables collaboration with colleagues when creating content, allowing them to share materials, leave comments on changes, and work out the content and design of materials. The software makes it easy to adapt and improve current content and quickly exparte it in the LMS. Our development has greatly facilitated the process of preparing learning materials and optimized corporate training.

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Why Do Clients Choose Our e-Learning & Educational Software Development Services?

As one of the leading e-Learning & Educational software development providers, we have developed a wide range of solutions for e-learning organizations and educational institutions. Our team of experts has sufficient experience and knowledge to provide comprehensive development services to meet your requirements. Our team does not just develop software but helps to achieve goals, solve a certain problem. Thanks to our work, many e-learning and educational organizations have already experienced significant benefits and improvements in their operations. There are several reasons why customers choose us:

  • Strong Expertise in Various e-Learning & Educational Solutions
  • Transparent Development Process
  • We Take The Time To Understand Your Business
  • Team Of Experienced Professionals
  • On Time & On Budget Delivery
Get in Touch

Client Testimonials

Cooperation with VironIT has fully met our expectations. The team was open to communication and listened to our wishes. Whenever I had a problem or question, they were available. In addition, they delivered the results to us in a timely manner. As a result, our joint work turned out to be quite effective. Thank you for your professionalism and sociability.

Martin Aguinis

CEO & Co-founder, Clipjoy

testimonial 1

They fully understood our requests and goals in the technical part of the business. It was a pleasure to work with those who understand your business processes. Project Manager Alex was always in touch with us. With the help of the VironIT team, we have a comprehensive platform that meets all our goals. The guys are really professionals, you can rely on them and save your time. I recommend the VironIT team.

Stanley Fourteau

CEO, Ukio

testimonial 2

Our company's collaboration with the VironIT team included the modernization of our system and the introduction of new features. Work on the project went strictly according to the schedule. We called each other every week, so we were always aware of the development process. The VironIT team successfully coped with all the tasks.

Wanda Sieber

CEO, Unishippers-Green Bay

testimonial 3

I have been working with VironIT for almost a year. During this time, we have created a unique multi-functional software for internal use in our company. Working with VironIT is very simple, they understand the business goals and offer the best solution. I highly recommend this company.

Gregg Martin

CIO, Arnot Health

testimonial 4

Awards & Recognition

We are proud of our awards and recognition for our work in e-Learning & Educational.
Here are some of our latest awards and achievements.

cio review award
the economic times award
digital journal award
market watch award

design rush award
top 50 blog award
software world award
top android award
clutch award

Our Clients

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Our Office

2810 N. Church St. #36879, Wilmington, Delaware USA 19802-4447
Call us: +1 (844) 448-0748
Monday through Friday
08:00 AM - 06:00 PM

Contact Us

Let's discuss your e-Learning & Educational Software!

Tell us about your idea and we will provide you with a free cost estimate of your project, answer your questions and plan our cooperation.

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We will call you in 5 min during business hours
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  • Less than $10,000
  • $10,000 - $25,000
  • $25,000 - $50,000
  • $50,000 - 100,000
  • More than $100,000
  • I don't know
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