
Showing 1-4 of 4 results


Serve Map Clusters 50x Faster Using Smarter Caching

Serving map clusters to a mobile app can cause a significant performance bottleneck. Fortunately, it’s a problem that can be solved with this caching strategy.

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Florian Pfisterer

Florian Pfisterer

Microservice Communication: A Spring Integration Tutorial With Redis

Spring Integration enables lightweight messaging within Spring-based applications. In this article, Toptal Java Developer Adnan Kukuljac shows how Spring Integration with Redis makes it easy to build a microservice architecture.

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Adnan Kukuljac

Adnan Kukuljac

Going Real-Time with Redis Pub/Sub

Real-time applications have already started to dominate the landscape of the Internet. With modern frameworks and standardization of the necessary client-side features, building a real-time web application has become a breeze. However, such web applications still pose unique scalability challenges.

In this article, Toptal engineer Mahmud Ridwan explores the architecture of a simple real-time web application that works using Redis Pub/Sub and doesn’t compromise its horizontal scalability.

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Mahmud Ridwan

Mahmud Ridwan

Django, Flask, and Redis Tutorial: Web Application Session Management Between Python Frameworks

I love and use Django in lots of my personal and client projects, mostly for those involving relational databases and more classical web applications. However, by design, Django is very tightly coupled with its ORM, Template Engine System, and Settings object. Plus, it’s not a new project: it carries a lot of baggage from the past to remain backwards compatible.

In a few of my client projects, we’ve chosen to give up on Django and use a micro framework like Flask, typically when the client wants to do some interesting stuff with the framework. At the same time, we often need user registration, login, and more, all of which is easily handled with Django.

The question emerged: is Django an all-or-nothing deal? Should we drop it completely from the project, or is there a way to combine some it with the flexibility of other frameworks?

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Denis Kyorov

Denis Kyorov

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