Showing 1-3 of 3 results


How to Approach SVG Animations in CSS

Animations make websites look more polished and exciting, and help improve user experience. Explore how the combined potential of SVG and CSS can be leveraged to create animations without relying on external libraries.

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Filip Defar

Filip Defar

A How-to Guide to SVG Animation

The advantages of SVG on the web go beyond producing resolution-independent graphics. With a little CSS and JavaScript, you can apply cool animations and effects to your front end without requiring the user to install bulky plugins.

7 minute readContinue Reading
Juan Calou

Juan Calou

SVG Text Tutorial: Text Annotation on the Web

Texts are an integral part of user interfaces. In many cases, text annotation plays a vital role in grabbing the user’s attention or allowing the user to decorate and highlight the content they produce.

In this article, we walk through the ins and outs of an open-source JavaScript library built for annotating texts on the web.

8 minute readContinue Reading
Anton Shkuratov

Anton Shkuratov

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