
Showing 10-13 of 13 results
EngineeringIcon ChevronTechnology

Hold the Framework: Exploring Dependency Injection Patterns

By Martin Coll

There are two dominant patterns of implementation for inversion of control. Which one is better, and is there a middle path to be found between them? How should you approach IoC to get the most out of your code? Join Toptal Java Developer Martin Coll in exploring the familiar and unknown landscape of IoC development.

10 minute readContinue Reading
EngineeringIcon ChevronTechnology

Angular 6 Tutorial: New Features with New Power

By Joaquin Cid

Angular 6 is out! The most outstanding changes are in its CLI and how services get injected. In this tutorial, Toptal Freelance Angular Developer Joaquin Cid goes over the basic steps of initial setup and then creates a small diary app using Material Design for the front end and Firebase for the back end.

16 minute readContinue Reading
EngineeringIcon ChevronBack-end

One-click Login With Blockchain: A MetaMask Tutorial

By Amaury M

Online users are becoming increasingly resistant to traditional email/password registration processes. One-click social logins via Facebook, Google, or GitHub are better, but they come with data privacy trade-offs. This article introduces a one-click, cryptographically-secure login flow using MetaMask, with all data stored on the app's own back-end.

13 minute readContinue Reading
EngineeringIcon ChevronTeams and Processes

Code Optimization: The Optimal Way to Optimize

By Kevin Bloch

Optimization sounds ideal. Ironically, the very aspect of our code we are trying to optimize can be sabotaged by this process, taking out innocent bystanders along the way. Is it a perfectionists' goldmine...or minefield? In this article, Toptal Freelance Software Engineer Kevin Bloch offers a more balanced approach to the art and science of optimization.

20 minute readContinue Reading

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