Data Science and Databases

Showing 120-126 of 139 results


Context Aware Applications and Complex Event Processing Architecture

Since almost all smartphones today are equipped with location sensors, motion sensors, bluetooth, and wifi, today’s mobile apps can use context awareness to dramatically increase their capabilities and value. This article walks you through building a context aware app that employs complex event processing.

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Rahul Devaskar

Rahul Devaskar

Rahul is a professional software engineer with leadership experience and expertise building full-stack React.js/Node.js applications.

.NET Core: Going Wild and Open Source. Microsoft, What Took You So Long?!

ESA’s Rosetta mission soft-landed its Philae probe on a comet, the first time in history that such an extraordinary feat has been achieved. Closely after that, Microsoft Open Sourced .NET.

The first event is a great step for mankind, and the latter is even greater for Microsoft!

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Demir Selmanovic

Demir Selmanovic

Demir is a developer and project manager with over 15 years of professional experience in a wide range of software development roles.

Top 10 Most Common Android Development Mistakes

There are thousands of different Android powered devices, with different screen sizes, chip architectures, hardware configurations, and software versions. Unfortunately, segmentation is the price to pay for openness, and there are thousands ways your app can fail on different devices.

Regardless of such huge segmentation, the majority of bugs are actually introduced because of logic errors. These bugs are easily prevented, as long as we get the basics right!

Here’s a quick rundown of the 10 most common mistakes Android developers make.

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Ivan Dimoski

Ivan Dimoski

Ivan is an accomplished Android developer and consultant with six years of experience developing user-friendly applications.

3D Data Visualization With Open Source Tools: A Tutorial Using VTK

How do we understand and interpret the huge amounts of data coming out of simulations? How do we visualize potential gigabytes of datapoints in a large dataset? In this article I will give a quick introduction to VTK and its pipeline architecture, and go on to discuss a real-life visualization example.

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Benjamin Hopfer

Benjamin Hopfer

With an award-winning MCompSci thesis on visualizing fluid dynamics and 12+ years of experience, Benjamin is solid in C#/C++/.NET/Android.

Simple Data Flow in React Apps Using Flux and Backbone: A Tutorial with Examples

React.js is a fantastic library. It is only one part of a front-end application stack, however. It doesn’t have much to offer when it comes to managing data and state. Facebook, the makers of React, have offered some guidance there in the form of Flux. I’ll introduce basic Flux control flow, discuss what’s missing for Stores, and how to use Backbone Models and Collections to fill the gap in a “Flux-compliant” way.

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Alex Rattray

Alex Rattray

Alex is an entrepreneur and Wharton grad who recently closed a startup and is contracting while he travels.

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MetaDapper: Data Mapping and Conversion Made Easy With the Right Tools

Data conversion, translation, and mapping is by no means rocket science, but it is by all means tedious. This article introduces MetaDapper, a .NET library that strives to simplify, streamline, and automate the data conversion process to the greatest extent possible.

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Richard Rozsa

Richard Rozsa

Richard Rozsa is a technical architect with 30+ years of experience. He delivers on-time and within budget.

A Guide to Scientific Computing with Open Source Tools

Scientific computing is hard. But thanks to an ever-growing landscape of open source tools, really tough problems are becoming easier to solve. Toptal engineer Charles Cook provides an in-depth example, leveraging open source tools to solve a problem in computational fluid dynamics.

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Charles Cook, Ph.D.

Charles Cook, Ph.D.

Charles (PhD, Aerospace Engineering) spent three years developing analysis programs for NASA after founding the innovative

Toptal Engineering Expert

Gabriel Courtemanche

Gabriel is a highly efficient and reliable professional who possesses a broad skill set for web application development. He's been working on a range of products and clients—from working on scalability problems in production engineering teams at Shopify and Autodesk to launching new applications for startups. Most of his work consists of leading technical teams, by creating an easy development environment, fixing technical debts, providing best practices code examples, and mentoring devs.
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