
Showing 28-36 of 42 results


Implementing a Remote Framebuffer Server in Java

Connecting to remote computers and working on them through terminals over a network is something we often take for granted. Technologies that enable us to do this have changed the way we work and have opened doors to amazing possibilities. Although the inner workings of these technologies may seem like obscure knowledge, implementations of many of these technologies are surprisingly straightforward. In this article, Toptal engineer Igor Delac gives us a step-by-step tutorial on how to implement the Remote Framebuffer server-side protocol in Java, allowing Swing-based applications to run and be interacted with remotely using standard VNC clients.

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Igor Delac

Igor Delac

Building an MVC Application With Spring Framework: A Beginner’s Tutorial

The Spring Framework is a powerful, feature-rich, and well-designed framework for the Java platform. It offers a collection of programming and configuration models that aim to simplify and streamline the development process of robust and testable applications in Java. In this article, Toptal engineer Stefan Varga challenges the popular notion of Java as a complicated platform for simple needs, and walks us through a step by step tutorial to building a simple MVC application with the Spring Framework and JPA.

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Stefan Varga

Stefan Varga

Building Modern Web Applications with AngularJS and Play Framework

Building robust web applications is often a lot about choosing the right tools. Doing so with a combination of tools that ensure both a modern, flexible front-end, and a solid, reliable back-end is something everybody wants. This article demonstrates exactly that trick by combining AngularJS and Play Framework to build a simple blog application.

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Denys Sinyakov

Denys Sinyakov

Full Text Search of Dialogues with Apache Lucene: A Tutorial

Apache Lucene is a powerful Java library used for implementing full-text search on a corpus of text. With its wide array of configuration options and customizability, it is possible to tune Apache Lucene specifically to the corpus at hand - improving both search quality and query capability.

This article gives us a glimpse of the simplicity and ease of customization of the Apache Lucene analysis pipeline.

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Doug Sparling

Doug Sparling

Buggy Java Code: The Top 10 Most Common Mistakes That Java Developers Make

Java, a sophisticated programming language, has been dominating a number of ecosystems for quite a while. Portability, automated garbage collection, and its gentle learning curve are some of the things that make it a great choice in software development. However, like any other programming language, it is still susceptible to developer mistakes.

This article explores the top 10 common mistakes Java developers make and some ways of avoiding them.

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Mikhail Selivanov

Mikhail Selivanov

Building Business Rules Engines with Drools - Power to the SMEople

A business rules engine is a tool for executing business rules. Business rules are composed of facts and conditional statements. Any “if-then” statement that appears in traditional business logic qualifies as a business rule.

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Jeff Marin

Jeff Marin

Advanced Java Class Tutorial: A Guide to Class Reloading

In Java development, a typical workflow involves restarting the server with every class change, and no one complains about it. But is Java class reloading that difficult to achieve? And could that problem be both challenging and exciting to solve? In this article, I will try to address the problem, help you gain all the benefits of on-the-fly class reloading, and boost your productivity immensely.

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Lê Anh Quân

Lê Anh Quân

A Tutorial for Aspiring Google Glass Developers: Building Your First Glass App

Google Glass promises to revolutionize how we use our devices to interact with the world. But from a developer’s standpoint, what is so special about developing for the Glass? You’ll be glad to know that the answer is “Nothing!” Here’s a step-by-step tutorial that walks you through developing your first Google Glass app.

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Demir Selmanovic

Demir Selmanovic

Scala vs. Java: Why Should I Learn Scala?

The popularity and usage of Scala is rapidly on the rise, as evidenced by the ever-increasing number of open positions for Scala developers.

In this article, Toptal engineer Matt Hicks introduces you to the power and capabilities of the Scala language.

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Matt Hicks

Matt Hicks

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