
Showing 1-9 of 11 results


Ask a Security Engineer: From DevSecOps to Cloud Security

Security engineering is a fast-moving field, and getting left behind is not an option. This ask-me-anything-style Q&A covers compliance frameworks, security checks, and the importance of a DevSecOps approach.

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Gökay Pekşen

Gökay Pekşen

In this ask-me-anything-style Q&A, leading Toptal cybersecurity expert Ilia Tivin responds to colleagues’ questions on AI in cybersecurity and provides data and network protection tips and best practices.

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Ilia Tivin

Ilia Tivin

The Benefits of Formosa Crypto Wallet Management

Formosa enhances crypto wallet management by leveraging easy-to-remember, themed security sentences rather than traditional and disparate recovery keywords. Formosa is secure, intuitive, and efficient.

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Yuri da Silva Villas Boas

Yuri da Silva Villas Boas

How to Use JWT and Node.js for Better App Security

To protect client data, your system must identify and block uninvited visitors. Create a REST API using Node.js, TypeScript, and Express, enhanced with JWT support.

25+ minute readContinue Reading
Gonzalo Hirsch

Gonzalo Hirsch

Keep It Encrypted, Keep It Safe: Working with ESNI, DoH, and DoT

Internet privacy’s cutting-edge technology includes encrypted server name indication (ESNI) and encrypted DNS in the form of DNS over HTTPS (DoH). Find out what they are, why they exist, and how they work.

11 minute readContinue Reading
Brian Wojtczak

Brian Wojtczak

Changelog: The OWASP Top 10 Project

The de facto standard for web application security is the Open Web Application Security Project’s Top 10 Project. It lists the ten most prevalent security threats based on an extensive amount of data and community feedback and was updated in late 2017.

In this article, Toptal Freelance Full-stack and System Security Developer Hrvoje Gazibara discusses the changes to the OWASP Top 10’s most recent revision by illustrating new vulnerabilities, and even some that were removed.

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Hrvoje Gazibara

Hrvoje Gazibara

A Guide to Security Best Practices for Remote Teams

Learn how, with the right remote worker security policy, distributed teams can be just as secure as in-house teams.

Toptal Freelance Software Engineer and full-time remote worker Amin Shah Gilani walks us through common security attack methods, cyber defense strategies, and, finally, an example of a good remote worker security policy.

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Amin Shah Gilani

Amin Shah Gilani

Rethinking Authentication And Biometric Security, The Toptal Way

How does one secure a vast, distributed network of tech talent? There are three ways of doing this: the right way, the wrong way, and the Toptal way. Today, we will be discussing the latter, and unveiling our plans for a comprehensive overhaul of our onboarding and authentication procedures.

In this post, Toptal Technical Editor Nermin Hajdarbegovic will help you get acquainted with our brand new processes. Since all Toptalers will be required to use our new security platform, we encourage you to comment and contribute to our efforts.

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Nermin Hajdarbegovic

Nermin Hajdarbegovic

10 Common Web Security Vulnerabilities

Don’t wait for a data breach to happen before making security a priority. This article explains how to set up a proactive web app defense and avoid the top 10 most common security pitfalls.

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Gergely Kalman

Gergely Kalman

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