Showing 10-18 of 52 results
EngineeringIcon ChevronMobile

How to Build a React Native QR Scanner: An RNCamera Tutorial

By Bassam Seif

Cross-platform mobile apps are increasingly being built with React Native. But how can you scan for QR codes and augment the user's camera view when they're present?

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EngineeringIcon ChevronTechnology

Advanced Concurrency in Swift with HoneyBee

By Alex Lynch

Handling concurrency in Swift can cause headaches and pyramids of doom. HoneyBee is a futures/promises library that makes concurrent programming easy, expressive, and safe. Join Toptal Swift Developer Alex Lynch in exploring the performance and readability advantage of using this library.

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EngineeringIcon ChevronMobile

RxSwift and Animations in iOS

By Vadim Dagman

iOS developers love the power of UIKit, and animating a UIView is usually fairly easy. However, if you want to chain animations together and set up dependencies between them, your code can quickly become difficult to read with many nested closures and indentation levels. In this article, I’ll explore how to apply the power of a reactive framework such as RxSwift to make that code look much cleaner as well as easier to read and follow. My client wanted a story told through a sequence of animations rather than by playing a pre-rendered video, and with RxSwift, we easily tweaked it to perfection.

8 minute readContinue Reading
EngineeringIcon ChevronMobile

Working With Static Patterns: A Swift MVVM Tutorial

By Lucas van Dongen

Real-time data-driven apps create new challenges in the way we structure our programs, especially on mobile. In this article, Toptal Freelance iOS Developer Lucas van Dongen implements an iOS chat app, comparing the classic MVC approach with a static immutable MVVM pattern.

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EngineeringIcon ChevronMobile

Collusion: Nearby Device Networking with MultipeerConnectivity in iOS

By Ben Gottlieb

Traditionally, connecting devices for peer-to-peer communications has been a tedious task: An application needs to discover what’s around it, open connections on both sides, and then maintain them as network infrastructure, connections, distances, etc. Realizing the difficulties inherent in these activities, in iOS 7 and macOS 10.10 Apple introduced its MultipeerConnectivity framework. Join Toptal Freelance iOS Developer Ben Gottlieb as he explains what MultipeerConnectivity is, and teaches us how to use it.

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EngineeringIcon ChevronMobile

iOS Continuous Integration with Xcode Server Explained

By Nemanja Stošić

Continuous integration using nothing but Apple tools used to be tedious and time-consuming. This changed with the launch of Xcode 9.0 last September. In this article, Toptal iOS Developer Nemanja Stosic explains how you can harness the potential of new Xcode features to streamline iOS development.

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EngineeringIcon ChevronBack-end

Haxe: Cross-platform Development’s Best-kept Secret

By Kevin Bloch

The modern, cross-platform programming language Haxe is well-known in some circles, yet many developers have never heard of it. Since it first appeared in 2005, it's been battle-tested by its loyal—if rather quiet—following. In this article, Toptal Freelance Software Engineer Kevin Bloch explores the Haxe ecosystem and how to transpile some sample code.

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EngineeringIcon ChevronMobile

React Native Beginners Tutorial—A Cold Dive

By Johannes Stein

The development of cross-platform mobile applications has always been a source of many challenges. Although tools like Apache Cordova and Haxe do solve some of the associated issues, they are still not the ideal solution in many cases. React Native changes that by providing the power of React.js for mobile platforms and a promise of consistent developer experience across multiple platforms.

15 minute readContinue Reading
EngineeringIcon ChevronMobile

Apache Cordova Tutorial: Developing Mobile Applications with Cordova

By Filip Petkovski

Mobile applications are creeping in. Developing for each mobile platform can be an exhaustive task, especially if resources are limited. This is where Apache Cordova comes in handy by providing a way to develop mobile applications using standard web technologies - HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. This article explores how one can get started with Apache Cordova and build mobile applications targeted at a wide range of mobile devices.

14 minute readContinue Reading

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