
Showing 64-72 of 152 results
EngineeringIcon ChevronBack-end

One-click Login With Blockchain: A MetaMask Tutorial

By Amaury M

Online users are becoming increasingly resistant to traditional email/password registration processes. One-click social logins via Facebook, Google, or GitHub are better, but they come with data privacy trade-offs. This article introduces a one-click, cryptographically-secure login flow using MetaMask, with all data stored on the app's own back-end.

13 minute readContinue Reading
EngineeringIcon ChevronBack-end

The Comprehensive Guide to JavaScript Design Patterns

By Marko Mišura

As a good JavaScript developer, you strive to write clean, healthy, and maintainable code. While you solve interesting and unique challenges, you’ve likely found that you’re often writing code that looks similar to the code for an entirely different problem you’ve handled before. You may not know it, but you’ve used a design pattern.

22 minute readContinue Reading
EngineeringIcon ChevronBack-end

Asynchronous JavaScript: From Callback Hell to Async and Await

By Demir Selmanovic

Asynchronous programming used to be a challenge even for seasoned professionals, leading to aptly named phenomena like Callback Hell. In this article, Toptal JavaScript Developer Demir Selmanovic explains how async functions took us out of purgatory and why you should be using them.

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EngineeringIcon ChevronTechnology

Front-end Frameworks: Solutions or Bloated Problems?

By Juan Carlos Arias Ambriz

Modern front-end frameworks constantly require you to download an entire development environment, complete with dependencies, and compile your code before even trying to view it on your browser. Is this something good? Is it the problem we are building more complex sites, or the frameworks are complex on their on own and they introduce an unnecessary level of complexity.

14 minute readContinue Reading
EngineeringIcon ChevronWeb Front-end

Test-driven React.js Development: React.js Unit Testing with Enzyme and Jest

By Alonso Ayala Ortega

Any piece of code that has no tests is said to be legacy code according to Michael Feathers. Therefore, one of the best ways to avoid creating legacy code is using test-driven development (TDD). While there are many tools available to create unit tests in JavaScript, in this post, we will use Jest and Enzyme to create a React.js component with basic functionality using TDD.

7 minute readContinue Reading
EngineeringIcon ChevronWeb Front-end

Angular Change Detection and the OnPush Strategy

By Ahmet Shapiro-Erciyas

Out of the box, Angular provides two different change detection strategies: Default and OnPush. Each strategy has its own advantages, but sometimes it is easy to miss a nifty optimization opportunity if you stick to the default strategy. In this article, Toptal Freelance Software Engineer Ahmet Shapiro-Erciyas walks us through the available change detection strategies and shows how to use them in any Angular project.

6 minute readContinue Reading
EngineeringIcon ChevronWeb Front-end

Angular 4 Forms: Validation and Nesting

By Igor Geshoski

Validating user inputs is an essential part of any robust web application. Angular 4 makes it especially easy for both template-driven and reactive forms. In this article, Toptal Freelance Angular Developer Igor Geshoski walks us through the different approaches in Angular 4 form validation and shows how even complex form validation can be done easily.

25+ minute readContinue Reading
EngineeringIcon ChevronWeb Front-end

How to Choose the Best Front-end Framework

By Giorgi Bakradze

No single front-end framework will fit every web project. Compare React, Vue.js, Angular, and Ember.js so you can choose the best one for your needs.

11 minute readContinue Reading
EngineeringIcon ChevronWeb Front-end

A How-to Guide to SVG Animation

By Juan Calou

The advantages of SVG on the web go beyond producing resolution-independent graphics. With a little CSS and JavaScript, you can apply cool animations and effects to your front end without requiring the user to install bulky plugins.

7 minute readContinue Reading

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